Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 750

Xie Lin was taken away by the official he brought. The previous excitement was restored in the casino. The gamblers returned to the gambling table. Everything seemed as if nothing had happened. Wu Xinyi stood beside Li Luoyang and said with a smile: "your mouth is still as powerful as before."

"I\'m just explaining the facts." Li Luoyang answered lightly. Then he took Wu Xinyi to the internal casino. The guard at the door had already made way. With Zhang Yue\'s order, they were eager for Li Luoyang to enter the internal casino quickly.

Through a small door, there is another world inside. Compared with the outside, the internal casino is extremely gorgeous. There is a private room separated by a mahogany screen. Each private room has special companions. These people are mainly responsible for serving tea and water and providing face-to-face running services for gamblers. The companions here are women, and they are all beautiful women, Like external casinos, women here are goods, just things gamblers lose.

As soon as they entered the external casino, Li Luoyang and Wu Xinyi noticed that many female sex waiters walked to different private rooms with drinks. Although they had a smile on their face, they felt like a zombie smile. Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi along at will. He planned to see the environment first and make plans for the next step. After all, this is the deepest part of the casino, If there is a direct conflict with Zhang Yue\'s people here, there is almost no chance to escape from the basement, so Li Luoyang decides to restrain.

After passing through each private room, Li Luoyang looked into the private room. There was no door blocking. He could directly see the pattern in the private room. A gambling table, a dealer and no guard were the standard in the private room. There were only five guests in each empty private room. Each one looked expensive. Of course, almost every guest had a woman sitting on his leg.

Li Luoyang also noticed that many gamblers would touch their hands on women before the start, and those women could only resist laughter. The most unexpected thing for Li Luoyang was that beds were placed in the private room and covered. There were waves of shaking from the wooden bed, and even women\'s cries. All these made Li Luoyang feel that this is the gathering point of gambling and prostitution.

Sharp Wu Xinyi naturally noticed this. At this time, her face turned red. Although she made some disguises on her face, she could see that her ears were red. Li Luoyang could also feel her tension from Wu Xinyi\'s hot palm. Therefore, Li Luoyang chose a private room with only three gamblers and went in, Lest Wu Xinyi continue to be embarrassed by those ugly things.

As soon as he entered the private room, Li Luoyang noticed that three gamblers turned their eyes to himself, and one of them immediately attracted Li Luoyang\'s attention.

Among the three, the other two are somewhat bloated and hold their own women. Of course, these women are provided by the casino and will not be free, but the other man sits alone at the gambling table with a lot of silver and even a wine pot.

The reason why the man attracted Li Luoyang\'s attention was that the man was wearing a shawl hanging on the ground and a Jinshi hat. He could recognize this guy at a glance. It seemed that this guy was related to the Lingnan government. According to Li Luoyang\'s judgment, he suspected that this club was probably the master of the Lingnan government.

As soon as Li Luoyang sat down, the dealer smiled and said, "this guest, is this your first time?"

"Exactly. What\'s the matter?"

"It\'s all right. As long as everyone who has come to play knows, master Mo doesn\'t like many people, so only two people are allowed to gamble with him in his private room. Aren\'t you one more person now?"

Hearing the dealer\'s words, Li Luoyang immediately laughed. He knew he was looking for the right person. No one knows the structure of the government and prison better than shiye.

Li Luoyang looked at master Mo and said slowly, "I don\'t know if master Mo really cares to play together?" it was not easy to find the key figure. Li Luoyang naturally didn\'t want to let go.

But I didn\'t expect that this guy\'s temper was really strange. I saw master Mo holding a wine pot and taking a sip. Without looking at it, Li Luoyang said to the dealer, "you know my rules, and bother the dealer to count the gambling games."

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that this guy refused so simply and didn\'t even pay attention to himself: "master Mo, everyone comes out to play. Why do you have to be independent? The private rooms in the casino are limited, so you can play here. Why do you interfere with other people\'s freedom?"

Master Mo turned to look at Li Luoyang, looked up and down, smiled and said, "you should come to such a place, you suckling boy?" master Mo despised Li Luoyang in an ordinary dress. He even thought that he should not be put into the casino.

Before Li Luoyang spoke, the dealer smiled and said to Li Luoyang, "this guest, please move to other private rooms. I believe there is room in other private rooms."

At this time, the other two guests who had been waiting on the side looked impatient and pointed their spears at Li Luoyang: "boy, don\'t get out, don\'t delay our entertainment."

"If you don\'t understand the rules, you should inquire about the rules the first time you come."

Li Luoyang held back his anger. If it were normal, these two guys would get a slap, but now it\'s someone else\'s territory. In addition, it\'s the deepest part of the basement. Li Luoyang had to say reluctantly, "in this case, I won\'t disturb you."

Just as Li Luoyang was about to get up and leave, a guard came slowly from outside the private room and went straight to the dealer\'s ear: "what are you doing, boy? This guy is the target ordered by the master. He finally sat down and asked him to leave for what?"

The dealer looked at Li Luoyang in surprise and then whispered, "this guy looks like a poor man. You know Master Mo\'s rules. We don\'t want to offend master mo."

"Are you stupid! Please leave one of the other two. It\'s really not good. Please leave both of them and leave Mr. Mo and the boy. The master let you win the boy\'s money and find a way to let him pawn the jade pendant. As for Mr. Mo, as long as there are only three people in the private room at most, remember, there is a dealer outside who has been driven crazy because of this Boy, be careful! "

The dealer stared at Li Luoyang with a frown on his face. Although he kept a smile on his face, he was worried that he was shocked. He knew all the dealers here. Each of them had experienced many battles and had never heard of anyone making a major mistake. However, he didn\'t expect that a well-trained dealer would be driven crazy: "how much did he lose to this boy?"

The guard whispered, "the boy won nearly 40000 Liang with a cost of one hundred Liang!"

The dealer left a drop of sweat on his forehead, swallowed his saliva and whispered, "I see. Let the master rest assured. I bet on the title of the first dealer in Fengyue building to ensure the completion of the task!"