Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 983

Back to her room, aunt Hong looked unhappy. Huang Ying, who had been waiting, asked suspiciously, "what\'s the matter? Did you suffer a loss?"

"That\'s not true, but every time I see the pig\'s face, I turn my stomach, and I have to talk and laugh at him, which makes me hate." aunt Hong naturally refers to Zhou Ren. In terms of Zhou Ren\'s appearance, the pig\'s face is not exaggerated at all. The fat mouth and nose is also greasy. In addition, it is really similar to a pig, such as the stomach in August.

"Hahaha, it\'s hard for you, but just because you can control such people, the headquarters saw your ability. After hanging him for so many years, he has never succeeded. That\'s your ability, which others can\'t do." Huang Ying knows that Aunt Hong\'s contribution over the years has not only strengthened the merchant Federation in Lingnan city, She has also used various means to attract many talents and contacts. The most important thing is that while doing so much, aunt Hong can keep her pure body, which is very rare in troubled times.

You can also see Aunt Hong\'s exquisite ability from the side.

"Thank you, miss. Your account has been completed. I need the certificate of the cargo ship."

Huang Ying took out the certificate from her arms and handed it to Aunt Hong: "this ship is full of our goods."

"All of them?" aunt Hong seemed a little surprised. If so many fake goods could be sold with advanced drugs, the income would be amazing.

Huang Ying smiled and said: "This is a collection of all the rotten goods and fake goods from the headquarters of the merchants\' Federation. It takes a lot of financial, material and time to collect statistics. Every few years, the headquarters will integrate the rotten goods stored by all the urban merchants\' federations, and then resell these activities with our strength. The headquarters received a full income of 10 million taels of gold last time."

"So much?"

"This time there will only be more than last time, so the headquarters also attaches great importance to it. You did a good job. I believe the headquarters will be satisfied."

"Thank you, miss. I\'ll give the certificate to Zhou Ren tomorrow. He has promised me that he will board our ship for inspection in person."

Huang Ying frowned and asked in a low voice, "is it reliable? There are fake drugs on board, so she can\'t afford a little inspection."

"Don\'t worry, he said. He won\'t check and directly give the captain access certificate and high cargo pricing."

With Hongshi\'s affirmative answer, Huang Ying smiled at ease. At this time, an attendant\'s voice came from outside the door: "the head of the family, someone is looking for you."

Aunt Hong frowned and looked at Huang Ying: "who else will come to me at this time?"

"Take a look first." Huang Ying immediately hid in a secret room.

"Let him in."

The door was pushed open. Aunt Hong recognized it at a glance. It was the bartender Zhang Yue trusted most. When the bartender saw aunt Hong, he immediately said, "aunt Hong is in charge of the house. I\'m Zhang Yue\'s hand."

"I know, it\'s so late. Did you come to me? Something happened to Zhang Yue?" looking at the bartender who suddenly appeared and didn\'t see Zhang Yue, aunt Hong expected that something must have happened to Zhang Yue and asked the bartender to come to her.

The bartender nodded hurriedly and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "well, Huang Wen and Huang Wen of the six doors surrounded the Fengyue building with government soldiers, barracks soldiers and the people of the six doors."

Aunt Hong immediately stood up and asked in surprise, "what! Why are they?" aunt Hong didn\'t know what had happened. She didn\'t expose Zhang Qiong. Zhang Yue wouldn\'t be foolish enough to tell the people of liumen that he killed Zhang Qiong, but it wasn\'t Zhang Qiong. Aunt Hong really didn\'t understand why the two brothers Huang Wen and Huang Wu surrounded the Fengyue building.

The bartender whispered, "before I came, Huang Wen said that they had received reliable information. The people of Liangshanpo were hiding in the Fengyue building at this time, so Huang Wen and Huang Wu led a team to arrest and catch all the people in the Fengyue building outside the door."

Hearing the bartender\'s explanation, aunt Hong was even more confused: "the people in Liangshanpo are in the Fengyue building? Who said that?"

"I don\'t know. It seems that Huang Wu got the news from somewhere. Aunt Hong is in charge. Boss Zhang Yue asked me to tell you. If he has any accident, please help."

Aunt Hong waved her hand, frowned and whispered, "I know. Go back first and tell Zhang Yue that as long as the people of Liangshanpo are not in his Fengyue building, he will be fine."


"I said, you go first. Don\'t you understand the truth? If Huang Wen and Huang Wuzhen find the people of Liangshanpo in the Fengyue building, no one can save you. There are still so many people hiding the key criminals of the imperial court. Ten months of head cutting is not enough. You\'re not a fool. You won\'t take in the people of Liangshanpo, let alone help him, so he should be fine."

After being scolded by Aunt Hong, the bartender reluctantly bowed her head and withdrew from the door. Huang Ying came to Aunt Hong and her face was full of doubts: "how did the people of Liangshanpo go to Fengyue building? Who gave the news to Huang Wu?"

Aunt Hong shook her head and frowned: "I don\'t know why she aimed the spear at Zhang Yue. At this time, only Yang Yanwen of the Yang family has a festival for Zhang Yue in Lingnan City, but she won\'t be stupid enough to tell the news. After all, if this kind of thing is not from the Yang family, who has a grudge against Zhang Yue?"

"There are many people who hate Zhang Yue in Lingnan City, but I don\'t know who has the courage to tease the six doors, or... The news is true?"

"Miss, if the two brothers Huang Wen and Huang Wu really find the people of Liangshanpo in the Fengyue building, it will be troublesome. Today, we made it public that the cooperation between Yihua building and Fengyue building began. In the evening, we announced that Fengyue building harbors important criminals of the imperial court, which will make the people of six doors find a reason to seal our Yihua building."

"As you said just now, Zhang Yue is not a fool, and he has no reason to do so. What do you think is the probability of finding Liangshanpo in Fengyue building?"

Aunt Hong frowned and said helplessly: "I\'m afraid that the people in Liangshanpo sneaked into Fengyue building, but Zhang Yue didn\'t know it. Huang Wen and Huang Wu are not good stubbles. Their income is not high, but their expenses are very large. For so many years, they also stare at the black market of Fengyue building casino and our Yihua building. They had no chance to be restrained by Zhang Qiong before, but now it\'s different. Zhang Qiong disappears. Once they find Zhang Yue\'s handle, they will naturally fall into the well against Zhang Yue Under the stone, even if Zhang Yue doesn\'t know, they will deal with him according to harboring the court\'s key criminals. "

"Are you afraid of implicating Yihua building?"


"Immediately send someone to the Fengyue building to see what the result is. If they really find the people in Liangshanpo, a fierce battle is inevitable. If the Fengyue building is as calm as usual, your worry will naturally disappear."

Aunt Hong nodded without hesitation and immediately arranged for someone to go to Fengyue building to inquire. She didn\'t want to make any mistakes at this critical time, especially anything that prevented her from becoming the head of Luoyang City merchants Federation.