Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 729

One piano and one flute are refreshing. In the small bedroom, it seems to experience the feeling of traveling all over the north and south of the river.

Li Luoyang smiled: "it\'s brother Yang who wrote the music. It\'s wonderful."

Yang Yanwen stood up and walked to the round table, picked up the remaining immortals and drank them. Li Luoyang came to Yang Yanwen suspiciously: "brother Yang, what\'s the matter with you?"

"No, it\'s all right. I just haven\'t been so happy for a long time."

"Hahaha, if brother Yang doesn\'t dislike it, I will often visit in the future. How about studying musical instruments with brother Yang?" Li Luoyang hasn\'t been so relaxed for a long time. Before, the repertoire he rehearsed for Wenjun Yazhu musicians really exceeded the scope of this era and can give people a new feeling, but when it comes to piano and flute repertoire, Li Luoyang thinks it is the most simple and clean in ancient times. Today, Li Luoyang feels the charm of music of this era for the first time.

Yang Yanwen raised her mouth and nodded: "well, it\'s my honor for brother Jiuchi to visit my humble house. Why should I dislike it?"

Li Luoyang patted Yang Yanwen on the shoulder and said boldly, "we are rare confidants. There is no need to be so polite?" in Li Luoyang\'s view, his flute can resonate with Yang Yanwen\'s piano. This is already a tacit understanding between confidants. Without this tacit understanding, how can the flute and Piano be integrated.

Yang Yanwen subconsciously stood up, and Li Luoyang\'s hand on his shoulder naturally fell off: "brother Jiuchi, it\'s getting late. Let\'s go to the brewing room."

Li Luoyang looked around. The sun was setting outside the window. He didn\'t expect that the piano and Flute Ensemble just now had a general effect. Time was fleeting. It was almost dark in the twinkling of an eye: "well, you lead the way."

Yang Yanwen took Li Luoyang to the backyard of xiangmanlou. As soon as she came to the backyard, Li Luoyang noticed that a huge wooden house was built in the center of the backyard, and a lot of brewing raw materials were accumulated outside the wooden house, which seemed to have been scrapped.

Following Yang Yanwen into the brewing room, an old man with a white beard greeted him. When he was about to say something, he swallowed his words when he saw Li Luoyang: "young master, why are you here? The master has just left."

"Uncle, I know."

"Who is this?" Uncle Cai asked suspiciously, pointing to Li Luoyang. He has been in charge of the brewing room here for so many years. He has never seen Yang Yanwen bring outsiders in. Today is the first time.

Yang Yanwen introduced to Uncle Cai: "this is my friend, a person who knows wine and loves wine, and he is also a brewing master." Yang Yanwen looked at Li Luoyang and said slowly: "this is uncle CAI. Since my grandfather made wine, he has been responsible for managing the brewing room and can be fully trusted by our Yang family."

The rich uncle narrowed his eyes and smiled: "young master, you\'re breaking the old man\'s heart when you say so, but you brought your friends here. Do you know?"

"He doesn\'t know, but he asks uncle CAI to keep it a secret for me." Yang Yanwen winked at Uncle Cai, and uncle Cai doted and said, "since I was a child, there\'s nothing I can do about you. You should think clearly. This is the most confidential place of the Yang family." Uncle Cai looked up and down at Li Luoyang and whispered to Yang Yanwen: "The world is dangerous, but people\'s hearts are separated by their belly. You believe a stranger so easily? Bring him here? What benefits did he give you?"

Yang Yanwen replied in a low voice, "he said it could help us brew intoxicating wine again and let our wine return to the imperial court."

"Hey, young master, you are stupid. How could there be such a good thing in the world? This guy must have come to steal our secret recipe."

"Uncle Cai, just trust me this time. I\'ll be responsible for what happened."

"Hey, since you insist on doing so, I can\'t help it. Let\'s wait and see if he is a master winemaker."

Uncle Cai sighed helplessly, opened the door of the brewing room and walked into the brewing room. The air was full of wine smell, but compared with Li Luoyang\'s brewing room, the taste here can only be regarded as ordinary.

Li Luoyang came to the wine jar, opened the wooden cover and said with a smile, "how many days of fermentation?"

Uncle Cai said slowly, "ten days."

Li Luoyang didn\'t answer. He went straight to the wooden table in the brewing room. There were small portions of raw materials on the table, which were prepared for the next brewing. Li Luoyang looked at the variety and proportion of materials, and then smelled it. After a simple inspection for a while, Li Luoyang turned to Yang Yanwen and said: "Brother Yang, do you want to make the intoxicating wine more mellow?"

"Of course, that\'s why I brought you here."

Li Luoyang looked at the financial uncle behind Yang Yanwen. Since Yang Yanwen showed that the old man could be trusted, Li Luoyang naturally did not intend to let him avoid: "brother Yang, I have a bold suggestion. I don\'t know if you are interested."

"Wine crazy brother, but it doesn\'t hurt to say."

"I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation? How?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Luoyang whispered, "I can provide you with a method to purify the intoxicating wine, and I can also provide you with the secret recipe of immortal intoxication."

Before Li Luoyang finished, Yang Yanwen and his uncle were stunned: "God, the secret recipe for immortality intoxication? This, it\'s impossible. Brother, who are you?" Yang Yanwen knows that immortality intoxication is a kind of good wine at this level. The secret recipe must be kept to the extreme. He doesn\'t think that the wine addict in front of his eyes will have such a thing.

The uncle also swallowed his saliva and said slowly, "don\'t talk nonsense, little brother. I\'ve tasted the immortal drunk. This secret recipe can\'t be in the hands of outsiders unless you\'re the one who brews the immortal drunk, but I think you\'re not old enough to have this ability."

Li Luoyang smiled, bowed to Yang Yanwen and whispered, "I\'m Li Luoyang. Wenjun is the master of the house."

Yang Yanwen was like being hit by five thunders. She stood still and calmed down after a long time: "you, you are the maker of immortals? How did you appear here?"

Uncle CAI was speechless. Standing behind Yang Yanwen, he stared at Li Luoyang like an idol.

"I came to Lingnan for the purpose of asking brother Yang not to ask, but also to keep it secret for me." Li Luoyang can show his identity. In fact, it is very simple. Now he has mastered the secret recipe of intoxicating wine. If Yang Yanwen betrays his identity, he can publish the secret recipe of intoxicating wine to the world. At that time, it will only be xiangmanlou who will suffer losses.

Looking at the stunned two people, Li Luoyang continued: "what I want is a partner I can trust. I just played a song with brother Yang, which made me feel a lot, so I decided to cooperate with brother Yang. I wonder if brother Yang would like to."

"Yes, yes, of course! How to cooperate?" Yang Yanwen answered without hesitation. Even the uncle behind him nodded.

"Let\'s talk in detail in the bedroom." Li Luoyang went straight to the door. Uncle Cai whispered, "young master, I\'ll invite the master?"

Yang Yanwen shook her head: "no, I\'ll talk to him first."