Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 915

In the Fengyue building, Zhang Yue just returned to her room. A bartender rushed to Zhang Yue: "the master, the master, it\'s not good."

"What\'s so flustered?"

"There are dozens of government soldiers coming. They want to find you. Everyone looks murderous. What happened to the master?" the bartender looked at Zhang Yue anxiously. Before Zhang Yue came back, she was covered with blood and had knife wounds on her hands and arms. Zhang Yue didn\'t say. Naturally, the bartender didn\'t dare to ask, but now she saw that the Fengyue building was surrounded by dozens of soldiers, and the bartender couldn\'t sit still, So this time I asked Zhang Yue what happened.

Zhang Yue didn\'t change her bloody clothes at all. What he wanted was her embarrassed appearance. Dragging her hands that had just stopped bleeding, Zhang Yue got up and walked to the door. He didn\'t answer the bartender\'s concern, because it wasn\'t important. He knew that he didn\'t have a trusted person around him, and the bartender who had been with him for many years was not included.

When he walked out of the door, he just saw the leader of the soldier coming to his door with people. The leader of the soldier who had planned to question Zhang Yue saw Zhang Yue\'s bloody hands and bloodstained clothes. The leader of the soldier immediately asked, "Zhang Yue, what\'s the matter with you? Our captain!"

Zhang Yue stared at the soldier group leader with wide eyes and stunned: "brother? Isn\'t my brother dead?"

"What!" the soldiers were surprised: "dead? When? Where? Who did it."

Looking at the reaction of the soldiers, Zhang Yue was confused and thought to herself, "what\'s the matter? Don\'t they see Zhang Qiong\'s body? It\'s impossible. They won\'t see the obvious body lying on the ground? What happened? The body is gone? If it\'s gone, something will happen. Without the scars on the body, how can I prove my words?"

Looking at the hesitant Zhang Yue, the soldier leader immediately asked, "Zhang Yue, you are talking. What happened."

Zhang Yue swallowed her saliva and could only speak out the pretext prepared in advance: "I, my brother and I were drinking. Seeing that you were all asleep, I wanted you to have a rest, so I didn\'t bother you. But suddenly a group of people rushed out from one side. I saw the unique weapon they used. They were Liangshanpo people. My people immediately protected me and my brother, but you also know the strength of those Liangshanpo people. My people died soon, brother In order to protect me, let me escape first, and then I came back with my injury. "

The soldier leader frowned, clenched his teeth and said, "people from Liangshanpo? But we didn\'t see your body or the captain\'s body."

"I don\'t know what\'s going on? You know I don\'t have any martial arts skills. Staying there can only slow my brother down, so I took the opportunity to escape."

"If what you said is true, why don\'t we see a body?"

Zhang Yue was a little flustered. He wasn\'t worried that he would show a flaw in front of the soldier leader, but he didn\'t know what had happened. He clearly saw that Zhang Qiong had lost her breath and left a fatal trace on her body to frame the people of Liangshanpo, but now Zhang Qiong\'s body is gone. How did he know what happened.

"I, how do I know? My brother was fighting with them when I ran. Naturally, I didn\'t see what happened later and didn\'t know what happened."

The soldier leader thought for a moment, then turned to the team members and said: "Brothers, Zhang Yue only saw the captain fighting with the people in Liangshanpo, but did not see that the captain was dead. Our most important task now is to find the people in Liangshanpo. Only by finding them can we know the whereabouts of the captain. You continue to look for them along the previous plan to find the thieves in Liangshanpo. I\'ll inform the camp captain Li Guo. After all, the captain is missing now , he also has an obligation to know about it. "

Without captain Zhang Qiong, he naturally became a leader as a team leader. The soldiers retreated one after another. The team leader turned and looked at Zhang Yue: "Zhang Yue, before the captain\'s body is found, he may still be alive, and there is no evidence to prove that the people in Liangshanpo are facing captain Zhang Qiong. Since you said that you and your people were staying with Captain Zhang Qiong at that time, I have reason to suspect that you are related to the disappearance of Captain Zhang Qiong."

Zhang Yue frowned and stared at the soldier: "what do you mean?"

"Boss Zhang, we all know your means. After drinking that glass of wine, we all slept. More than 50 people slept together, but your people were all right. At this time, people in Liangshanpo suddenly appeared? Don\'t you think it\'s a coincidence? Although we don\'t have much experience in handling cases, we still tried sweat medicine. For this thing, you must be boss Zhang More clearly than we do. "

Zhang Qiong naturally knows Zhang Yue\'s history. These soldiers who follow Zhang Qiong also know that Zhang Yue is good at applying medicine. At that time, the feeling of being unconscious after drinking wine let him know that it is similar to sweat medicine.

If Zhang Qiong\'s body is found by the soldiers for the first time, Zhang Yue can point to the traces on the body to prove that what she said is true, but now the designed body is missing, and Zhang Yue is difficult to justify: "do you mean I killed my own brother?"

"Isn\'t it possible? We all know that Captain Zhang Qiong wants your casino this time and also wants the intoxicating wine you intend to get. These things are enough for you who love money to hate our captain. In addition to what the captain has done to you for so many years, you have a complete motive to kill him, so you\'d better stay away from Lingnan city and find the truth in us during this period of time You can\'t leave before. "

Zhang Yue clenched her teeth and said fiercely, "my brother has never restricted my freedom. You dare!"

The soldier held the long gun to the throat of Zhang Yue. "Zhang boss, I advise you not to take the rash action. Now I has the final say. I will not give you face before I find the captain. If the investigation is exactly what you say, it is the people in Liangshan who do it. I will apologize for it. If there is another secret, then we should not blame ourselves for not turning up the face."

"Hum! Stupid guy, how many people have been bullied by my brother in Lingnan city? Anyway, he is my brother after all. How can I attack him?"

The leader of the soldier looked cold and expressionless: "we will investigate what the facts are. If, as you said, the captain fought with the Liangshanpo people, why did they take the captain\'s body? And the bodies of your dozens of followers? These are obviously unreasonable."

Looking at the soldiers who turned and left, Zhang Yue bited fiercely and whispered, "what happened? Who took Zhang Qiong\'s body? Without his body, my excuses look flawed. It\'s inevitable to be suspected. No, I\'m going to Yihua building and let them find a way to help me."