Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 714

Li Luoyang has been exhausted by the fact that he travels day and night without sleep for three days. At this time, Li Luoyang is still a long way from Lingnan. Li Luoyang sits on a horse with blood bubbles on his hips. Since he came to this era, Li Luoyang, who has hardly ridden a horse, has reached his limit. If the other four Liangshan brothers are not tired at all, Li Luoyang has long ordered a rest.

Lin Chong rode slowly to Li Luoyang: "why don\'t you have a rest?" Lin Chong had noticed that there was already bright red blood on the saddle under Li Luoyang. Seeing this situation, Lin Chong couldn\'t help admiring Li Luoyang. Li Luoyang was still young and never complained all the way. Even if he was injured, he gritted his teeth and insisted. This alone, Lin Chong can see that Li Luoyang is trying his best to help them save Huarong. He is sincere.

Hearing that he was going to rest, Li Kui shouted, "don\'t rest! It\'s not far from Lingnan. I\'ll rest you. I\'ll explore the way ahead." Li Kui took out the Xuanhua axe and wanted to rush towards Lingnan. Lin Chong took out a long gun from behind and stopped in front of Li Kui: "forget your oath?"

Li Kui immediately shed a cold sweat, not only because his oath made him afraid, but also because Li Kui knew that Lin Chong was the most feared thing in the whole Liangshan Mountain. He also competed with Lin Chong many times. He never won a victory. He didn\'t dare to fight in front of Lin Chong.

Wu Song stretched himself out and said with a smile, "it\'s three days and three nights. Lingnan is not far ahead. We don\'t have to work hard. We\'ll have a rest when we get to Lingnan." Wu Song naturally doesn\'t want to delay. After all, no one knows what Huarong is facing at this time. Maybe he\'s being escorted to Chang\'an by Lingnan officials. If he\'s late, he won\'t catch up, so Wu Song supports Li Kui\'s decision, I plan to take a rest after arriving at Lingnan.

Monk Hua unscrewed the wine gourd he carried with him, poured it into his mouth and said with a smile, "yes, brother Lin Chong, let\'s hurry to Lingnan."

Ignoring the comments of several people, Li Luoyang jumped off his horse, tied his horse to the trunk and said slowly: "Just because we are not far from Lingnan, we should maintain our physical strength and stay awake for three days and nights. Even if your martial arts and physical strength are amazing, they are consumed. The purpose of this rest is to restore your physical strength and enter Lingnan in the best state. No one knows what will be waiting for us there."

Lin Chong jumped off his horse and walked to Li Luoyang. Then he sat directly on the ground, leaned against the trunk and began to rest. After listening to Li Luoyang, Wu Song nodded: "Well, that\'s right. The road ahead is not clear. After all, after seizing the Huarong brothers, the Lingnan government has stepped up its inspection in case someone wants to save the Huarong brothers, so the situation in Lingnan is very tense."

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Song and others on horseback and continued: "don\'t forget that this rest is not only that, but also a more important thing."

Monk Hua drank wine and looked up at Li Luoyang: "what else?"

"Camouflage!" Li Luoyang said slowly, pointing to the weapons and equipment carried by several people: "I believe Lingnan city must be heavily guarded at this time. After all, Huarong is too important for the imperial court. There must be security everywhere in the city. Although the city gate is not blocked, it must be guarded by countless guards. People entering and leaving Lingnan city will be closely checked. Look at your weapons and equipment."

The four men\'s equipment has too obvious characteristics, such as Lin Chong\'s Zhangba snake spear, Hua monk\'s Shuimo bintie Zen stick, Wu Song\'s two anti theft axes, and Li Kui\'s Xuanhua axe.

Li Luoyang smiled and said: "These weapons on your body are easy to attract the attention of the guards at the gate of the city. Now is an extraordinary period. According to my analysis, once someone finds your weapons, they will certainly be focused on. Therefore, I think it is necessary for us to inquire in the nearby manor or village after arriving at Lingnan to see if anyone knows the inspection situation at the gate of Lingnan city. Only Only when we know the news can we have a way to deal with it. "

Lin Chong nodded in agreement with Li Luoyang\'s plan, while Wu Song jumped off his horse, looked at Li Luoyang and said with a smile: "You are young and think very carefully. I\'m afraid military division Wu Yong is not as cautious as you. However, I remind you that although you can ensure our safety, it will also delay a lot of time. I\'m afraid brother Hua Rong will have been sent to Chang\'an by then."

"The premise of this mission is to protect your own safety. If you can\'t even protect your own life, what can you talk about saving people? Even if you fail and Hua Rong has been sent away, we can only face such a situation. Do you still want to get into a brother?"

Monk Hua stood in front of Li Luoyang, with a 62 kg water mill bin iron Zen staff, deeply inserted into the mud: "listen to you, you don\'t intend to save brother Hua Rong with all your strength? You underestimate our Liangshan brothers. Even if we die, we will save Hua Rong! So you don\'t have to worry about our integrity."

Li Luoyang stood up and looked up at monk Hua, who was a head taller than himself: "I don\'t object to valuing righteousness and friendship, but ignorant friendship will only harm your whole Liangshan! I want to ask you, if Hua Rong has fallen head at this time, or has been sent to Chang\'an, what are you prepared to do? Take your brothers for revenge? Or kill in Chang\'an?"

The flower monk said without hesitation, "that\'s nature!"

"Hum, just a reckless man!"

"You want to die!" monk Hua immediately lifted the water mill bintie Zen stick and sprinkled the soil into the air. Li Luoyang said with a leisurely smile: "With developed limbs and simple mind, do you Liangshan have the strength to avenge Huarong? Do you have the strength to enter Chang\'an? An impulse will only make the whole Liangshan collapse in an instant. If you make such a decision, you don\'t think the brothers in Liangshan will go with you? Then all of you will be blinded by hatred. Even if you avenge, what will happen? Whose life can you save?"

Li Luoyang smiled and pushed away the polished iron Zen staff facing himself: "If I were you, if I met such a situation, the first thing to do would be to keep calm, and then take a long-term view. If the Lingnan government took my brother\'s life, I would have to pay a more painful price to the Lingnan government, rather than take revenge recklessly for a moment\'s anger. That would only get the enemy\'s plan, so I said you were a reckless man!"

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, monk Hua was speechless, and Li Luoyang had wanted to say these words for a long time. He knew that all the brothers in Liangshan park were sentient and righteous people, but such friendship often hurt them. Li Luoyang imperceptibly changed the future of some Liangshan brothers. At least these four people in front of him learned what is calm and what is gentleman revenge. It has not been ten years Late.

Li Kui jumped off his horse last. He looked at Li Luoyang, and then skillfully tied his horse to the trunk. There was no complaint or dissatisfaction. He seemed to feel that the little guy in front of him understood more clearly than the four old men, and had a natural leader\'s spirit.