Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 922

Huang Wen impolitely lifted the teapot, poured it into the cup, and stared at Mo Jiao with a look of listening to the play.

Mo Jiao said in a helpless whisper, "Li Luoyang is not old, looks average, is a head taller than me, has a smooth tongue and a smooth tongue. He looks like an ignorant child, but this guy is very cunning. He is completely an old fox. He cooperates with Ouyang Wenjun to run this shop called Wenjun Yazhu in Luoyang City."

Huang Wen nodded and said, "yes, yes, my friend\'s immortal drunk was bought from there. Wen Jun Yazhu." at this time, Huang Wen\'s appearance and state were almost a plate of melon seeds.

Mo Jiao continued with a black face: "he is the son of Lin Luoshui of the Lin family. In addition, he brewed immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu. He has a great reputation. Many dignitaries want to know, including Sima Yingming. My father has been secretly protecting Li Luoyang at the request of aunt Lin Luoshui, so naturally he has something to do with Li Luoyang."

"Wait, Lin family? Which Lin family?"

"What do you say? How many Lin families are there in Luoyang?"

"Li Luoyang is actually from the Lin family?"

"Although there is this lineage, the Lin family does not recognize Li Luoyang\'s identity. However, Li Luoyang is not far from receiving the protection of the Lin family."

Huang Wen smiled and said, "it\'s man enough and has backbone."

"Just because he has involved too many people and too many things, Luoyang has been in chaos since he disappeared. Fortunately, it has calmed down a lot now."

Huang Wen looked at Mo Jiao in surprise: "missing? Li Luoyang is missing?"

"That\'s why I came to Lingnan city. I\'ve looked for other places nearby without any clue from Li Luoyang, so we came to Lingnan city. Unexpectedly, Lingnan City arrested Hua Rong not long ago. The city was heavily guarded. I also met Zhang Qiong here. So I asked Li Luoyang not to appear in Lingnan and wanted to leave. Who knows that Hua Rong was saved by people in liangshanbo Go, Lingnan city has closed the door, and we can only wait until we open the door, so you don\'t have to doubt our purpose here. "

After listening to Mo Jiao\'s words, Huang Wen carefully analyzed it and found no flaws: "unexpectedly, he disappeared. Is there a secret recipe for immortality intoxication in Wenjun\'s elegant building?"

Mo Jiao frowned and asked seriously, "what do you want?"

"Ha ha, Miss Mo Jiao, you misunderstood. I\'m worried that the immortal drunk will disappear because of Li Luoyang\'s disappearance. Isn\'t it a pity that there is no more good wine I\'ll swallow in the world?"

"I don\'t know."

Huang Wen smiled and said to Mo Jiao, "then Miss Mo Jiao was ordered by Lord Mo Yuntian to look for the trace of Li Luoyang everywhere. When she came to Lingnan City, she was temporarily trapped here because of Hua Rong?"

"Well, that\'s right."

"Since then, please continue to rest here, and when the flower glory is finished, the gate will open naturally. Then I will send Miss Mo Jiao away personally."

Mo Jiao looked at Huang Wen suspiciously: "brother Huang Wen, I heard that the imperial court didn\'t let you six doors do this. Why are you here today?"

Huang Wen raised his mouth slightly and whispered to Mo Jiao, "tell Miss Mo Jiao a good news. Zhang Qiong, who you hate most, has disappeared at this time. The government in Lingnan city has no head. If we don\'t stand out again, the imperial court is afraid to blame us for losing our job."

"So you took over Zhang Qiong\'s power?" Mo Jiao didn\'t expect that Zhang Qiong\'s disappearance had attracted people from six doors.

"Yes, I led a team to the government this time to take over Zhang Qiong\'s power and take the government soldiers to arrest the people of Liangshanpo and Huarong rescued by them in Lingnan city. Since Miss Mo Jiao has nothing to do with this matter, I came to Lingnan city to look for people. Naturally, there was no conflict with us."

Huang Wen looked at Mo Fu and Mo Shou behind Mo Jiao, and then continued: "how are adults Mo Yuntian?"

"My father is like a young man. He is naturally in good health."

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, Lord Mo Yuntian and our Lord Chen Sheng have been fighting for so many years, and finally they didn\'t get what they wanted. But this is our chance. If the people in Liangshanpo come to our hands, Lord Mo Yuntian will be disappointed. We can only blame God. Hua Rong didn\'t appear in Luoyang City, otherwise we lord Chen Sheng can only be far away Envy and wait and see. "

Huang Wen ridiculed in a strange way. After so many years of open and secret struggle, it may come to a successful end after this action. Huang Wen inevitably appears to be swollen.

Mo Jiao said calmly with a smile: "They all work for the imperial court. Everyone who enters the headquarters is the same. They all obey the imperial court. Moreover, if you can catch the people and Hua Rong of Liangshanpo, the imperial court will naturally give you six rewards. Lord Chen Sheng\'s merit is naturally higher than my father, but the premise is that you want to catch them successfully. The other party is from Liangshanpo. I don\'t know if brother Huang Wen knows which Liang is at this time The people in shanpo saved Hua Rong? "

"It\'s not difficult. I\'ll ask Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers later."

Mo Jiao said with a smile, "don\'t be so troublesome. I can tell you now that almost all the people in Lingnan City knew when the thieves in Liangshan Park robbed the prison. As six doors, you still don\'t know each other\'s identity."

Huang Wen\'s mouth rose slightly: "as Miss Mo Jiao said before, we were not arranged by the imperial court to participate in this matter. Therefore, Lord Chen Sheng left Lingnan city in order to comply with the imperial court\'s order and accept the task. The six Gates also blocked the news. He ignored all matters of Lingnan city during this period of time, which broke the news."

"Oh? It seems that Lord Chen Sheng is really a loyal minister. Since brother Huang Wen doesn\'t know, I\'ll tell you that there are six people in Liangshanpo this time, including leopard head Lin Chong, Walker Wu Song, Hua monk Lu Zhishen, Black Whirlwind Li Kui, small whirlwind Chaijin, and one person\'s identity has not been confirmed, but I guess that the person who doesn\'t know his identity is probably Zhiduoxing Wu Yong, because the first few people don\'t know With the ability to plan, the camp captain Li Guo has made many traps, which have been solved one by one by the people in Liangshanpo, which is enough to show that there is a good man in their team, and there is no one in Liangshanpo except Wu Yong. "

Huang Wen frowned and said slowly, "I didn\'t expect Liangshanpo to send these people this time? Except Wu Yong, everyone is a man with great martial arts. In addition, there is a Huarong, which is really difficult to deal with. However, as long as the city gate is sealed, they can\'t escape. Even if their martial arts are strong, they can\'t equal all our people in Lingnan city."

"Then you have to find them first. Li Guo and Zhang Qiong took all the soldiers to search in Lingnan city before the barracks. They haven\'t been found."

"Hum, that Zhang Qiong is just a martial arts man. She is nothing but a little martial arts. Li Guo, the captain of the military camp, is not familiar with Lingnan city. What can he find? Don\'t forget that we are the people of the six gates of Lingnan city. No one knows the layout of Lingnan city better than us. As long as they are still in Lingnan City, they don\'t want to run away."