Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 970

In the Yang family hall, the huge space was empty. At this time, the servant girls and servants had returned to their respective rooms for rest. Uncle Yang came to a wooden frame full of antiques. After turning one of the vases, the ground of the lobby began to make bursts of noise, and then a passage to the underground appeared in front of the people.

When the passage is opened, the candles on both sides of the wall are lit by themselves, which is the long-term lights used in many tombs.

Changming lamp is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient people. It has become a new combustion auxiliary raw material by mixing phosphorus with some sustainable combustion raw materials in a certain proportion. This raw material has a feature that it can burn continuously for many times, but then it will go out.

The reason why it gives people a feeling of eternal brightness for thousands of years is that this kind of raw material has been closed after the air is burned out in the tomb chamber. After the tomb chamber or channel is opened again, the filled air has a chemical reaction with the combustion raw materials, and the combustion will start again.

So after the secret room passage was opened, the lights on the wall lit up by themselves.

They followed Uncle yang to the passage, passed through several bends, and finally came to a huge space. They didn\'t expect that there was such a large space under the Yang family residence.

Uncle Yang smiled and said, "this was originally the place where the Yang family hid wine. When it was intoxicating wine or tribute wine, it was full of intoxicating wine. Even so, it was in short supply, but now this room is idle. As for other rooms, there are master\'s money and some martial Arts scripts. I hope you don\'t walk around."

Lin Chong said slowly after saluting with his fist: "don\'t worry, we are not people who don\'t understand the rules. Thanks to the help of the Yang family, we are grateful. How can we make the behavior of walking without permission."

Uncle Yang smiled and said, "I\'ve heard a little about your feats in Lingnan city these days. Only you dare to do such a thing for your brothers. I admire you."

But Lin Chong said with a serious face: "housekeeper Yang is admired by someone Lin. as the housekeeper of the Yang family, he is proficient in intelligence, good at camouflage and excellent martial arts. It\'s not easy that he hasn\'t been noticed by lingnancheng government and liumen for so many years."

Uncle Yang frowned and then asked with a smile, "I don\'t know what brother Lin Chong meant by these words?"

"To tell you the truth, I have been to the Yang family before and had a meeting with senior Yang Zhen. At that time, I came to the Yang family with housekeeper Yang. Then I learned that you were worried that the jade pendant was robbed by Zhang Yue and wanted to help the Luoyang brothers secretly. Since senior Yang Zhen can send you to the scene, he has enough confidence in your ability. Who are you?"

Wu Xinyi smiled and said: "Your sword in the sleeve just now is enough to explain the problem. Your proficiency in using the sword in the sleeve is enough to show that you are a good assassin. There are generally two kinds of people. The first is a professional assassin, and the Yang family obviously doesn\'t need such a person, while the other is a person specially responsible for collecting intelligence. They often need to master the skills of assassination, camouflage and so on However, the fact that the Yang family can understand what is happening in Lingnan city at any time naturally shows that they have their own intelligence organization, and you are the leader. "

Uncle Yang clapped his hands and said with a smile: "The people around Mr. Li are all capable and different people. Just once, you can get my identity from my behavior. The girl is right. I have been with the master for many years. Obviously, I am just the housekeeper of the Yang family, but in fact, I am the master\'s intelligence officer and serve the Yang family all my life, so you don\'t have to worry about my identity."

Uncle Yang knows that Wu Xinyi and Lin Chong are just reminding uncle Yang that they know his true identity, and uncle Yang himself knows that intelligence personnel have the biggest disadvantage, that is, it is difficult to win the trust of others.

At this time, a rough and crazy laughter came. Yang Zhen came to the secret room with his head held high. Looking at the people in front of him, he said with a smile: "it\'s the first time for me to contact so many Liangshan heroes under Yang Zhen."

Lin Chong took the lead in saluting Yang Zhen. Regardless of his seniority or age, Yang Zhen is undoubtedly an elder of everyone present: "elder Yang, we meet again."

After returning the gift, Yang Zhen smiled and patted Lin Chong on the shoulder: "you\'re welcome. You\'re all Li Luoyang\'s brothers. Naturally, you\'re also my Yang Zhen\'s friends. You\'re all my brothers. There\'s no need to see it outside. The ground is wet and cold. I\'ve asked the servant girl to prepare a quilt for you. It\'ll be delivered in a minute."

Chaijin immediately said, "elder Yang Zhen, dare you ask if this servant girl is reliable?"

"His name is Xiaoqing. He is Yan Wen\'s personal servant girl since childhood. He is also the only servant who knows my Yang family\'s secret room. Don\'t worry."

Chaijin was relieved and said with a smile, "that\'s good."

"I know the seriousness of this matter. If your whereabouts are known by Huang Wen and Huang Wu of six doors, our Yang family will be doomed, so I\'m more nervous than you. Sit down." Yang Zhen sat cross legged on the spot, and the people also sat down. The huge space was empty, not even stools. Naturally, the party could only sit on the ground. Although the conditions were poor, it was at least safe here. Compared with the exposed blacksmith house, it was completely an unknown secret.

With a smile on his face, Yang Zhen took out a wine bottle from his arms: "I brewed it myself, please try it?" Yang Zhen naturally wanted to see what kind of wine he brewed through Li Luoyang\'s immortal drunkenness secret recipe for Yang Yanwen. Anyway, after he tried it himself, he felt that the intoxicating wine he was proud of was nothing at all.

Before Lin Chong and others refused, Yang Zhen opened the bottle.

"The immortal is drunk!"

The surprised echo echoed in the empty space. People in Liangshanpo didn\'t expect that Yang Zhen\'s so-called wine made by himself would be immortal drunk. Chaijin swallowed his saliva and asked with a puzzled look: "dare you ask elder Yang, is this wine made by yourself?"

Yang Zhen said with a smile: "I know what you want to say? Do you want to ask me why the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness is in my hand? To tell you the truth, Luoyang brothers have established a cooperative relationship with our Yang family, and immortal drunkenness is what we cooperate with."

Yang Zhen is not afraid of Liangshanpo people to know. After all, it is not a secret for Liangshanpo people. In addition, Liangshanpo is not their business competitor. At this time, he is also Li Luoyang\'s "subordinate", so he has no concerns.

Wu Xinyi, who had already known the whole story, was not surprised. She just smiled and said to Yang Zhen, "master Yang Zhen is really good at brewing. In just a few days, immortals can be drunk."

Yang Zhen shook his head awkwardly and said with a smile, "it\'s just that the brewing time is not up, so I can\'t wait to try. Even if it\'s only a semi-finished product, it\'s 100 times stronger than my intoxicating wine."