Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 730

Back in Yang Yanwen\'s bedroom, Yang Yanwen\'s eyes never left Li Luoyang. Up to now, he still doesn\'t believe that Li Luoyang is the one who brews immortal intoxication. According to his imagination, the winemaker who can brewage immortal intoxication must be over half a hundred years old. Like his grandfather, only the accumulation of years can brew such good wine.

Only in this era, almost everyone does not understand a reason. They brew Baijiu wine tasteless, low alcohol content, and Li Luoyang as a modern man, know some knowledge about brewing, has been advancing with the times of brewing technology in his era has long been spicy, even lower degree of liquor, can also become a classic wine in the quality. Immortal drunkenness is only the first product that Li Luoyang experimented with in this era. Due to his inexperience and low degree, the world can\'t stop. It can be imagined that if Li Luoyang is improving his brewing technology, I\'m afraid no one can compare it.

Li Luoyang drank tea and looked at Yang Yanwen. She had been looking at herself: "what are you looking at me for?"

"Brother Jiuchi, I, I still can\'t believe that you are the one who brews immortal intoxication." Yang Yanwen has changed his arrogant attitude after tasting immortal intoxication. He knows that the taste of immortal intoxication is far better than his intoxicating intoxication handed down from generation to generation. Unexpectedly, the shocked mood has just calmed down and was shocked by Li Luoyang\'s identity, This time of surprise has made Yang Yanwen feel incredible, and Li Luoyang just proposed to cooperate with himself, give himself the secret recipe of immortality intoxication, and help the Yang family refine and intoxicate. These surprises even made Yang Yanwen feel like a dream.

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile, "you don\'t have to care about the authenticity of my identity. As long as I can provide you with the secret recipe of immortal intoxication and the method of refining intoxicating wine, it\'s enough for you."

Yang Yanwen nodded without hesitation. Naturally, he knew that the thing that could best prove Li Luoyang\'s identity was the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness. As long as Li Luoyang could really provide this thing, he would no longer doubt.

"Brother Jiuchi, how do you want to cooperate with us?"

"It\'s very simple. I provide technology, you provide channels, and we split the money we earn."

Yang Yanwen frowned and asked in a low voice, "is it so simple?"


"According to your cooperation method, give me the secret recipe of immortality intoxication and the method of refining intoxicating wine, and I will start production and sales, and we will share the profits?" Yang Yanwen can hardly imagine that the world will be so good and get such great benefits for no reason. Although the other party has no strength and capital, the secret recipe of immortality intoxication is already the biggest capital, Besides, Yang Yanwen couldn\'t believe that the other party would give herself the secret recipe of immortality intoxication so easily.

In fact, for Li Luoyang, the present is already out of date. He has Yao Chi Yu Lu in his hand and can produce more strong Baijiu at any time. The value of his immortal self has begun to dim. But even so, the gods are still very rare in other places and other people\'s hands. There is a good market.

"Brother wine maniac, let me ask more." to be on the safe side, Yang Yanwen still plans to ask for details and has guaranteed everything: "what\'s your purpose? Is it just to make money? If so, it\'s hard for me to believe that after all, Wenjun Yazhu\'s sales of immortals in Luoyang city should earn more money than our xiangmanlou\'s profit in a year."

Yang Yanwen is only a conservative estimate. After all, a bottle of wine has to sell 500 Liang. She has to buy 25 bottles of her own intoxicating wine. Moreover, the sales volume of immortals is better than that of intoxicating wine. Compared with xiangmanlou, the income of a day is really very different. Li Luoyang will not cooperate with herself for money. Yang Yanwen is worried that Li Luoyang has other ulterior actions.

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said slowly, "what I want is a trusted friend, just as you can trust me."


"Well, with immortal intoxication and refined intoxicating wine, your business will come one after another. At that time, I hope you can open a semicolon in Lingnan city and win over trusted people for cooperation, so as to earn more money. As for my request, it is actually very simple. I hope you and the people you lead can stand up when I need it."

Li Luoyang didn\'t want to beat around the bush. His words were very clear. However, Li Luoyang\'s next words exceeded Yang Yanwen\'s expectations: "I plan to set up a special gathering point for Baijiu market in south of the Five Ridges starting point, and find partners from different places. As long as we join our restaurant or business people, we provide technicians to brew wine and charge them, so we need many trusted people to learn the secrets of the intoxicating and intoxicating brewing of the gods. They can be assigned to different places to find partners. "

Listening to Li Luoyang\'s endless exposition, Yang Yanwen was stunned. He never thought that business could operate like Li Luoyang said. Li Luoyang\'s purpose is to let Yang Yanwen find trusted people in Lingnan city and make them their own forces. Li Luoyang is not worried that Yang Yanwen will betray herself, because he can feel Yang Yanwen\'s sincerity and Li Luo Yang is confident that she can control Yang Yanwen. As long as she can take out the newly brewed wine at the critical time, they can fully ensure their loyalty to themselves.

"Brother Jiuchi, all this sounds beautiful, but it all depends on the premise that you can come up with the secret recipe of immortals and refine the intoxicating wine." In Yang Yanwen\'s opinion, everything Li Luoyang said is a beautiful longing, and it is indeed a business opportunity. However, all plans and dreams have a necessary premise, that is, immortals are drunk and intoxicated. If Li Luoyang is just a false liar, all this will naturally be a bubble.

Before Li Luoyang provided these two essential things, Yang Yanwen remained vigilant. He didn\'t want to believe that Li Luoyang was a villain who talked nonsense here for 1000 liang of silver and planned to muddle through.

Li Luoyang was also well aware of Yang Yanwen\'s concerns. He went to his bedroom desk and wrote on rice paper. A moment later, Li Luoyang gave Yang Yanwen the secret recipe of immortality intoxication: "this is what you want."

Looking at the secret recipe in her hand, Yang Yanwen was surprised. No matter from the purchase and proportion of raw materials, even the brewing method, the order of putting raw materials, and the brewing time, she made clear marks. Looking at the words on the secret recipe, Yang Yanwen swallowed her saliva. He could even smell the mellow fragrance of the immortal.

"This is the secret recipe for immortals to get drunk. Brother Jiuchi, no, brother Luoyang, it seems that I\'m worried too much."

"I\'ll tell you how to refine the intoxicating method. I believe the cooperation between us should start?"

Yang Yanwen took up the tea cup with both hands and bowed respectfully: "if the Luoyang brothers can really make the imperial court intoxicated, the Yang family will bow down and be a minister in this life!"

Li Luoyang wants this result!