Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 757

The night shrouded and the lights in Luoyang were bright. Xiaohui left Wenjun Yazhu to look for tiger skin. Ouyang Wenjun listened to the music written by Li Luoyang on the stage and drank the immortal drunk. Yu\'er looked at Ouyang Wenjun with worry. After Xiaohui left, Ouyang Wenjun asked Xiaoer to invite the people of the merchant Federation. She needed to buy the raw materials for the immortal drunk, Otherwise, Wenjun Yazhu can\'t support Li Luoyang\'s return.

"Oh, I haven\'t stepped into the door of Wenjun\'s elegant building for many years."

"Me too. It should have been five years!"

The two figures came in slowly from outside the gate. The old and the young seemed out of tune, but there was a silent tacit understanding. When Ouyang Wenjun saw them, his eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously. Yu\'er saw Ouyang Wenjun\'s sad color and whispered, "sister Wenjun, what\'s the matter?"

"I didn\'t expect them to come."

"Do you know these two people?"

"Well, there are three masters in Luoyang City Merchants\' Federation. Their words are like an imperial edict in the merchants\' Federation. These two masters are the two masters and the three masters. Ge Cheng, the big master, has not come." Ouyang Wenjun introduced yu\'er to yu\'er, pointing to the two masters with white hair: "Ge Wen, the second head of the family, is called a ghost abacus. He has excellent martial arts and is eccentric. He likes to dye his hair white. He is only a few years older than me."

Ge Wen wears white clothes and shoes. Even his hair and eyebrows are white, but there is no old taste on his face. In his prime of life, he is eccentric and good at using silver abacus as a weapon. He is also the person in charge of property of Luoyang City merchants Federation. He is regarded as a ghost abacus by people.

Ouyang Wenjun pointed to the three leaders around Ge Wen: "His name is Ge Wu. He is Ge Wen\'s younger brother. Although he looks young, he is a concealed weapon expert. He kills people invisibly and is as fast as a meteor. They are called ghost hands. These two people can be regarded as very important roles of the merchant Federation. They rarely appear before. I have only met once in Luoyang for so many years. I didn\'t expect that I just want to buy immortal drunk raw materials. The merchant Federation I would have sent these two people to negotiate. "

Yu\'er nervously grabbed Ouyang Wenjun\'s hand: "sister Wenjun, what shall we do?"

"Don\'t be nervous. We\'re just trading normally. They won\'t take action against us. I just don\'t understand why a small matter alerted these two people. Let\'s act according to the circumstances."

"HMM." yu\'er nodded again and again, and then got up to meet Ouyang Wenjun.

Ouyang Wenjun came to the two and bowed politely: "Wenjun, I didn\'t expect you to come here. It\'s really beautiful. The little woman is flattered."

Ge Wen, with white hair, smiled and raised his hands and bowed back: "Miss Wenjun is serious. We really didn\'t expect that Wenjun Yazhu, which has not been built for many years, is now the best restaurant in Luoyang. Miss Wenjun is well managed. Our merchant Federation also wants to learn from you."

"It\'s important to be the second leader. We\'re just a small business. It\'s difficult for us to support ourselves. Your merchant Federation has united businessmen to do business together, develop together and make money together. This is based on business. How dare Wenjun Yazhu, a little woman, compete with you."

Ge Wu on one side laughed, and the laughter was full of laughter: "Miss Wenjun said this, but it hurt us. More than a dozen of our businessmen united, they can\'t compare with the income of the day before you Wenjun Yazhu."

"I\'m flattered. Now that you\'re here, please come inside!" Ouyang Wenjun smiled and turned aside to give way to Wenjun\'s elegant building lobby. Ge Wen and Ge Wu walked straight inside. As soon as they came to the door, they heard the melodious music. The continuous sound of Qin and exciting drums cooperated. With the fluctuation of drum sound, they seemed to be in a battle.

"All step back!" Ouyang Wenjun smiled and asked the musician to leave the lobby. Ge Wen, who still had more to say, immediately turned and looked at Ouyang Wenjun and asked, "Miss Wenjun, what was that song just now? I\'ve never heard such an exciting music."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "sorry, it was just musicians practicing. At this time of the day, it is their contact time, which is also the rule of our home. As for the repertoire, everyone knows that Wenjun Yazhu has charming music in addition to wine. Both wine and music come from our home."

Ge Wen and Ge Wu looked at each other. They smiled and said, "is that Li Luoyang?"


"We\'ve heard a little about this strange man. He\'s not old, but he can brew wine that has never been in the world. I just didn\'t expect him to write such music."

Ouyang Wenjun just smiled. Then he asked them to sit at the wooden table and ordered his servants to bring immortal Zui and yaochi Yulu. Since the other party knew the characteristics of Wenjun\'s elegant building, he would be laughed at if they didn\'t use these hospitality. Ouyang Wenjun simply put five bottles in front of Ge Wen and Ge Wu.

Looking at the bottle in front of him, Ge Wen said with a smile, "this is the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu?"

"Well, please taste it."

Ge Wen\'s mouth slightly raised and played with the wine bottle: "To tell you the truth, rumors about this thing are everywhere these days. I have tried to taste it, but I believe that the delicious food drunk by immortals is spread by people. There is a lot of exaggeration. As for its real taste, there are not many people who can taste it. Five hundred and twenty-one bottles have completely limited its sales scope."

Ge Wu nodded approvingly: "Miss Wenjun is also a businessman. I believe you should know that a kind of wine that can sell 500 Liang, but publicity can not prolong its life!" in their view, the reason why shenxianzui is so famous is the role of publicity. If Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming were not in charge, they are sure that shenxianzui would not develop so fast.

In the face of their doubts, Ouyang Wenjun did not refute a sentence. She knew that the key explanation was better to let the two people taste it in person.

When he opened the wine cover, Ge Wen frowned. This charming and strong aroma of wine had gone beyond the scope of his cognition. He even thought there was something wrong with his nose. He didn\'t feel that his words just now were like beating his face until he drank a mouthful of immortal drunk.

At this time, Ge Wu was surprised and stared at the wine cup in his hand. With their identity and status, they had tasted almost all kinds of wine all over the country, including the intoxicating wine in Lingnan, but they never thought that the most irresistible wine in the world was in Luoyang: "good wine!"

Ge Wen took a deep breath and said to himself, "no wonder Wenjun Yazhu became the best restaurant in business overnight. It\'s really because the immortal is drunk. In this case, isn\'t the chip in our hands more valuable? Ha ha ha."