Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 916

Rushed back to the overflow flower building again, Zhang Yue came to Aunt Hong\'s room. At this time, aunt Hong and Huang Ying were drinking to celebrate. After seeing Zhang Yue return so soon, they were surprised: "what\'s the matter? Those government soldiers came to you?"

Zhang Yue wiped the sweat on her forehead, nodded and whispered, "Miss Huang Ying, aunt Hong, it\'s bad. Just now those soldiers found me. I planned to blame all this on the people in Liangshanpo according to the previous plan, but those soldiers said they didn\'t see Zhang Qiong\'s body at the scene."

Huang Ying and aunt Hong asked in unison: "what\'s going on!"

"I, I don\'t know. I really killed him, and those weapons left traces on the body. He can\'t be alive or get up and leave by himself. If he wants to leave, he also goes in the direction of the government. I saw all the way and didn\'t see blood on the way to the government."

Aunt Hong immediately went out of the room, called the bartender and whispered a few words. Before long, an entourage who had participated in the killing of Zhang Qiong came to Aunt Hong\'s room: "the master, you find me?"

"Tell me the truth, is Joan dead?"

The entourage looked at Zhang Yue blankly, and then looked at Aunt Hong inexplicably: "I guarantee with my life that Zhang Qiong is indeed dead. We used the weapons of Liangshanpo people to cut off his throat, abdomen and even back, leaving obvious traces to blame the people of Liangshanpo. Every wound is fatal, and Zhang Qiong will never be alive."

"Where did his body fall?" obviously, aunt Hong didn\'t believe Zhang Yue\'s words. She asked her own people to tell her what happened.

"Right next to the wine stall, those soldiers can see the corpses on the ground as soon as they wake up. What happened to the master? Did we have a problem in any link?" the entourage looked at Aunt Hong incomprehensibly. He didn\'t know that he and his companions had completed the task perfectly. Why aunt Hong was still asking.

Aunt Hong\'s face was blue and she whispered, "the soldiers of the government went to find Zhang Yue just now. They didn\'t find Zhang Qiong\'s body."

The attendant stared at Aunt Hong in amazement: "it\'s impossible! We all saw Zhang Qiong fall there with our own eyes. There\'s no shelter around him. People with eyes can see his body at a glance."

"You go down first."

The attendant left aunt Hong\'s room with a look of doubt. Aunt Hong returned to Zhang Yue, looked at Huang Ying and said: "Miss, what\'s the matter? Without Zhang Qiong\'s body, Zhang Yue\'s words obviously can\'t stand. Those soldiers know better than anyone that Zhang Yue\'s hatred for Zhang Qiong has accumulated over the years. He has a motive to murder Zhang Qiong. Without Zhang Qiong\'s body, our plan can\'t succeed."

Zhang Yue also looked at Huang Ying anxiously: "Miss Huang Ying, you have to help me. The soldier team leader has begun to doubt me. If they find out the truth, I will be finished. Killing court officials is a capital crime."

Huang Ying whispered, "don\'t worry... Let me think. Since Zhang Qiong must have died by the wine stall, he naturally can\'t leave there alone. It means that someone took Zhang Qiong\'s body after you left the scene, but who would do that? What good would it do for them?"

"Are you from Liangshanpo?"

"This possibility is very low. At this time, it should be impossible for the people in Liangshanpo to show up. They don\'t want to be exposed to the government and the soldiers in the barracks. They don\'t know that we will frame them. Now there are people looking for them everywhere in Lingnan city. Their hiding is the most important thing, so it shouldn\'t be them."

Aunt Hong sighed and whispered, "Miss, who else? Although there are many people who hate Zhang Qiong in Lingnan City, there are no people who attack him at this moment. Who else will take Zhang Qiong\'s body? What\'s his purpose? Another important question is whether the other party inadvertently saw Zhang Yue\'s action or knew our plan long ago?"

Huang Ying frowned slowly and said, "are you saying that our plan is likely to be known to the other party ahead of time? We know that except for the three of us, we have only your own staff. Is there anyone else who stays behind?"

Without hesitation, aunt Hong immediately said, "Miss, I dare to guarantee my people. They are all trained by me. I know every one like the back of my hand. They won\'t betray us."

Huang Ying and aunt Hong turned their eyes to Zhang Yue. In their opinion, only Zhang Yue, a new member of the merchant Federation, is the best.

Zhang Yue quickly explained, "how can I divulge the secret? It\'s an action to kill my own brother. How can I live if it is known? I have to keep the secret of this action more strictly than anyone, even the bartender who has followed me for more than ten years."

"Miss, Zhang Yue is right. It was originally us who helped him. If he leaked it himself, wouldn\'t he be a fool? Besides, if he really wanted to betray our plan, he didn\'t have to do it to Zhang Qiong. Now that Zhang Qiong is sure to die, Zhang Yue\'s loyalty to us should be no problem."

Huang Ying nodded and whispered, "since there is no disclosure of the plan, the other party may have inadvertently passed by and saw Zhang Yue\'s action, but why did he take Zhang Qiong\'s body? Who is he?"

Zhang Yue said at this time: "Miss Huang Ying, aunt Hong, it was late at night at that time. There could be no pedestrians on the road. As aunt Hong said just now, those people in Liangshanpo didn\'t have time to hide. How could they take the initiative to go to the street? At that time, only Zhang Qiong\'s government soldiers could come and go freely in Lingnan City, and we who acted with Zhang Qiong at that time, and finally Li from the military camp Yes. "

"Li Guo? By the way, I forgot him. Was Zhang Qiong\'s body taken away by Li Guo\'s people? But what good would it do for him? If Li Guo hates Zhang Qiong, he also wants Zhang Qiong to die, but taking Zhang Qiong\'s body is meaningless to him. Why would he choose to do so? It doesn\'t make sense."

Aunt Hong nodded and continued: "But Zhang Yue was right. They were the only ones who could appear on the scene at that time. Zhang Qiong\'s soldiers could not take Zhang Qiong\'s body. They didn\'t even see it. Zhang Yue and our people deliberately let Zhang Qiong\'s body appear near the soldiers in order to blame Liang Shanbo and let the soldiers see the wounds on the body at the first time, so we won\'t take the body away , the only people left are the soldiers from the barracks and Li Guo. "

Huang Ying looked up at Zhang Yue and said solemnly, "now, you immediately return to the moon building and pretend that nothing is wrong and wait for the development of things. Now we can only brake quietly to see what things are going to become."
