Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 712

The chaos in Luoyang city is over, but the secret conspiracy has begun. At this time, Li Luoyang, who is preparing for departure in Liangshan, knows nothing about it. The only thing he can predict is that the six gates in Luoyang City have stopped looking for him. All this is the relationship between his letter and Lin Luoshui.

Picking up his luggage, Xiao Si came to Li Luoyang, and Li Luoyang stood at the entrance of the copycat village, waiting for Wu\'s arrival. Xiao Si slowly said, "master, this time I\'m going to south of the Five Ridges, I will have to wait for a while. How can I deal with the perfume that I am working with Sima Ying Ming? In a few days, it can be the day for delivery to Mrs. white." Xiao Si naturally knows some details of Li Luoyang\'s cooperation with Sima Yingming. He is worried that this trip to Lingnan will delay their cooperation and finally bear Mrs. Bai\'s anger.

Li Luoyang smiled unhurried and said, "rest assured, Sima Ying is more anxious than I am. Xinyi\'s fragrance has been given to jade, and jade has finished refining one hundred bottles. At this time, there should be a piece of Mo Jiao. When Mo Jiao is finished, jade will follow the instructions of me to send perfume to Sima Yingming\'s house.

Li Luoyang did not expect Mo Jiao to give up in the middle. Most of the remaining perfume was finished with Yu Er. At this time, Mo Jiao had already finished the refining of one hundred bottles of perfume, and had handed over one hundred bottles or even secret recipe to Sima Ying Ming in his own hand. This is not Li Luoyang\'s expectation.

"Brother Luoyang, wait a long time!" Wu Yong\'s voice came from the stronghold. Li Luoyang turned and looked. Wu Yong was followed by three people, two of whom Li Luoyang had already known. One was Walker Wu Song and the other was Hua monk Lu Zhishen. However, Li Luoyang\'s attention was on another man.

The man\'s body was covered with a seven foot long gun, and the silver white gun body was particularly eye-catching. The gun head was wrapped in black cloth, and his edge could not be seen. The man\'s face was expressionless, but he could feel a bloody killing and indifferent look. The man had an official seal on his cheek, which was not only an indelible mark left by the imperial court on the felons, but also a shame for the man.

Wu Yong came to Li Luoyang with a smile: "brother Luoyang, let me introduce you."

"The 700000 leader of the forbidden army is called Lin Chong, the leopard head." before Wu Yong finished, Li Luoyang knew the identity of the other party. His eyes not only showed his worship, but also Li Luoyang, who has read the water margin, has always admired Lin Chong. He appreciates Lin Chong\'s martial arts, loves Lin Chong\'s attitude of not being powerful, and is saddened that Lin Chong was framed by the imperial court.

Lin Chong was still expressionless, but nodded slightly to Li Luoyang, and then walked to the mountain gate.

Wu Yong smiled and said to Li Luoyang, "he is like this. He doesn\'t like talking. I hope Luoyang brothers don\'t mind."

"No, if the military division doesn\'t explain anything, we\'ll start now!"

Wu Yong said slowly, "Luoyang brothers, this action can\'t make any mistakes. For your safety, you are advised to disguise on the road. Liangshan brothers will also dress up to cover up their identity. After all, they rob the prison but face the imperial court. At present, Liangshanpo doesn\'t have such strength."

"Well, I see."

"When you get to Lingnan, everything depends on you. Of course, the most important thing is the leadership of Luoyang brothers. I have explained that they will obey your arrangement all the way. If they don\'t obey orders, Luoyang brothers don\'t have to be soft!"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said slowly, "don\'t worry, I\'ll kill those who don\'t obey orders!"

Wu Song looked at Li Luoyang mockingly: "it\'s up to you?"

Wu Yong turned his head and stared at Wu Song: "I have stressed many times that if you want to save Hua Rong, you must obey the arrangements of the Luoyang brothers. If you don\'t follow the mountain rules, I believe brother Song Jiang will definitely support my decision when he comes back!"

Wu Song sighed helplessly: "I know, I know, listen to his orders."

The flower monk on one side laughed wildly and put his hand on Wu Song\'s shoulder: "let\'s go. Don\'t be fussy. I\'d like to see what Li Luoyang can do!"

Looking at Wu Song and monk Hua walking in the direction of Lin Chong, Wu whispered to Li Luoyang, "Luoyang brothers, I\'ve given you several brothers. I hope you can take care of them."

Li Luoyang looked at Xiao Si standing behind Wu Yong and said with a smile, "I have given my beloved apprentice to you, too. If he has any shortcomings, I promise I will come to Liangshan Park again one day, and I will wash Liangshan with blood at that time!"

Wu Yong, who knew he was wronged, smiled: "don\'t worry. I guarantee with my life that the fourth brother will not lose a hair. If there is a violation, it\'s unreasonable!"

Li Luoyang smiled, then nodded to Xiao Si, turned and walked to the mountain gate. Just then, a rough and crazy roar came: "military division! Military division! I\'m going too!"

When they looked back, Li Kui rushed to Wu Yong like a black bull with two Xuanhua axes in his hands.

Wu Yong shook his head reluctantly: "iron bull, don\'t go. Your temperament has always been direct and straightforward. Even if brother Song Jiang is here, you often don\'t obey orders, and following brother Luoyang will only increase trouble!" Wu Yong knows Li Kui very well. This guy is single-minded and rarely listens to the arrangement. In the whole Liangshan Mountain, Li Kui not only obeys Song Jiang\'s orders, He will obey no one\'s orders, let alone a yellow haired boy.

And Li Kui\'s character Li Luoyang also knows very well. After all, this guy is easy to attract other people\'s attention in the water margin. The person who is most loyal to Song Jiang is Black Whirlwind Li Kui.

"I swear, I will obey the order of little Luoyang. If I don\'t do it, you will kill me!" Li Kui looked at Wu Yong anxiously, his eyes full of expectation.

Wu Yong resolutely refused: "iron bull, don\'t fool around. It\'s important at this time. You can\'t mess around!"

Li Kui clenched his teeth and stared at Wu Yong fiercely: "hum! I\'m going to leave. Who of you dares to hurdle, and even a scholar with no ability to bind chickens dares to tell me what to do!"

Wu held up his feather fan and was about to hit Li Kui on the head: "you! You haven\'t respected my words. How can you listen to the orders of the Luoyang brothers? You can stay in the stockade for me this time. You can\'t go a step!"

When the two were deadlocked, Li Luoyang came to Li Kui with a smile: "I\'d like you to go to Lingnan with us, but you must promise me one thing."

"Luoyang brother." Wu Yong was about to say something and was stopped by Li Luoyang.

Li Kui looked at Li Luoyang excitedly: "Cheng! As long as you let me go, don\'t say one thing, I promise you ten things. Say what!"

Li Luoyang smiled and said, "I want you to swear that if you don\'t obey my orders and arrangements, you won\'t drink in this life!"

"Ah?" Li Kui looked at Li Luoyang foolishly. Wu Yong on one side laughed. He didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to hit Li Kui\'s weakness with a sentence, which made him feel all right. But if Li Kui didn\'t drink, life would be better than death.