Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 969

Lin Chong sat in the corner. He didn\'t participate in the previous debate between Chaijin and Huarong, but slightly closed his eyes and waited. At this time, everyone focused on him. Lin Chong said slowly: "before we left, the military division did explain to try every means to win over the Luoyang brothers, but at this time... I think we should respect him and let him choose."

Hearing Lin Chong\'s words, Hua Rong smiled: "it\'s worthy of being a leopard head. Being honest and upright!" Hua Rong didn\'t like Chai Jin\'s remarks before. After all, if Li Luoyang hadn\'t led the team, his life would have died on the execution ground. In addition, Hua Rong was once a member of the army and paid more attention to friendship than ordinary people, Chaijin\'s proposed plan is undoubtedly similar to betraying Li Luoyang, which Hua Rong can\'t accept at all.

Chai Jin looked puzzled and asked, "brother Lin Chong? Why are you doing this?" Chai Jin didn\'t expect Lin Chong to make such a decision. After all, he thought Lin Chong was the calmest among the people except him. Chai Jin did this to complete the explanation of military division Wu Yong, and second, for the future of Liangshanpo. If his previous assumptions become a reality, Liangshanpo will only become a stepping stone for others in the end.

Lin Chong stared at Chaijin with an expressionless face: "I think we can only disobey the order of the military division. The Luoyang brothers do not want to join us. We can\'t force people to be difficult. Brother Hua Rong was right. We went to Liangshan because we were forced. Unlike the Luoyang brothers, he doesn\'t have to be a bandit like us. If we calculate him and force him, do you think it\'s his fault If he knew we betrayed him, what would be the result? I thought the result was your previous worry, and it might be more serious. "

Lin Chong stood up slowly: "If I were brother Luoyang, I knew that the person I tried my best to help betrayed me, and I joined Liangshan as you wish, then I would secretly retaliate. Contact Li Guo and Wu Xinyi to commit crimes and meritorious deeds to the imperial court, destroy Liangshan and make Liangshan stand barren. I believe brother Luoyang can do it. He is a beast. Don\'t touch his scales, or the consequences will be unbearable Think. "

Hearing Lin Chong\'s analysis, Chaijin found himself speechless. If he really acted according to Chaijin\'s plan and deliberately leaked the relationship between Li Luoyang and Liangshanpo, Li Luoyang would surely notice that Li Luoyang\'s Revenge would only be more violent at that time.

Lin Chong patted Chaijin on the shoulder and said slowly: "We can only treat each other sincerely with Luoyang brothers. Only when we become his friends can Liangshanpo go further. Have you forgotten the most important thing? Luoyang brothers will sooner or later because his mother is in opposition to the imperial court. As for Li Guo in the military camp, I think all his actions are arranged by Luoyang brothers. I don\'t know the specific reason, but we believe it must be for the sake of Their mother. "

Chai Jin suddenly realized: "yes, anyway, Li Luoyang will stand opposite the imperial court in the final outcome. The enemy of the imperial court is naturally our friend."

"So I said you\'d better not implement the plan of the military division. If you completely offend the Luoyang brothers, the end will be more tragic." Lin Chong smiled rarely. At this time, the door of the Yang family slowly opened. Wu Xinyi quickly drilled out of the door and went straight to the village.

"Come on, Yang Yanwen has promised to let you hide in Yang\'s house."

Lin Chong asked with a serious face, "Miss Xinyi, are you reliable? Although we know this is the arrangement of Luoyang brothers, after all, we know very little about the Yang family. If someone leaks the secret in his family, we will all be destroyed. Based on the reward for our heads, this is an irresistible reward." Lin Chong naturally has the same worry as others. They unconditionally believe in Li Luoyang, but that doesn\'t mean they believe in the Yang family.

Wu Xinyi whispered, "I have talked with Yang Yanwen according to Luoyang\'s instructions. There should be no problem, and the people of the Yang family are not fools. If you dare to help you now, you will undoubtedly kill yourself. In order to keep their Yang family, they should be more worried than you that your whereabouts will be leaked."

Lin Chong nodded and then said to Wu Xinyi, "please lead the way, Miss Xinyi."

Wu Xinyi took the people out of the village and put the corpses she had been carrying on her shoulders. This is also the account of Li Luoyang. These corpses really have no place to hide, so Li Luoyang decided to let the people of Liangshanpo sneak into the Yang family with the corpses and deal with the corpses secretly in the Yang family. In this way, the gods will not know.

When he knocked on the door of the Yang family, uncle Yang had already been waiting inside the door. This was the first time he had been close to face-to-face with the people in Liangshanpo. He recognized Lin Chong behind Wu Xinyi at a glance: "dare you ask, but Lin Chong, the leader of the 700000 forbidden army?"

Lin Chong saluted with a fist and bowed his head and said, "it\'s me."

"Please come in, please come in." Uncle Yang immediately took the people to the hall. Wu Xinyi said at this time: "housekeeper Yang, these bodies still need to be treated by you. There was a battle with these soldiers before. There was not enough time to deal with the bodies, so we had to take them to the Yang family together."

I thought this rude request would be rejected. Unexpectedly, uncle Yang smiled and said, "it\'s just a few bodies. I\'ll deal with them later. Don\'t worry. Make sure God doesn\'t know. Put the bodies in the living room and I\'ll take you to the secret room."

"Chamber of secrets?"

Uncle Yang smiled and explained to the crowd: "Miss, I\'m afraid you\'re afraid of being a villain in the Yang family. In order to reassure you, I specially made clear the secret room of the Yang family. Except for a few people here, I don\'t know its existence. You can rest assured to hide here. Even if the people of the six doors come to the door, they won\'t find you."

After listening to Uncle Yang\'s words, everyone was really relieved. Lin Chong\'s worries had dissipated. After all, everyone would worry that there would be villains in the Yang family. No one knew what the other party was thinking. Just like Li Luoyang, Chaijin\'s plan would almost lose all his carefully planned plans in his life.

If the imperial court really knew that the person in charge of the operation was Li Luoyang, Li Luoyang would not want to go back to Luoyang city again, and Lin Luoshui might be involved. Fortunately, Lin Chong calmly analyzed the situation, which avoided the outcome of Li Luoyang\'s "betrayal".

Wu Xinyi nodded and asked, "housekeeper Yang, I don\'t know if we can go in and out of the Yang family\'s secret room freely, because we still have something to deal with outside." Wu Xinyi naturally refers to the matter that Lin Chong and Chai go in to the water transport supervisor to steal the shipping certificate. If they are locked in the secret room and can\'t go out, how can we carry out the plan arranged by Li Luoyang.

"Girl, please rest assured that the secret room can be opened inside and outside. You can leave at any time. No one will restrict your freedom. However, please be careful when you leave. Don\'t let others see your existence."