Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 718

Deep in the jungle, there were still a lot of wild boars left last night, which could be used as food for several people in Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang was eating roasted wild boar meat while watching the mountain bandits dripping saliva. Under the trunk of one side, Li Kui was still sulking alone. Lin Chong still sat beside Li Luoyang without expression. Wu Song was chewing food, Only monk Hua was arranged by Li Luoyang to patrol nearby to avoid people from the government.

"Want to eat?" Li Luoyang looked at the mountain bandit with a smile. The golden boar meat in his hand was full of the smell of cooked meat, which made people want to stop. The mountain bandit who had been hungry for a long time nodded his head, and the back of his hand was still wiping the saliva falling from his mouth: "think, think!"

Li Luoyang friendly tore off a large piece of wild boar meat and handed it to the mountain thief. At this time, the mountain thief was almost moved to tears because of Li Luoyang\'s move. He immediately destroyed the wild boar meat in his hand. The mountain thief rubbed his stomach and burped contentedly.

Li Luoyang began to ask, "how much do you know about Zhang Qiong?" since he already knew his opponent, Li Luoyang naturally wanted more information about his opponent.

"Uncle, Zhang Qiong is the best expert in Lingnan government. He can be regarded as a hated character. He can\'t count all ten fingers of the mountain bandit nest he came out to encircle and suppress, and he didn\'t leave a living mouth in his bandit suppression action. Those mountain bandits were beheaded in public."

Li Luoyang looked at the mountain bandits with a frown: "your stronghold is so close to Lingnan City, didn\'t he attack you?" Li Luoyang was curious about why Zhang Qiong is so powerful, but she didn\'t take the mountain bandit nest closest to Lingnan City, but let these mountain bandits continue to be king.

The mountain thief looked puzzled. After hesitating for a moment, he said slowly, "in fact, the reason is very simple. We gave him enough benefits."

Li Luoyang suddenly realized and said, "you mean you gave him money and let him let you go?"

"Well, it\'s regular. We regularly deliver one hundred liang of silver to Zhang Qiong, so he won\'t look for our trouble. Naturally, he won\'t bring us all in one pot. After all, he can get one hundred liang of silver in our hands every month!"

Lin Chong bit his teeth and said slowly, "corrupt officials!"

Li Luoyang ignored Lin Chong\'s anger. He continued to ask, "so all the remaining mountain bandit nests in Lingnan cooperate with Zhang Qiong?"

"Of course! Otherwise, it would have been destroyed. Just because the strongholds knew that they would give Zhang Qiong a hundred Liang a month, we stopped fighting with each other for many years and just wanted to collect the protection fee every month, so the fighting between the strongholds has stopped and everyone often goes out to rob."

Wu Song asked curiously, "why did the stronghold stop fighting with the stronghold? Destroying each other and strengthening yourself is the capital for your mountain bandits to live."

Before the mountain bandits answered, Li Luoyang explained: "that\'s because they are worried about Zhang Qiong\'s revenge. Once a mountain stronghold is destroyed, it means that Zhang Qiong will lose a sum of income. Therefore, even if he doesn\'t say it, these mountain bandits won\'t find each other\'s trouble, but respect each other like guests."

The mountain thief nodded: "Yes, I\'m right. Zhang Qiong has given notice to every stronghold that no one except him is allowed to destroy the mountain bandit\'s nest. If we kill a group of people and lead to the collapse of their stronghold, we will bear the protection fee they have to pay. One hundred Liang a month will become two hundred Liang a month, so no one will be so stupid and start on other strongholds."

The mountain bandit thought for a moment and then said, "by the way, he said this is a way to maintain the number of mountain bandits. As long as we obey his arrangement, the imperial court will not notice us entering mole ants. Who cares about several mountain bandit nests in Lingnan."

Lin Chong denounced in a low voice: "greed is greed. Can he exaggerate his corruption? It\'s high sounding to say that he can maintain the number of mountain bandits\' dens! Brother Huarong lost to such a person."

At this time, the mountain thief said, "I heard that Hua Rong was caught alive by Zhang Qiong after being measured by Zhang Qiong. No one knows the specific details."

Li Luoyang continued to ask, "what\'s the situation in Lingnan city during this period?"

"When Hua Rong was arrested, the Lingnan government has invited the imperial court for credit for the first time. The imperial court was delighted to learn that general Liangshan was captured alive and ordered the Lingnan government to publicize it. Therefore, the voice of the imperial court can be heard everywhere in Lingnan. They want to tell organizations like Liangshanpo that Hua Rong will end up against the imperial court."

"What else!" Wu Song clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. He didn\'t expect that his brother had become the capital of the imperial court.

"The people of the court know that the people in Liangshan are all very concerned about love and will send people to south of the Five Ridges to save Huarong, so they have stepped up their guard and deployed many soldiers from the camp," he said.

Looking at the hesitant mountain thief, Wu Song grabbed the mountain thief\'s collar and said, "go on! Believe it or not, I separated your tongue."

"And the imperial court ordered Lingnan officials to execute Hua Rong at Caishikou three days later to warn the world."

"Three days later?" Lin Chong frowned and whispered, "I didn\'t expect time to be more urgent than I expected!"

Instead, Li Luoyang smiled: "fortunately, there are still three days left."

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s smiling face, Lin Chong asked suspiciously, "you seem to have an idea?" at least from Li Luoyang\'s face, Lin Chong felt a relaxed, not urgent.

"The imperial court asked the Lingnan government to punish the Huarong brothers on the spot because it was afraid of long dreams. In order to avoid accidents on the way to Chang\'an, we wanted to deal with this matter earlier. As long as the Huarong brothers are still in Lingnan, we can arrange everything in three days."

Lin Chong looked at Li Luoyang suspiciously: "three days is enough?" in his opinion, the current situation is not optimistic. Not only the whole Lingnan government sent out, but also the military camp sent soldiers to cooperate, which is beyond Lin Chong\'s expectation.

Everyone in Liangshan Park knew the importance of Huarong to the imperial court, but he didn\'t expect the imperial court to pay so much attention and startled the people in the military camp, which made Lin Chong feel that things had become difficult.

Li Luoyang looked at the mountain bandits with a smile: "what\'s the situation at the gate?" this is what Li Luoyang is most concerned about. All investigations in Lingnan have to go through the first checkpoint, that is, how to enter the heavily guarded Lingnan city. Only a group of people successfully enter the city can they know the situation more specifically.

"The city gate is the highest alert. All people entering and leaving the city are not allowed to wear any weapons. They should be carefully inspected. Fast horses can\'t enter the city. I\'ve never seen Lingnan city so heavily guarded for so long. Even a fly can\'t get in."

The result is not much different from Li Luoyang\'s imagination. Huarong\'s arrest will naturally cause Lingnan to be on full alert. The defense line at the gate is their first checkpoint, which will certainly be heavily guarded.