You Are My Gravity

Chapter 210

Just now is just now, now is now. I've said that I didn't like that boy for a long time. Of course, it's not for nothing!

Ji chenxuan, who Gu Jingyuan kept, used him to restrain old lady Gu.

He won't kill him, otherwise, it's too boring.


He wanted to let the old lady know that Gu Jingyuan was the only one who could cover the sky with one hand.

The old lady's glorious years had long been overthrown by him in the sewer, and she could never turn over again.

Gu Zhixin's laughter came over: "I said, brother, how can you talk empty words? Don't worry, our own old cousin, I'm embarrassed to do anything wrong with him..."

Gu Jingyuan thought Gu Zhixin was going to hang up soon, but he didn't hang up. Instead, he faltered and asked, "brother, I'll ask you something!"

Gu Jingyuan: "say!"

Gu Zhixin hesitated for a long time before he said, "that's how you It's my sister-in-law... "

Gu Jingyuan

Gu Zhixin knew that his brother had played a lot of tricks before he hooked up with his sister-in-law.

But he still doesn't know the specific operation.

Gu Zhixin was looking forward to his brother's "teaching", but he only got one sentence: "you can't learn, it's too difficult."

Gu Zhixin of course refused: "if you don't talk about it, how can you know that I can't learn?"

"It's good to be able to send out the first kiss at this age by your intelligence. Don't ask for more!"

Gu Zhixin: "Hello, brother, you..."

Dududu ~

when his mobile phone was hung up, Gu Zhixin threw it in anger.

"Just rely on yourself, dazzle what..."

Song Yizhi agreed very much and nodded: "yes, he is really not a thing. His name says that if love doesn't abuse dogs, it will lose a lot of meaning. Ha ha, listen, is that what people say?"

Gu Zhixin covered the wound on his forehead and breathed in pain,

he was surrounded by a group of aunts, and his ears were full of heartless men, scum men

No matter how to explain, it's useless. Gu Zhixin can break through and beat them all.


A bunch of aunts!

Forget it, bear it!

Finally, Gu Zhixin could only bite his teeth and admit that he said yes, I'm a heartbreaker. I know I'm wrong. I'm going to chase my girlfriend right away. Oh, I can't let her have an abortion. I ask her to forgive me and treat her and her baby well in the future.

In this way, Gu Zhixin got away, but his forehead was broken by an aunt's vegetable basket.

Just passing by the hospital, he came to song Yizhi and asked him to bandage it.

One of Song Yi's faces was treacherous and asked Gu Zhixin with a smile: "do you want to know how your brother depends on your sister-in-law?"

"You know?"


So song Yizhi tells Gu Zhixin all the shameless good things Gu Jingyuan asked him to do.

Gu Zhixin shook his head again and again: "awesome Great, my brother is insidious and cunning. He is really My sister-in-law is so pathetic... "

"I see him clearly..." Song Yizhi stretched and picked up his mobile phone. He didn't know what he was looking at.

Until Gu Zhixin heard the familiar voice, he raised his head, "what are you looking at?"

"I recently fell in love with an anchor. It's really good-looking. I've been searching her video recently. You can see how beautiful it is, especially the little mouth. It's so attractive..." One of Song Yi's faces is obsessed.

Gu Zhixin: "ha ha, you can't kiss me."

"It's like you can kiss me. It's true..."

Gu Zhixin said coldly, "you're right. I've been there more than once!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!