Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 984

In the blacksmith\'s house, the old blacksmith smoked the dry smoke. Li Luoyang sat leisurely at the wooden table, and looked at the old blacksmith with a smile on his face. "Old fellow old fellow, wait till we leave, and you will wait here. I will come back to pick you up in the near future."

The old fellow Smiths a thick smoke and lifted his hand. "Don\'t worry, don\'t worry. I know the danger. If you can\'t move away from time and opportunity, don\'t care about me. Shi Xiu is really filial, but he still doesn\'t understand my intention. I\'m old and there\'s not much time left. He should live the life he wants, not be implicated by me, and I don\'t want to be a burden to him."

Li Luoyang smiled and then said slowly: "Needless to say, people always say that there is a dilemma between loyalty and righteousness. That\'s because the starting points and positions of loyalty and righteousness are different, and the situation between you and Shi Xiu brothers is different. You all stand in front of righteousness and have a righteous heart to act for heaven. Shi Xiu decides to join Liangshanpo, and you also support it very much. Therefore, there is no dilemma between you. You just need to get together It will take some time. I don\'t mind helping you. "

"Thanks to Luoyang\'s help, it must be a good thing that I can go down with that boy. If I can\'t, I won\'t ask."

Li Luoyang nodded: "I understand. When things are finished, we\'ll leave. Shi Xiu and other brothers of Liangshanpo go to the Yang family to escape. It\'s estimated that they won\'t have a chance to go back to the blacksmith house again. Your father and son will be separated for some time. Does the old master want me to bring Shi Xiu anything?"

The old fellow smugly, frowning, and then waved, "no, all said is already said, and the rest of the road is his own."

Just after that, a secret signal knocked on the wooden door. Li Luoyang opened the door with a smile. Wu Xinyi returned to the blacksmith\'s house. Li Luoyang smiled and asked, "how are they? Are they all settled?"

"Well, settle down. I have communicated with the Yang family according to your method. From their attitude, I can feel their trust in you. The people in Liangshanpo have been arranged to the Yang family\'s secret room. Except for a few people who know it, others don\'t know that the Yang family still has a secret room, so you don\'t have to worry about security."

Li Luoyang poured tea for Wu Xinyi, then smiled and said, "that\'s good. It seems that the Yang family is something I can trust." Li Luoyang also wants to use Liangshanpo to hide in the Yang family to see if the Yang family is really willing to share weal and woe with themselves, even if they stand on the opposite side of the imperial court. At this time, they have done so and done it thoroughly, which makes Li Luoyang feel at ease.

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s smiling face, Wu Xinyi blushed and said slowly, "I think people trust you. They trust their own family. You are already the son-in-law of the Yang family named by Yang Zhen. Who won\'t help you?" In this contact with Yang Yanwen, Wu Xinyi obviously felt Yang Yanwen\'s hostility to herself. It was a battle between women, which put pressure on Wu Xinyi, that is jealousy.

"Son in law? That\'s what Yang Zhen said himself. I didn\'t promise." Hearing what Wu Xinyi said, Li Luoyang was worried. He didn\'t say that he still had big things to do. His mother was still trapped in the Lin family. He didn\'t want to talk about children\'s and children\'s love. There was a Wu Xinyi around him who hadn\'t been done yet. There was still a mind to pay attention to other girls. Secondly, Li Luoyang had never seen the real face of Yang Yanwen. He didn\'t want to become someone else\'s son-in-law 。

"People don\'t care whether you answer or not, Yang Yanwen also acquiesced to your identity."

"Don\'t! What can I do? It\'s impossible to avoid it in the future? It\'s a pity to throw away the relationship that I\'ve established. I came to Lingnan city for the first time. It\'s convenient for the Yang family to establish a cooperative relationship secretly. You know, I need my own power. The Yang family is obviously the best goal, and it\'s almost the same now. Do I really want to be crazy because of this wine Abandon? "

Li Luoyang seems a little unwilling. After all, it is extremely difficult to find his own forces in this era. Otherwise, Li Luoyang will not let Li Guo carry out force construction separately from himself. The current attitude of the Yang family has explained everything. Standing on Li Luoyang\'s side, if Li Luoyang gives up this cooperation because of his love for children, how can Li Luoyang be willing.

"I didn\'t let you give up. Anyway, people\'s parents are good. You can\'t afford to lose." Wu Xinyi glared at Li Luoyang.

"Good looking? Are you beautiful?"

"Go away, no serious."

The two fell into silence, but Wu Xinyi asked in a low voice, "for example, if she is more beautiful than me, are you willing to accept the identity of the Yang family\'s son-in-law?"

Looking at Wu Xinyi\'s rare shyness, Li Luoyang laughed wildly: "hahaha, are you jealous now? Are you worried that I will really become the son-in-law of the Yang family?"


"Don\'t worry. I don\'t think anyone can be more beautiful than you. Besides, I just have a cooperative relationship with Yang Yanwen. There is no intersection and no emotional foundation. How can I marry her? You are different. We have known each other for a long time. We have experienced so many storms together, but our feelings are very stable, not to mention I have met my parents."

Hearing Li Luoyang\'s words, Wu Xinyi blushed: "you... Bah, who, who took you to meet your parents? You\'re nonsense."

"You didn\'t take me, but I took the initiative to see Wu Tian. I think they like me very much, treat me very well, and don\'t take me as an outsider. That doesn\'t explain the problem?"

Wu Xinyi raised her hand and slapped Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang was beaten and looked like a golden star: "Shit, you should change your temper. If you marry my Li family in the future, you should learn my mother\'s way of being a woman. It\'s not a good thing to beat your husband all the time. I\'m just telling you the truth. I\'ve seen your parents, and you\'ve seen my mother too. Has my mother not taken you as an outsider for a long time?"

"Do you still say?" Wu Xinyi raised her hand and rushed to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang immediately ran around the wooden table: "Hey, are you going to murder your husband? If I have something wrong, your father will not let you go. He likes me very much."

"Li Luoyang! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will castrate you today."

"No, I still want to have children with you. You won\'t be happy after castrating me."

Wu Xinyi stamped her feet angrily, took out the soft sword at her waist and waved it at Li Luoyang.

The old fellow of old quarrelsome lovers looked at the scene with embarrassment. Wu Xinyi was making trouble, Li Luoyang was laughing, and a pair of happy old fellow felt the deep love for the old blacksmith. "Ah, young is good, forget it, I\'ll go to the inner room."

Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi did not notice the old fellow who could not bear it. They had quit from the two honey like frolic.