Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 715

In the jungle not far from Lingnan, Li Luoyang looks at the map in his hand. A red dot is drawn in the jungle. This is the place marked with mountain bandits by Wu Yong. It is reasonable that Li Luoyang should not choose to rest here to avoid meeting mountain bandits. This is also part of Li Luoyang\'s plan. He wants to understand the current situation in Lingnan first. If he can catch one or two mountain bandits, Naturally, it can be clearer than now. Besides, there are four people around Lin Chong. Li Luoyang doesn\'t think ordinary mountain thieves can fight these four people.

"Brother Lin Chong, please go and find some wood nearby. The temperature in the jungle will drop suddenly at night, so we need to keep warm." Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that he could be brother to Lin Chong, and Lin Chong would listen to his own arrangement. It\'s a great thing. Even Li Luoyang can\'t suppress his inner excitement, and he breathed when he said this order.

Without any hesitation, Lin Chong nodded and walked to the jungle. Li Luoyang turned and looked at Wu Song: "brother Wu Song, you have a better temper than monks and Li Kui. I hope you can go nearby and see if there is a village. This jungle is far from Lingnan. Even if there are villages, the villagers will not know the situation of Lingnan city."

"Then why do you want me to go to the village?" Wu Song asked and answered suspiciously. Since he didn\'t ask himself to inquire about Lingnan City, why did he ask himself to find the village and bring enough food with him, nor did he ask himself to buy some food.

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "go and prepare some villagers\' clothes to disguise their identity."

Wu Song remembered Wu Yong\'s explanation. This action must hide his identity. At least when rescuing Huarong, he must not be recognized by the government, otherwise Liangshanpo will be under the heavy pressure of the imperial court: "well, I see."

After Wu Song left, Li Luoyang said to monk Hua, "brother monk, why don\'t you go around and see if there are wild animals? How about we have meat tonight?" the food Wu Yong prepared for the people is only dry cakes, which is difficult for Li Luoyang to accept. Even his money is only more than ten Liang Liang, which is the best treatment Liang shanpo can offer.

Hearing the meat tonight, monk Hua quickly picked up the water mill bintie Buddhist staff: "no problem! I will bring back game to mend my brothers!" the meat and wine monk will not refuse these delicious dishes. It is really boring to eat only dry cakes on the way. Now with Li Luoyang\'s order, monk Hua is naturally happy.

Seeing that his three brothers all have tasks to go out, Li Kui moved to Li Luoyang and sat: "little Luoyang, my brothers have tasks. What do you think I can do?" Li Kui, who was dissatisfied with Li Luoyang before, obviously changed his view after Li Luoyang\'s teaching. In Li Kui\'s opinion, Li Luoyang at this time is comparable to Wu Yong, Not only did Li Kui admire him for taking precautions, but also because of Li Luoyang\'s sincere persuasion to the Liangshan brothers, which made Li Kui sincerely worship. Although it was not comparable to Song Jiang\'s position in his heart, at least Li Luoyang was Li Kui\'s recognized brother.

Li Luoyang smiled and said to Li Kui, "brother Li Kui, you are here to protect my safety."

"Protect you? It\'s safe here. You need protection?"

"Safety? Huh, huh, maybe. If you are really busy, go and help Lin Chong brothers, and get some dry wood back so as not to be late at night." Li Luoyang sent Li Kui at random, knowing that the fellow could not remain idle.

"OK!" Li Kui ran towards Lin Chong with great interest.

Soon after, Lin Chong and Li Kui returned to Li Luoyang with wood. Looking at the dusk sky, Li Luoyang raised the fire. At this time, monk Hua came back with a wild boar in his blood and threw the wild boar on the ground. Monk Hua smiled and said, "this meal is enough!"

Li Kui nodded and laughed: "enough! Enough!" Li Kui immediately skillfully cut off the limbs of the wild boar with a big axe, cleaned the fur and began to barbecue on the fire. The smell immediately began to diffuse. Even Li Luoyang couldn\'t help swallowing his saliva.

It was when Li Luoyang was young to eat game like this. At that time, he often went hunting near Lijia village with Li Guo or Xiao Si. Since the assassination, Li Luoyang has never enjoyed it like this again. Looking at the pig legs dripping with waste oil, Li Luoyang smiled and said, "delicious! If only there was wine!"

Monk Hua handed his wine gourd to Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang smiled and drank it. Li Luoyang, who is not good at drinking, drank monk Hua\'s wine. For him, this wine is tasteless and just an occasion.

Soon after, wu song also returned with five sets of ordinary people\'s clothes.

After a few people had enough to eat and drink, Li Luoyang said slowly, "let\'s take turns to guard tonight. After the battle in the evening, we can change the people\'s clothes to avoid being dirty by blood."

The four people looked at Li Luoyang in disbelief. Lin Chong asked in disbelief, "the battle at night? Will there be a battle here at night?"

Li Luoyang smiled confidently: "look, someone will come and send us the first news about Lingnan city tonight. It\'s just that it will be hard to catch one of the four brothers at that time."

The four looked at each other. Wu Song asked, "are you so sure someone will come to the door tonight? Who is the other party?"

Li Luoyang handed Lin Chong the map and pointed to the location where everyone was now. Lin Chong suddenly realized: "have you considered the place to rest before?"

"Well, I chose to rest here because the mountain bandits in this jungle are the closest people to Lingnan. Although the villagers here don\'t have much contact with Lingnan, the mountain bandits are different. They have to find ways to know the every move of Lingnan government before they can decide whether to go out and seize money. Lingnan city government now focuses on Huarong brothers and has no time to pay attention to these mountains Thieves, so they will be unscrupulous. As long as they can meet them and catch one alive, they will certainly get information about Lingnan. This is also our first intelligence. "

Lin Chong marveled at Li Luoyang\'s plan, and even the rest place could be used.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, Li Kui excitedly picked up the Xuanhua axe and began to rub his hands: "hahaha, I can finally relax my muscles and bones!"

"Well, take it easy. Maybe those mountain bandits won\'t come back?" Wu Song said slowly.

At this time, Li Luoyang said, "don\'t worry, they must come. Lin Chong and Li Kui must have left traces when they cut down wood. Coupled with the fire here at night, it is enough to attract them to find us."

Lin Chong asked in a low voice, "this fire is not just for us to keep warm?"

"That\'s natural. The reason why the fire is raised is to meet moths."

Looking at Li Luoyang\'s confident appearance, Lin Chong finally understood why Wu Yong said that Li Luoyang must command this operation. It is estimated that only Li Luoyang will have such a city government. Perhaps Wu Yong may not be able to do so comprehensively.