Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 804

Compared with the chaotic and tense situation in Lingnan City, shuipo Liangshan is a rare leisure here. Ruan Xiaoqi lies on the boat with withered reeds in his mouth and crosses his legs leisurely enjoying the afternoon sun. The first difficulty in shuipo Liangshan is the maze of reeds. Ruan Xiaoqi is the Liangshan hero in charge of guiding the way without his guidance, It is almost impossible for outsiders to pass through the reeds.

"Wow, wow, wow."

A voice sounded in his ear. Ruan Xiaoqi got up vigilantly and looked at the sound yuan and pushed aside the reeds. Ruan Xiaoqi saw a man in ordinary clothes lying on the barrel and rowing in the water with both hands. However, even if he took off the clothes of the six doors, Ruan Xiaoqi recognized the man\'s identity at a glance, the small ash of the six doors.

"What\'s he doing here? Is he coming to explore?" Ruan Xiaoqi took the oar and squatted vigilantly in the reeds to observe Xiaohui\'s every move, but soon he found that Xiaohui came alone, which was inconsistent with his previous speculation. He thought Xiaohui was responsible for exploring the way, and there were many people from six doors behind him, who wanted to go up Liangshan to attack them, but the current situation seems that, Xiaohui can\'t do such a thing alone. Since there is no threat, Ruan Xiaoqi decides to follow Xiaohui to see what he wants to do.

Ruan Xiaoqi is also very confident. He thinks Xiaohui can\'t find the right way to leave the reeds. After all, this is the first natural defense line of Liangshanpo, which can\'t be easily passed by anyone.

On the barrel, as like as two peas were looking around, the same thing was coming into the eye. The reeds were just like the same. He had already lost his way, and could not even find his way out. He sighed with a sigh of anger, then sat on the barrel and knocked on the barrel and shouted to the sky. "Hey, Ruan Xiaoqi, I\'m not looking for trouble today. I\'m looking for someone. Take me to Liangshan stronghold. Don\'t hide."

Ruan Xiaoqi not far away didn\'t answer. He just silently looked at what medicine was sold in the small gray gourd.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Hui saw no response, so he said again, "Hey, you\'re not a fool. Can\'t you see that I\'m alone? Are you afraid? Are you afraid that I\'ll kill you if you appear in front of me?"

Ruan Xiaoqi raised his mouth slightly, took the oar and rowed the boat in front of Xiaohui: "isn\'t this Xiaohui of liumen? What are you going to do this time in Liangshan? I remember that last time we fought with you liumen, you were a defeated general."

Xiaohui smiled: "really? Don\'t you forget who caused the injury on your arm?" Xiaohui pointed to the scar on Ruan Xiaoqi\'s right arm. The long and wide scar was particularly dazzling on Ruan Xiaoqi\'s right arm, as if he had been stabbed at the gate of life. Ruan Xiaoqi no longer smiled on his face and raised the oar across his chest: "today we fight alone to see who died!"

Facing Ruan Xiaoqi who wanted to rush to himself, Xiaohui shook his hand and said with a smile, "today I have no leisure to play with you. I just said, take me to your stronghold. I have something to find Wu Yong."

Ruan Xiaoqi laughed wildly: "take you to find the way? So that the people of the six doors can know our secret route?" Ruan Xiaoqi is straightforward. He never believes that the running dog of six doors will be kind. Besides, he doesn\'t think Xiaohui has anything urgent to find Wu Yong. Therefore, he can\'t let go and look at the scar on his arm. For Ruan Xiaoqi, it\'s a great shame. Being hurt by six doors is not a shame.

"Take the move!" Ruan Xiaoqi soared into the air, held up his oar and cleaved to Xiaohui. Xiaohui immediately jumped sideways into the river. The oar in Ruan Xiaoqi\'s hand fell on the bucket. The bucket suddenly broke into pieces and floated on the water. The huge force made the water ripple. Xiaohui grabbed the fragments of a bucket on the water and immediately swam to Ruan Xiaoqi\'s boat.

Xiaohui knew very well that he was not Ruan Xiaoqi\'s opponent in the water. Several people in Liangshanpo were familiar with the nature of water. They were like fish in the water and had full combat effectiveness. Ruan Xiaoqi was one of them.

Grabbing the edge of the boat, Xiao Hui turned up with both hands, and he suddenly felt that his feet were caught. Turning his head, Ruan Xiaoqi pulled Xiao Hui back into the water. Xiao Hui didn\'t expect Ruan Xiaoqi\'s speed to be so fast. After breaking the bucket, he could come back and catch himself.

Holding his breath, Xiao Hui opened his eyes at the bottom of the water. He didn\'t even see some reeds floating in front of him. Ruan Xiaoqi, like a fish, had already quickly swam behind Xiao Hui. After taking a breath of air, he hugged Xiao Hui with both hands and sank into the bottom of the river. Xiao Hui immediately felt that the air in his chest seemed to be squeezed out by Ruan Xiaoqi\'s hands , I have no chance to fight back.

Seeing that Xiaohui\'s oxygen was about to run out, Xiaohui had an idea. He put up two fingers and put them behind him. The target pointed directly at Ruan Xiaoqi\'s eyes. In order to avoid Xiaohui\'s attack, Ruan Xiaoqi was forced to loosen his hands, break free from the successful Xiaohui and swim to the water immediately. He needed to breathe and air.

Ruan Xiaoqi stood at the bottom of the river and looked at the fleeing ash. The corners of his mouth rose slightly and his feet stepped hard. A burst of sediment appeared at the bottom of the river. Ruan Xiaoqi shot out like an arrow, and grabbed the right foot of the ash that was about to surface again.

Before Xiaohui could breathe, he was dragged into the water. He immediately inserted the fragments of the bucket under him. Ruan Xiaoqi dodged smoothly. He knew he couldn\'t stop Xiaohui from returning to the water surface, so he dived into the water and swam to the boat.

When Xiao Hui surfaced smoothly, he breathed the air. Then he let the boat close. As soon as he was ready to climb up the boat, he felt a dark shadow coming head-on. Xiao Hui subconsciously avoided his side. Ruan Xiaoqi hit the oar in his hand. When Xiao Hui surfaced to breathe, Ruan Xiaoqi had successfully returned to the boat. This speed was beyond Xiao Hui\'s expectation.

When he dived into the water again, Xiaohui began to figure out how to deal with Ruan Xiaoqi. In the water, he was not Ruan Xiaoqi\'s opponent. However, there was no land around, so Xiaohui decided to kill him.

He grabbed the edge of the boat with both hands and shook desperately. Ruan Xiaoqi lost his center of gravity at his feet. Then he directly gave up waiting for the rabbit on the boat, jumped into the water and fought in the water. However, he loved the results he saw. Just as he entered the water, Xiao Hui swam up and tied Ruan Xiaoqi with himself by using his previously untied belt.

And Xiaohui raised his fist to Ruan Xiaoqi\'s arm, and the oar was shot down. The two wrestled on the water with bare hands. Because they were tied together, the close combat seemed more cruel. At this time, the two faces were bruised and bleeding everywhere.

The surface of the water rippled constantly, and their mutual attack had not stopped. It seemed that they all wanted to make the last effort to see who could stick to it. The battle became more and more intense. Xiaohui and Ruan Xiaoqi both felt out of strength. However, Ruan Xiaoqi knew that he was more dominant at this time.