Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 719

The alert of Lingnan city is expected by Li Luoyang. Lin Chong can also understand that Lingnan\'s move is to prevent possible rescue of Liangshan people. For Li Kui, with his understanding, he can only ask suspiciously: "why did these Lingnan officials send so many people to guard Huarong brothers?"

Wu Song patiently explained to Li Kui that this guy has martial arts and IQ is really worried.

Li Luoyang looked at the mountain bandit and continued to ask him. He needed more information and arranged the next action: "the gate is closely guarded. Do you know the patrols in the city." now it is an extraordinary period. Li Luoyang expected that the patrols in Lingnan city must be twice as good as those in taste.

The mountain thief looked up at Li Luoyang blankly: "Sir, you say I\'m a mountain thief. It\'s impossible to go to Lingnan city at ordinary times. Isn\'t that looking for death?"

"Since you have Zhang Qiong\'s protection, are you still worried about being caught by the officials in Lingnan city?"

"Of course, Zhang Qiong just promised not to destroy our stronghold, and didn\'t say he would allow us to appear in his sphere of influence. As long as the stronghold still exists, killing a few mountain bandits who went into Lingnan city won\'t cost him any loss, and no one wants to lose his life. Therefore, we have never entered Lingnan city since we took the road of mountain bandits, let alone in recent times."

When Li Luoyang thought about it, Zhang Qiong only promised not to attack the mountain stronghold and kill some mountain thieves who broke into Lingnan city without any loss. Naturally, these mountain thieves will not throw themselves into the Lingnan city. In addition, Hua Rong was arrested during this period and the security in Lingnan city is strict. How can some small mountain thieves enter the city, The government has the portraits of almost all the mountain bandits nearby. Once they are interrogated at the gate of the city, they will be punished if they can\'t even enter the door.

Li Luoyang turned to look at Lin Chong and whispered, "brother Lin Chong, what do you think of this?"

Lin Chong replied in a low voice, "the Lingnan city wall is towering into the clouds. It is known as the strongest defensive city. It is almost impossible to cross the city wall. With the increase of patrols and guards, the defense on the city wall will increase several times, so we can only enter Lingnan from the main gate."

"It seems that there is still a lot to do after entering Lingnan city this time."

While Li Luoyang and Lin Chong were discussing, the mountain bandit who had been kneeling on the ground interrupted with a smile and asked, "you two, I don\'t know if you can let me go now. I\'ve told you everything I know." naturally, the mountain bandit was thinking about his life. Seeing the investment of Li Luoyang and Lin Chong, it seemed that he ignored his promise to let him go. The mountain bandit couldn\'t help asking.

Li Luoyang turned and looked at the mountain bandit, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "you go. I\'ll do what I say!"

The mountain bandit stood up and bowed respectfully to Li Luoyang. Then he turned and ran. Without taking a few steps, Li Luoyang said to Wu Song around him, "the prey begins to run. It\'s up to you next."

Wu Song stared at Li Luoyang suspiciously: "didn\'t you say you let him go?"

"I did let him go. Isn\'t he gone now? You said you wanted to let him go?"

"You!" Wu Song frowned and looked at Li Luoyang angrily. He was very tired of reneging people. He didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to be so insidious. His promise was as easy as farting: "I\'ll kill you! I won\'t go!"

Just after Wu Song finished, he saw a silver gun break through the air and fly out by rubbing one side of Wu Song\'s body. The head of the gun accurately pierced from the back of the mountain thief and ran through the whole chest. The mountain thief with a full smile suddenly looked surprised. At the moment of falling to the ground, he was still trying to turn around and look at Li Luoyang. His eyes were full of resentment and helplessness.

Monk Hua stopped in front of Lin Chong, and the blame in his words was obvious: "brother Lin Chong! Why? Since Li Luoyang has promised to let him go just now, why kill him? Li Luoyang is a sinister scoundrel. Are you such a person?" like Wu Song, monk Hua, who is based on good faith, was angry when he saw Lin Chong go back and asked Lin Chong what he meant face to face.

Lin Chong bypasses the flower monk in front of him and comes to the mountain thief\'s body. He pulls out the Zhangba snake spear and returns to Li Luoyang without expression. He doesn\'t intend to explain to Wu Song and flower monk, but sits directly under the tree trunk.

Looking at the angry Wu Song and monk Hua, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "I didn\'t intend to let him go from the beginning."

"Then why did you make a promise!" Wu Song took a strong step towards Li Luoyang. He seemed to have the impulse to punch Li Luoyang in the face.

"Giving him a promise is just to reassure him, and then he will tell us the information we want. If he knew at the beginning that even if he cooperated, he would die, would he still tell us this?"

Wu Song and monk Hua were speechless.

Li Luoyang continued to smile and said, "the reason for killing him is also very simple. It\'s for this mission, but also for you!"


Monk Hua laughed wildly: "ha ha ha, joke! Your promise doesn\'t matter to us."

"The words of the mountain bandit just now have been very clear. They came out to earn one hundred Liang silver for Zhang Qiong and have protected the integrity of the stronghold. This means that the mountain bandits you killed are all the forces in the nearby mountain bandit\'s nest. The stronghold has been destroyed. All his companions have been killed in battle. They can\'t enter Lingnan city to make a living in his capacity. Do you think he is What other means to live? "

"What are you trying to say!" Wu Song roared.

"It\'s very simple. After he leaves here alive, he will go to Lingnan for cooperation with the government for the first time and report our plan to rescue Hua Rong. In this way, he can get a lot of benefits. He not only has money, but also has the right to stay in Lingnan. A mountain thief who abandoned darkness and followed the light has made great contributions to the government. These rewards are only few."

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Wu Song and monk Hua cooled their backs. If, as Li Luoyang said, the mountain bandits reported the action to the government, they would only face endless traps and pursuit when entering Lingnan city.

Lin Chong sat on the ground and said in an expressionless low voice, "the promise is nothing compared with the life of brother Huarong. We do it just in case. You heard the situation in Lingnan city just now. There is no room for carelessness."

Li Kui stood behind Lin Chong and nodded vaguely: "I support Lin Chong\'s brother\'s practice! That boy is not a good bird at first sight. Killing him is harmless!"

Wu Song took a deep breath, shook his head helplessly and looked at Li Luoyang closely. At this time, his evaluation of Li Luoyang was described in two words, terrible. Li Luoyang seems to be able to understand everything and deal with things incisively and vividly. Instead of Wu Song himself, he can\'t be so perfect and cautious anyway.

Li Luoyang smiled at Wu Song and monk Hua who were silent and said, "is there any problem? If not, let\'s discuss the next step."