Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 829

At the gate of the government, a soldier dressed in ordinary people\'s clothes rushed to Zhang Qiong. After seeing the soldier, Zhang Qiong knew that his opportunity had come: "Captain Zhang Qiong, Li Guo took someone to break through the iron gate and went in."

The soldier had a smile on his face, and there was a smell of taking credit in his words.

"Good! Very good! I\'ll give you a lot of rewards when it\'s over." Zhang Qiong stood up excitedly.

After hearing the reward, the soldier said again excitedly, "Captain Zhang Qiong, Li Guo only took your team in, and some barracks soldiers stayed outside the door." the soldier reported all the things he saw to Zhang Qiong, and he naturally wanted more rewards.

Zhang Qiong said in a low voice with a treacherous smile: "the guy also considered quite comprehensively. First, take a group of people into the prison. If he doesn\'t die the opponent of the other party, immediately withdraw from the prison and gather with the soldiers left outside, and launch Dujie against the group in a unified force. The entrance of the prison channel is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but as long as the gate is sealed, those people can\'t escape, but I let him in and out!"

Zhang Qiong looked at the soldiers in front of her and whispered, "your team, go find the soldiers preparing wood immediately and let them prepare. When they get to the prison gate, I will remind them to act immediately." Zhang Qiong looked very excited. If he could get rid of Li Guo, his plan would be more than half successful. He was naturally happy, but at this time he knew very well, Mo Jiao and others still exist in the government. Before these actions are completed, Mo Jiao and others must not know, so he has been suppressing his excitement, lowering his tone and began to make arrangements.


"Others come with me, remember! The soldiers at the door don\'t care. They only listen to Li\'s orders. I\'m also the person in charge of this operation. If they dare to stop our operation, there will be no amnesty! I\'m on the side of the imperial court!" Zhang Qiong knows that as long as they can complete this task, killing Huarong can also kill several other Liangshan heroes, The imperial court will certainly not blame Zhang Qiong for killing a Li Guo.

Li Guo is just a small captain, not as important as Zhou Xiangong. The imperial court will not regard Li Guo\'s life and death as important. It is a deal that the imperial court is willing to accept for the arrest and death of Lin Chong and others with the life of an unknown military camp captain Xiao.

The soldiers followed Zhang Qiong out of the government gate one after another. They came to the downstairs of Yihua building not far away. Aunt Hong and Huang Ying, who had been observing on the second floor, laughed.

Aunt Hong took the last cup of yaochi Yulu, smiled and said to Huang Ying: "Miss, it seems that Li Guo has entered the prison, and Zhang Qiong can\'t sit still." seeing Zhang Qiong leading the soldiers to the prison, aunt Hong naturally understood that Li Guo should fall into Zhang Qiong\'s trap.

Huang Ying\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "it seems that your plan is going well."

"I have arranged for people. As long as Li dies and my people help Liangshan heroes leave Lingnan, Zhang Qiong will be severely punished. When we help Zhang Yue, our plan will be a complete success."

At the prison gate, Zhang Qiong arrived on horseback. The soldiers left outside the iron gate turned their eyes at Zhang Qiong. It has been a long time since the guard at the prison gate was killed. Zhang Qiong came with support now. Naturally, the soldiers don\'t want to look at Zhang Qiong. If the support delayed for a minute on the battlefield can even affect the outcome of a battle.

The soldiers in the barracks looked at the bodies of the guards at the gate of the prison in a low voice. They were all holding their breath. The guards were their companions. At this time, they should rush in for revenge. However, because Zhang Qiong\'s delayed support, they had to stand outside the door and wait, which made them more oppressed.

On the battlefield, they were soldiers who charged immediately at the command. When they arrived here, they had to wait for the support of an official captain, which naturally caused the soldiers\' displeasure.

"Where\'s your captain!" Zhang Qiong sat on the horse and looked up at the soldiers in the barracks. However, to his embarrassment, no one answered him or even looked at him.

Zhang Qiong raised her mouth slightly and asked again, "I\'ll ask again for the last time. Where\'s your captain Li Guo!"

A soldier turned to look at Zhang Qiong with a tired look on his face: "Captain Li Guo has led the team to kill in prison. If you\'re okay, you can take your people in, or if you\'re afraid, you can stay here and wait." naturally, the soldier won\'t give Zhang Qiong a good face. He was not Zhang Qiong\'s person originally. Coupled with Zhang Qiong\'s deliberate delay in support, no one will give Zhang Qiong face.

Zhang Qiong jumped off the horse and grabbed the soldier\'s collar: "boy, who gave you the right to talk to me like this? I\'m the person in charge here when Li Guo is not here. Don\'t forget that you came to help Lingnan officials. Yes, Li Guo supported you before. Now his life and death are uncertain. I\'m the person in charge!"

Zhang Qiong threw the soldiers to the ground, then looked at the other soldiers in the barracks and said with a smile: "from now on, obey my orders! According to the information I collected, the thieves of Liangshanpo were Lin Chong, Wu Song, Li Kui, monk Hua and Chaijin. One of them is unknown. I believe you will know the war situation in the prison."

The soldiers\' faces showed surprised expressions. They knew the strength of these five people.

Zhang Qiong continued with a sly smile: "although your captain Li Guo is young and promising, it can\'t be their opponent. One Lin Chong can easily kill him. Captain Li Guo is too impulsive. We should discuss it after my support comes."

The soldier left on the ground by Zhang Qiong stood up and said seriously, "Zhang Qiong! Since you know the strength of the other party is so strong, you should come earlier with support. You come earlier and tell the news to our captain. Captain Li Guo won\'t go to jail and face them!"

Zhang Qiong laughed obscene and wildly: "hahaha, didn\'t I tell you? I just got the news. Think about it for yourself. Captain Li Guo is in prison now. He must have fought with the people in Liangshanpo. What are the chances that he can win? So I decided... Seal the prison channel and kill everyone in the prison by fire attack!"

The soldiers immediately roared in confusion: "no! Captain Li Guo is still inside, you can\'t do that!"

"You did this on purpose to kill our captain! First you deliberately delayed the support, and then you planned to murder our captain. Zhang Qiong, what\'s your heart!"

There was chaos outside the prison gate. Li Guo and the team soldiers hiding in the corner behind the iron gate could clearly hear the dialogue outside. Li Guo was only serious about Zhang Qiong\'s arrogant attitude at this time. He knew that if there was no news brought by Mo Shou just now, he would probably be under Zhang Qiong\'s fire with the jailrobber.