Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 749

Li Luoyang took Wu Xinyi\'s hand and walked to the internal casino with 40000 Liang silver tickets and some broken silver. At this time, he couldn\'t live without Wu Xinyi. It\'s said that Wu Xinyi won all the money. Without Wu Xinyi\'s ability to listen and argue, Li Luoyang couldn\'t be so successful.

The guards of the internal casino stopped Li Luoyang\'s way. They were eager for Li Luoyang to enter the internal casino. After all, this was arranged by Zhang Yue, but they also need to check whether Li Luoyang carried weapons. After checking Li Luoyang, a guard specially called a female waiter in the casino to check Wu Xinyi. After careful inspection, no weapons were found, The guard let it go.

But just as Li Luoyang was about to enter the internal casino, there was a commotion behind him. Li Luoyang turned and looked. Xie Lin, who had offended before, rushed in with several men in official clothes.

"Where\'s the boy just now!"

Li Luoyang knew that Xie Lin was looking for himself. Seeing that there was no shadow of Zhang Qiong around Xie Lin, Li Luoyang was relieved. He stood still. When Xie Linton saw Li Luoyang at the gate of the internal casino, he took people to Li Luoyang.

In front of Li Luoyang, Xie Lin shouted to several officers behind him, "that\'s him!"

The chief officer looked at Li Luoyang with an obscene face, tilted his mouth and said with a smile: "boy, I heard that he made trouble here? He also offended the sworn brother of our captain?"

Li Luoyang instantly understood that these officials were Zhang Qiong\'s people. This time, he came to Fengyue building casino and just took revenge on himself: "I don\'t know what this official means? If I make trouble here, the people in Fengyue building will not let me go. As for the brother who offended your captain, I\'m sorry. I offended many people. I don\'t know who you\'re talking about!"

Schelling clenched his teeth and said, "of course it\'s me!"

Li Luoyang turned his head and smiled: "it\'s this childe. If I remember correctly, you wanted to rob my wife just now and created the contradiction between us? Why do you come here with an official now? Are you going to sue me for not giving my wife to you? I believe the government can\'t help the tyranny."

Before the official and Xie Lin refuted, Li Luoyang immediately asked: "Officer, is it against the law to rob someone\'s wife in broad daylight? There are many people here who can testify to me. Just now, the childe proposed to spend money to buy my wife. Of course, I want to stop this absurd thing. Unexpectedly, the childe directly grabbed my collar and wanted to fight me. Fortunately, the guards of Fengyue building dissuaded me in time to keep my life."

This is, those gamblers who have received the benefits of Li Luoyang roared and shouted, "that\'s right! We can prove it."

"He is the one who cares about his wife! He is shameless."

"Yes! The government should catch him!"

The chief officer looked puzzled and asked Xie Lin in a low voice: "brother Xie, didn\'t you say you were bullied? How did this happen?"

Schelling said angrily, "why do you care so much? Put him in prison. Let\'s clean him up slowly. Don\'t forget my brother\'s orders. You should listen to me."

The chief officer looked at the crowd in embarrassment: "brother Xie, it\'s hard for you to do this. Captain Zhang Qiong will punish us when so many people arrest people indiscriminately. Lingnan city is not peaceful these days. It\'s very kind of the captain to let us help you. If you started this thing first, we don\'t dare to arrest people at will."

Xie Lin grabbed the officer\'s collar and roared regardless of the eyes of the surrounding crowd: "I\'ve already said, take him away!"

Li Luoyang immediately burst into laughter and said to the surrounding crowd with a smile: "Did you hear that this guy turned black and white and let the officers seize me by force? What\'s my crime? Is it the king\'s law for me to give my wife to him? If these officers really follow his orders, have you ever thought about taking your family out in the future and sending them away with a smile when they are liked, or you will be imprisoned and suffer This is the king\'s law! "

The crowd suddenly became restless. In the face of all kinds of accusations and abuse, the chief official pushed Xie Lin away, and then quickly explained: "don\'t get me wrong! We were ordered by the government to help Xie Lin understand the cause of the dispute, and there was no plan to arrest people at will." The official was ordered by the government to explain that he didn\'t listen to Xie Lin and came here just to understand the truth with the reporter.

Xie Lin stared at the officer fiercely. He realized that he was excited just now and exposed his personal friendship with the officer. He lowered his voice and said slowly: "don\'t worry about these villains. Take the boy back. Those villains don\'t dare to stop!"

"Brother Xie, I think we\'d better forget it. That\'s all. If you don\'t want to have a conflict with Captain Zhang Qiong, don\'t pursue it. If you let him know that you have a dispute because you want to rob someone\'s wife, he won\'t help you. Instead, he will kill your relatives. As I said, it\'s an extraordinary time. No one dares to make mistakes. If you are caught, you\'ll lose your head!"

Xie Lin looked at the officer blankly: "that\'s it?"

"What else do you want!" The officer looked at Xie Lin impatiently. Since Xie Lin came to Lingnan from other places, Zhang Qiong took good care of him and gave him money to live in his house. However, this guy made trouble all day and was addicted to gambling. This time, because he had a conflict with someone else\'s wife, the officer really didn\'t want to clean up the mess for him. Moreover, there was no way to deal with it privately. So many people can prove that it was Xie Lin\'s fault. Even if officials want to protect their own people, they have to work together.

Looking at the officers who were about to leave, Sherrington shouted, "since you don\'t help me, give me back the money I gave you just now, and don\'t do anything after taking the money!"

As soon as this remark came out, people talked about it one after another and accepted bribes openly, which aroused people\'s anger. The chief official turned to look at Xie Lin, biting his teeth and said fiercely: "framing is a felony!"

"I know whether to frame you! Either help me do it, or I\'ll tell the Yamen about you!" Xie Lin smiled and stared at the chief official. He knew that what Xie Lin said was the secret of Zhang Qiong and their collection of fees for protecting mountain thieves.

The officer was immediately angry: "come on! Detain the man who framed the officer!"

Several officers rushed up in an instant, and others covered Xie Lin\'s mouth. Xie Lin struggled to be taken away. The episode made Li Luoyang wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. Xinha skillfully resolved the crisis. Otherwise, Xie Lin might be framed and imprisoned. Although he left Huarong, Lin Chong and others who lost Li Luoyang, But no military division will command the prison robbery.