Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 921

He decided to follow Huang Wen and liumen. Some soldiers with other thoughts began to want to make contributions in a hurry. A soldier came to Huang Wen secretly, and then whispered to Huang Wen, "Lord Huang Wen, I have something to report to you."

"Tell me."

"Mo Jiao of the six gates of Luoyang city is in the backyard at this time."

Huang Wen suddenly looked surprised and stared. He grabbed the soldier\'s collar and said, "really?"

"It\'s true that there are two old men, one named Mofu... The other named, named..."

"Mo Shou?"

"Yes, it\'s called Mo Shou."

Huang Wen let go of the soldier, frowned and said to himself: "Why are they here? Mo Fu and Mo Shou are the best assistants around Mo Yuntian, and Mo Jiao is the only daughter of Mo Yuntian. At this time, Lingnan city is chaotic. What does it mean that they appear here? Is there a task? But if there is a task, the imperial court should inform us of the six Lingnan doors, not Luoyang City."

Huang Wen looked up at the soldier just now: "when did they come?"

"A few days ago, before Hua Rong was rescued, the city gate inspection was strict. When Zhang Qiong took us through the city gate, she just saw Mo Jiao and they wanted to enter the city, so Captain Zhang Qiong asked them to put down their weapons in accordance with the regulations to enter the city. Unexpectedly, Li Guo, the captain of the military camp, suddenly appeared and guaranteed them, which allowed them to carry weapons into the city."

Hearing the soldiers say this, Huang Wen burst into laughter: "Hahaha, Zhang Qiong\'s revenge for the public and private. Who among the six gates doesn\'t know that Zhang Qiong was greedy for Mo Jiao\'s beauty. Mo Yuntian refused to propose marriage many times. According to the regulations of the imperial court, the people of the six gates can enter and leave the gate at will as long as they show their tokens. Even if Lingnan was heavily guarded at that time, he would only want to embarrass Mo Jiao. But why Li Guo will guarantee Mo Jiao? "

The soldier whispered, "Li Guo seems to be familiar with Mo Jiao. Their relationship doesn\'t look simple."

"Oh? Is it mo Jiao\'s lover? Forget it, since Mo Jiao is here, as a person of the six gates of Lingnan City, I should also visit. I want to see what they do in Lingnan and when they don\'t come. They just appear in the Huarong incident and take me to the backyard."

Huang Wen followed the soldiers to the backyard. As soon as he came to the backyard, Huang Wen saw Mo Jiao who were drinking tea and chatting. Mo Jiao saw Huang Wen coming towards her at the first glance.

In front of Mo Jiao, Huang Wen smiled and bowed: "I didn\'t expect Mo Jiao, the beloved daughter of Lord Mo Yuntian in Luoyang to come."

Mo Jiao got up and replied with a smile: "Huang Wen, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. You\'re still the same as that year. You haven\'t changed at all."

Mo Fu and Mo Shou got up and stood behind Mo Jiao. Huang Wen sat directly opposite Mo Jiao. He just wanted to find out why Mo Jiao appeared in Lingnan city. He didn\'t want to waste much time here: "May I ask the forces of the six gates in Luoyang City why they interfered in our Lingnan city? Did the imperial court order you to pass through our six gates and perform the task alone in Lingnan city?"

Huang Wen\'s words are very direct. He is telling Mo Jiao that if it is not the order of the imperial court, Mo Jiao naturally wants to give them a statement. If it is the order of the imperial court, they must want to ask the imperial court for a statement. Why not use the people with six doors in Lingnan, but let the people with six doors in Luoyang City perform the task here. If so, Huang Wen must find out what it is What kind of task do they want to skip over Lingnan city.

Mo Jiao is a smart man. She knows the reason why Huang Wen asks so. She doesn\'t want to waste her words. She directly said: "this time to Lingnan is purely her own private affair and has nothing to do with the imperial task. Brother Huang Wen, you may think more."

"Private affairs? I\'d like to know what private affairs made Mo Yuntian send you three? Elder Mo Fu and Mo Shou are the main personnel in the six gates of Luoyang City and the experts around Lord Mo Yuntian. In addition, you, his favorite daughter, almost dispatched the three most trusted people around Mo Yuntian."

Huang Wen doesn\'t believe Mo Jiao\'s so-called private affairs. After all, these three people are the three most trusted by Mo Yuntian. If it\'s just a simple thing, how can they sneak into Lingnan city for secret operations? Huang Wen is actually worried about whether Mo Yuntian wants to play any means against Chen Sheng. After all, the two have been secretly competing for the quota of the headquarters.

Huang Wen is more worried that the three people are sent by Mo Yuntian to make trouble.

Without any hesitation, Mo Jiao said directly with a smile, "I\'m looking for someone in Lingnan. I don\'t know if Huang Wenke has ever heard of the name Li Luoyang?" Since Huang Wen appeared in front of her, Mo Jiao directly said Li Luoyang\'s name. First, she proved that it was really no business to come to Lingnan this time. Second, she also wanted to know whether the local six doors had the clue of Li Luoyang.

"Li Luoyang? Are you talking about the people who brew immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu in Luoyang?" with immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu, Li Luoyang\'s name has been mastered by people everywhere. After all, everyone loves beautiful wine. Li Luoyang\'s immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu are indeed beyond the scope of this era and people can\'t stop.

Even if a few people have seen Li Luoyang, few people know what he looks like, and even few people know his age. It is also rumored that Li Luoyang is the God of wine in heaven and was demoted to the earth only after violating the rules of heaven. The better rumor is that Li Luoyang is an old man who has lived in seclusion for many years and practiced brewing technology, which has led to the emergence of immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu 。

"Brother Huang Wen, you\'re right. It\'s Li Luoyang who brews immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu."

Referring to the name Li Luoyang, Huang Wen\'s face was ruddy and even shy: "it\'s like thunder. I had the honor to taste the immortal drunk brought back from Luoyang City before. I miss the fragrance between my lips and teeth now. Mo Jiao, you\'re from Luoyang City. You must have seen him? How do you look, how old are you, and are you an old man like the rumors."

Mo Jiao was embarrassed by Huang Wen. She didn\'t expect Huang Wen\'s reaction to be so big: "cough, he is similar to my age and doesn\'t want to be like rumors."

"What?" Huang Wen looked at Mo Jiao in surprise: "it\'s a good age difference from you? It\'s impossible. Just at his age, he can brew immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu? I\'m a fan of immortal drunk. Don\'t lie to me."

Mo Jiao has long been used to other people\'s surprise at Li Luoyang. She asked quietly, "brother Huang Wen, do you want to know what we are doing in Lingnan, or do you want to know about Li Luoyang?"

Huang Wen just came back to his senses, but recalling the taste of immortals drunk, he thought that Li Luoyang was almost the same age as Mo Jiao. As a loyal fan, he couldn\'t help but want to know more about Li Luoyang, so he smiled and said to Mo Jiao, "I want to know both."