You Are My Gravity

Chapter 209

Old lady Gu's face was blue and white. She said angrily, "if you dare to move chenxuan, your Qin se, I won't let her marry into Gu's family safely."

Ji chenxuan is what she looks at to grow up, although grow up is really not promising.

However, after all, Mrs. Gu has feelings for her grandson.

Gu Jingyuan raised his eyebrows: "that's good. I'll wait to see grandma's good way. You must not let me down."

It's about Qin se. In this matter, Gu Jingyuan will never give in.

It's hard to say. Even if she can't be quiet, she'll die of old age, but she won't die in advance!

Gu Jingyuan knew that his grandmother was old, but he didn't want to be old. He always wanted to control him as he had controlled Gu huaizhang before.

But is it possible?

One is a sheep growing up in a greenhouse.

One is a lion who grew up after going through the wind and rain outside!

Gu Meiyun is frightened when she is listening in. Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin are a pair of jackals. Don't really touch her son.

Just at this time, Gu Jingyuan swept Gu Meiyun: "aunt, I advise you not to waste your time here. Go home early to pack up your things and get ready to go to the hospital to take care of your son. Zhixin is always diligent and never lazy. What I tell you is always done quickly!"

Gu Meiyun trembled with fright and grasped old lady Gu's arm tightly: "Ma, look at him..."

Mrs. Gu was also worried. She wanted to be windy for most of her life. At that time, her old man didn't control her. She thought that even if she died in caring for her family, she would say nothing. But who would have thought that she would be so disobedient to her if she killed a Gu Jingyuan and took all her rights.

Old lady Gu coughed angrily: "Gu Jingyuan, that's your cousin If you touch him, I I died in front of the gujia group building. I want everyone to know that you forced your grandmother to death... "

Gu Jingyuan disdains, has no way, then comes to cry two make three hang the drama.

He still said, "as I said, his surname is Gu."

"Jingyuan, I'm your aunt. That's my son and your cousin. How can you treat him like this? You don't have many brothers in your family. Chenxuan is your brother. You should support each other in the future..."

Gu Jingyuan thinks to this kind of thinking, "you are to know new, that kid, hate Ji chenxuan most, start to have no weight, if really move what thing on your son's body, I apologize for you first."

Gu Meiyun's body trembled and trembled at the thought of Gu Zhixin.

She grabbed the old lady and whispered, "Mom, don't let chenxuan have an accident. That's my only son. You love him so much..."

The old lady gritted her teeth and said, "Jingyuan, it was grandma who talked too much just now. You We have something to say, your marriage, I Don't interfere, will you? "

Gu Jingyuan smiles, picks up his mobile phone and calls Gu Zhixin.

"Zhixin, after all, is a family member and your cousin. Let him go."

Hang up the phone, Gu Jingyuan said: "grandma, aunt, I have to accompany Qin Se and mother-in-law, go first."

However, out of the door, Gu Jingyuan called Gu Zhixin again.

"Brother, I've sharpened my knife. Do you want to chop it?"

Gu Jingyuan got on the bus, "of course, I have to chop. If I say something, I don't count when."

"Just now..."

Gu Jingyuan sneered: "don't let people know that it's you. On the surface, you should take good care of your cousins. In private Of course, we can't let him go. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!