Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 803

In the room, the atmosphere was not relieved by knowing Zhang Qiong and Zhang Yue\'s plan. Since they had insight into the plans of the two brothers, Li Guosan naturally wouldn\'t take this matter to heart. Mo Jiao and Ye Yu had a question. What made Li Guo so nervous at this time.

Mo Jiao sat opposite Li Guo and asked in a low voice, "brother Li Guo, what\'s the matter with you? Didn\'t you expect the people from Liangshanpo to come? Why are you really worried?" whether Li Guo, Mo Jiao or even Zhang Qiong, they all know the feelings between Liangshan heroes and that Hua Rong will be arrested, and Liangshanpo will send someone to rescue them, These were all planned by Li Guo before, so Mo Jiao thought Li Guo didn\'t have to worry at this time.

Even if the person who killed Bao\'s inquiry was indeed from Liangshanpo, so what? Anyway, Li Guo was ready to deal with them.

Ye Yu stood behind Li Guo and said slowly, "Captain Li Guo, before you came to Lingnan, you had already figured out the countermeasures, so your subordinates made perfect inspections and traps, and even secretly advanced the execution time of Hua Rong. All this was prepared for the people of Liangshanpo. Since you already knew they would come and made preparations, why do you still feel uneasy now?"

Li Guo sighed: "You don\'t know. We all know that the people of Liangshanpo will come. I even think they killed Bao to inquire. They went to the black market in order to obtain Huarong\'s information. Don\'t you think it\'s terrible? Since we arranged a perfect patrol and conducted the most severe inspection at the city gate, no one is allowed to carry weapons into the city, they still entered Lingnan city and And escaped the inspectors, entered the black market and killed an intelligence businessman. "

Li Guo stood up and continued: "We can\'t determine their whereabouts at all. Where are they hiding? What are they going to do next? Or do they already know that Hua Rong will be executed early? These are all unknown to us. What makes me even more uneasy is: who commanded the operation. As far as I know, not many people in Liangshan have brains. I think their military Wu Yong can do this However, my spy reported that Wu Yong was still in Liangshanpo at this time. "


"Before I came to Lingnan, I had a secret detective go to the foot of Liangshan. According to his report, Wu Yong was still on Liangshan, and he didn\'t find anyone leaving Liangshan to Lingnan."

Li Guo turned and looked at Mo Jiao, "but he found another interesting thing. A man from the six gates of Luoyang went up Liangshan alone."

Mo Jiao stared at Li Guo dumbfounded: "our people? It\'s impossible. The six gates in Luoyang City haven\'t received a task about Liangshan Park recently. We didn\'t know Hua Rong had been arrested before, so my father can\'t send someone to Liangshan. What else do our people do in Liangshan?"

Ye Yu asked in a low voice, "Mo Jiao, is that person an undercover sent by Liang Shan to your six doors?"

Mo Jiao immediately fell into silence. Liumen has been engaged in confidential tasks for a long time, and the selection of people is extremely strict. However, even so, Mo Yuntian can\'t guarantee whether there are undercover agents sent by others in liumen, so he has been careful.

Ye Yu continued: "Huarong was arrested. This is an emergency. Only Liangshanpo\'s own people know whether the six door man who went to Liangshan received Liangshan\'s order, so he rushed back to Liangshan immediately. I think it\'s possible."

Mo Jiao\'s face was iron green: "no, there will be no undercover among us. If there is, my father will find out. But I don\'t know why our people will go to Liangshan alone. Is he performing his father\'s secret task? It\'s impossible. My father will never arrange two secret tasks together."

Li Guo asked suspiciously, "two secret missions? If the six doors to Liangshan accepted Lord Mo\'s secret mission, do you have another mission?"

Mo Jiao explained helplessly: "Here\'s the thing. Luoyang wrote a peace letter to your mother before. Your mother asked liumen to stop looking for Luoyang, and I received my father\'s secret operation task, that is, to continue looking for Luoyang and report the news of Luoyang to my father at the first time. My father has always been cautious and will not send two secret operations at the same time, so the The person who went to Liangshan must not have been subjected to six door secret action. He is more like a personal action. "

Li Guo put the scroll in front of Mo Jiao: "you know, as spies in the military camp, they all have extraordinary skills. This picture is the six doors to Liangshan painted by the spy. Do you want to see it?" the spy hiding at the foot of Liangshan drew the man who went to Liangshan alone with his belongings. Western Zhejiang is the skill of spies in the military.

Mo Jiao swallowed her saliva. Her nervous hands and letters were full of sweat. She slowly opened the scroll, and a familiar face appeared in front of Mo Jiao. In front of her, this man grew up with Mo Jiao since childhood. She can be regarded as a childhood sweetheart. Even if he turned into ash, Mo Jiao can recognize: "small, small ash!"

The portrait copied on the scroll is the little ash that Ouyang Wenjun and yu\'er got rid of.

"How could it be him? It\'s impossible!" Mo Jiao couldn\'t believe everything in front of her. She put away the scroll and sat down at the round table.

"It seems that you know him." Li Guo asked in a low voice.

"Well, of course I know. He grew up with me and was the backbone of our six doors. If someone else, I might think he was an undercover from Liangshan, but Xiao Hui, it\'s absolutely impossible. As I said just now, he grew up with me and had no time and conditions to contact the people in Liangshanpo. How could he be bribed by them to become their undercover !”

Mo Jiao thought carefully, and then her previous worries completely disappeared. As she said, if someone else, she would really doubt whether it was Liang shanpo\'s undercover, but Xiaohui, she firmly believed that it was impossible.

"Then why did he go to Liangshan at this time?" Li Guo then asked. He wanted to find out why the man with six doors went to Liangshan.

"I, I don\'t know. Anyway, I don\'t think Xiaohui will be the undercover of Liangshanpo. He, he may have his own business." Mo Jiao can\'t justify it. What private business can a six door go to Liangshan? Mo Jiao can\'t think of Xiaohui\'s intention.

Looking at Mo Jiao\'s tangled appearance, Li Guo said slowly: "forget it, don\'t think about it. When the things here are handled, ask again when you go back. I believe you see the level of people. Since you believe that he is not an undercover of Liangshan, I naturally believe it."

"Thank you." Li Guo\'s failure to report this matter to the court is the greatest protection. If Li Guo brings this news back to the court, the court will certainly ask Mo Yuntian to give an explanation. Mo Jiao is worried that this explanation will kill Xiao Hui.