Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 758

Shock, in addition to using shock to describe Ge Wen and Ge Wu\'s mood at this time, they can\'t describe the mood in their hearts. The drunkenness of immortals has made them feel beyond their reach, not to mention yaochi Yulu. After drinking two kinds of wine, they can\'t extricate themselves. When they saw Li Luoyang\'s tofu banquet, their eyes were green.

After a taste, they completely realized the reason for the rise of Wenjun Yazhu.

Shocking wine, lingering music, simple but delicious tofu banquet, any of which can be put in other restaurants, can make the business of the restaurant to a higher level, let alone hit a restaurant built by Wenjun Yazhu.

Ge Wen and Ge Wu are old Jianghu. They soon adjusted their inner emotions. After calming down, they ate dishes and drank wine: "Miss Wenjun, I don\'t know why you invited people from our merchant Federation this time?"

How can ge Wen and Ge Wu not know Ouyang Wenjun\'s intention? The reason why they don\'t tell is that they want Ouyang Wenjun to make a request and they can take the initiative in the negotiation. This is a negotiation skill in the business field.

Ouyang Wenjun turned his eyes and said with a smile, "in fact, this time I want to propose cooperation with the merchant Federation." Ouyang Wenjun saw their intention, so he decided to temporarily change the plan of purchasing raw materials to cooperate with the merchant Federation, which will give each other enough profits and enable Wenjun Yazhu to avoid the crisis temporarily.

The reason why Ouyang Wenjun made such a decision is that he doesn\'t want to be a passive party in the trading market. If he buys the raw materials of the merchant Federation, the other party will have the absolute initiative to change the price of raw materials at will and squeeze the profits of shenxianzui. This will only drag down shenxianzui and Wenjun Yazhu, rather than being passively restrained, It\'s better to take the initiative to cooperate, at least it can make both people establish equal conditions.

"Cooperation? What is the so-called cooperation of Miss Wenjun?" if it had been changed just now, Ge Wen would not have any interest in cooperating with Ouyang Wenjun. After all, they came here for two purposes, whether selling raw materials at a high price or suppressing Wenjun\'s elegant buildings. There was no cooperation in both options, but after drinking immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu, After tasting the tofu banquet and listening to the music, Ge Wen saw the opportunity of cooperation, which can bring great benefits to the merchant Federation.

Imagine that if the merchant Federation obtained the secret recipe of immortality intoxication and used the capital of the merchant Federation all over the country, it could sell this wine to all parties everywhere and get the greatest publicity and profits. Wenjun Yazhu could not do this because they did not have such huge resources.

Ouyang Wenjun raised his mouth slightly. After thinking for a moment, he said to ge Wen, "my cooperation plan is actually very simple. We will provide you with musicians for free to play music in your restaurant. I believe you two have heard it just now. The music built by Wenjun is also unique. Some customers even come only for the music here."

Although Ouyang Wenjun\'s cooperation plan is only temporary, at least she has considered it well. Sending musicians to other restaurants for performance can not only ensure that the music will not be copied by other restaurants, but also ensure Wenjun Yazhu\'s initiative. She doesn\'t want to hand over the score to the merchant Federation, and she believes that the musicians here will not betray Wenjun Yazhu and sell the score, After all, the salary Li Luoyang gave them is higher than ever.

"Wenjun girl, your cooperation plan is not attractive. The music of Wenjun Yazhu is really unique, but it won\'t have much effect just playing in other restaurants. Those customers will also come to Wenjun Yazhu to listen to the music. Your cooperation is only a favorable plan for you. Who doesn\'t know that the music in Luoyang is from you and will listen to it in other restaurants Can it be a fake track? "Ge Wen said without hesitation. He didn\'t want to lose money in business.

"That\'s better!" Ouyang Wenjun clenched his teeth and continued, "we train musicians for other restaurants for free and ask them to send musicians. We\'ll teach them ten tracks in total!"

Ouyang Wenjun\'s words made Ge Wen and Ge Wu laugh. They turned and whispered: "Unexpectedly, there are ten such tracks in Wenjun\'s elegant building. Why don\'t we let our musicians come here to learn these songs, and then arrange these musicians to play in restaurants in other cities. In this way, we can earn more silver and can\'t be cheaper than those restaurants in Luoyang."

Although they are the principal members of Luoyang City Merchants\' Federation, they want more to strive for more resources and property for the merchants\' Federation. As for those cooperative restaurants, they just protect safety and never promise to make money for them.

Ge Wu smiled: "you\'re right. Other restaurants in Luoyang also know the repertoire of Wenjun\'s elegant architecture. Entering these musicians in Luoyang will only cause the dissatisfaction of the restaurant owners. In order to avoid them finding that we make music profits alone, only the musicians who learn these repertoires can be arranged to go to other cities, but does this need to be discussed with their father?" Ge Wu\'s father is naturally Ge Cheng, the head of the merchant Federation.

"When we came, my father had told us, and now we still learn to make decisions! I want a lot of things in Wenjun\'s elegant building party this time. Music is naturally one of them. We might as well take the initiative to offer Ouyang Wenjun cooperation in other things."

"Brother, I know what you\'re thinking. What you want most is wine formula?"

"Well, it\'s impossible for this woman to give us the secret recipe. It seems unrealistic to rob openly, and it\'s impossible to operate secretly. My father told me that he can\'t think of Wenjun\'s elegant building during this period. He said that it\'s the above arrangement, which may be related to the previous assassination of Ouyang Wenjun. Anyway, the plan of playing tricks behind his back can\'t be used. If you want to get the secret recipe, you\'d better cooperate with Ouyang Wenjun, she said For wine, we provide the market. "

Ge Wu nodded, then took Ge Wen\'s clothes and whispered, "brother, don\'t forget an important thing. Ouyang Wenjun can\'t be such a great master! Maybe she doesn\'t have the secret recipe. In the hands of Li Luoyang, Li Luoyang is missing at this time. Ouyang Wenjun has no right to decide the plan of cooperation with us."

"Forget this. The whereabouts of the head of Wenjun Yazhu\'s family are unknown, and the woman has no right to make a decision." Ge Wen turned to look at Ouyang Wenjun, and then said to Ge Wu: "Forget it. If they are not in charge, we can also forcibly establish a cooperative relationship. After all, we have the raw materials of shenxianzui in our hands. If they want shenxianzui to continue production, they must cooperate with us!"

Ge Wu smiled treacherously: "brother, you\'re right. They have no choice now, otherwise Ouyang Wenjun won\'t take the initiative to find us."

"Well, next, listen to my arrangement!"
