Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 830

The outside of the prison has become a mess. At this time, Zhang Qiong looks like a successful villain. There was Li guozai before. He doesn\'t want to worry about anything. This is also the result of his lazy character. He doesn\'t make any contribution, but wants all achievements. Now that Li Guo has entered his so-called trap, he naturally thinks he has mastered the initiative.

Facing the doubts of Li Guo\'s men, Zhang Qiong held her head high and roared loudly: "I suggest you better think about it. Is it possible for the five people opposite Li Guo to survive? If they rush out of prison, who can resist?"

Zhang Qiong looked around, then continued with a smile: "Although we have many people, our strength belongs to garbage. Although they will be surrounded by us when they break out of prison, they will kill all of you soon. Who can organize them to leave Lingnan at that time? Eventually, our loss will be greater than now. If one Li Guo dies, we can kill five Liangshanpo experts. They are the most important criminals of the imperial court."

Lin Chong, who was once the leader of the forbidden army, was framed to leave the court. Naturally, the court who didn\'t know the truth was betrayed because of his behavior. The court had already listed Lin Chong as an important wanted prisoner and promised that anyone would make meritorious efforts to arrest him. However, Lin Chong\'s reputation was so great that few people would take the initiative to attack Lin Chong. Some people who were not afraid of death eventually became ghosts under Lin Chong\'s gun.

The reputation of monk Hua, Wu Song, Chai Jin and Li Kui has long been a thunderbolt to the imperial court. These people have shown amazing strength in the encirclement and suppression of six doors. The imperial court was worried that these guys who were in collusion with Lin Chong would eventually become a threat to the imperial court, so it issued a wanted order for them early.

The soldiers on the scene understood the importance of the five people in the prison at this time, but they could do nothing if they wanted them to give up their captain\'s life.

Looking at the soldiers still refused to let go of the way into the gate, Zhang Qiong said fiercely with a long knife: "I\'m giving you one last chance. If the time delays for a long time, those people rush out of the prison channel, who can bear the responsibility! Lingnan government will be punished, and my people may even be beheaded, which are caused by you!"

"Li Guo is fighting the enemy inside at this time. His sacrifice made our victory! Get out of the way, or don\'t blame me for being rude." Zhang Qiong put a long knife around a soldier\'s neck. If the soldier doesn\'t retreat, he will kill him without hesitation.

As Zhang Qiong said, if the people in Liangshanpo rush out of the prison, they won\'t even have a chance to avenge Li Guo. These soldiers don\'t know Li Guo\'s plan.

Watching the soldiers retreat, the corners of Zhang Qiong\'s mouth rose slightly. He waved to the nearby alley. A dozen government soldiers rushed here with wood in their arms. They went straight to the iron gate and waited for Zhang Qiong\'s next instructions.

Zhang Qiong looked at Li Guo\'s men and said with a smile, "just wait here."

With that, Zhang Qiong took people into the iron gate and came to the hospital. Zhang Qiong looked around. He didn\'t find anything except the bodies of ten archers. It was dark in the channel. He couldn\'t see Li Kui standing deep. Even if he saw it, he wouldn\'t do anything. After all, he didn\'t care who was in the channel. What he wanted was that all the people in the prison died.

After the bunker in one corner, Li Guo with a small team of people had been waiting for Zhang Qiong for a long time. When Zhang Qiong ordered people to put the wood at the entrance, Li Guo came out with people: "Captain Zhang Qiong, your support is really slow!"

Hearing Li Guo\'s voice coming from behind, Zhang Qiong, who was originally laughing, turned and looked at Li Guo: "Li Guo? Why are you here!" Li Guo appeared here, which meant that his plan had failed, but he didn\'t understand what went wrong. Why didn\'t Li Guo enter the prison, but it was like waiting for himself here.

Li Guo went straight to Zhang Qiong and stared at Zhang Qiong with a murderous face: "Captain Zhang Qiong, I have two questions for you to answer, otherwise I will truthfully respond to the imperial court about your behavior in this action. I think they will punish you accordingly."

"First, why is your support so late? I remember we have discussed. As long as there is any situation in the prison, you must take the government soldiers to support the prison immediately. At this time, it has been a long time since the prison guard was killed. Can you give me an explanation?"

Facing Li Guo\'s question, Zhang Qiong clenched her teeth and whispered, "Captain Li Guo, the soldiers of our government don\'t have much strength. Our news channel is very slow. I came with people as soon as I got the news."

"Really? I remember one of your men was in a private house outside the prison gate. When the prison guard was killed, he brought the news to you for the first time. You even knew that something had happened here before me." Li Guo was not going to give it to Zhang Qiong.

Zhang Qiong\'s hair was cold and sweating. "I, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. What time did I arrange someone to be in prison? You\'re in charge here. I will not interfere, and I will not arrange eye liner around here!" Zhang Qiong has made a good attitude of not admitting. He knows that once he admits, he will bear the punishment of delaying the fighter. He can\'t afford the punishment of the imperial court, so he won\'t admit it.

Li Guo was still expressionless, stared at Zhang Qiong and continued to ask, "what do you mean by bringing people now? Are you going to burn me and my men in prison?"

Zhang Qiong raised her chest and said with awe inspiring righteousness: "As a soldier of the imperial court, you should be ready to devote yourself to the imperial court at any time. I believe as a camp captain, you can know this responsibility better than me. If you enter the prison and fight with them and delay time, I will naturally seal the prison channel in case they escape from the prison after something unexpected happens to you. Am I right to do so? Unless you don\'t have the courage and responsibility."

Li Guo raised his mouth slightly and whispered: "Zhang Qiong, it\'s not up to you to arrange my life. You\'re not qualified. The reason why you support me so slowly is that you\'ve been waiting for me to enter prison. It\'s not easy to calculate the captain of the barracks. If you still have any plans for me, I advise you to die. At this time, we should share a common hatred and discuss it after dealing with this matter. Once the action fails, we won\'t have any problems Good end! "

Li Guo doesn\'t want to argue with Zhang Qiong again. He will keep it in his mind. Anyway, after handling the actions here, he still has tasks to complete for Zhang Qiong. It\'s enough to settle accounts at that time.