Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 711

The decision was always just in a flash. Yang Zhi knew in his heart that the biggest enemy of Liangshan was the six gates from Luoyang. At the request of the court, Moyun had secretly investigated the forces of Liangshan, so that Wu had asked the Liangshan brothers to act in a low key manner so as to avoid being seized by the six men. Yang Zhi, who had hurried back, also fell into hesitation.

Guan Sheng saw Yang Zhi\'s entanglement and whispered, "brother Yang Zhi, Wu Yong\'s military division must have arranged other brothers to save Hua Rong. It won\'t help if we go back. It\'s better to take advantage of this opportunity to make great contributions to Liangshan. The military division will be very happy when it learns that the six gates in Luoyang are no longer aimed at us."

Yang Zhi nodded: "well, it\'s true, but I\'m worried about whether there are enough brothers to rescue Huarong brothers." Yang Zhi worried that he and Guan Sheng haven\'t returned yet, and there aren\'t enough brothers on Liangshan to rescue Huarong.

"Don\'t worry, Lin Chong, Wu Song and monk Hua are here, and many brothers are in Liangshan. Brother Song Jiang\'s home visit is only a secret operation, and he didn\'t bring many brothers. You don\'t have to worry about the number of us." Guan Sheng is eager to make contributions. Now there is mo Yuntian\'s guarantee and cooperation plan, which can help Liangshanpo solve the urgent problem. Guan Sheng naturally wants to win this credit, After returning to the stronghold, boast to the brothers.

Looking at Yang Zhi, who has not made a decision yet, Guan Sheng said again: "brother, opportunities don\'t wait. Besides, Li Luoyang is heinous. He not only took away the ancestral secret recipe of Sima brothers by using his power, but also committed adultery and plunder everywhere. His state of mind is so vicious at a young age. When he grows up, isn\'t he a mixed devil? He can\'t stay."

Yang Zhi frowned and said slowly, "that\'s what we said. We did this not only for Liangshan, but also for the people. The military division and brother have always warned us to walk for heaven. This man can\'t stay!"

Guan Sheng smiled. He knew that Yang Zhi had made a decision.

Yang Zhi looks up at Mo Yuntian. Although the two sides have reached a consensus and started cooperation, their hatred for Mo Yuntian is not so easy to ease. Yang Zhi still has a killing intention in his eyes: "Mo Yuntian, I don\'t know how Li Luoyang\'s own strength is?"

Mo Yuntian said slowly with a smile while tasting the jade dew of yaochi: "Li Luoyang\'s strength is like a feather compared with the two. The reason why he can bully the people is due to the power of Manichaeism, so you don\'t have to worry, but you should pay attention to one thing."


"As the leader of Manichaeism, Li Luoyang must have many followers around him, including experts, so I hope you two will go all out."

Sima Yingming on the side saw that Yang Zhi and Guan Sheng agreed to cooperate. His face was filled with an excited smile. He was in line with Mo Yuntian and said to Yang Zhi: "Two brothers, this matter must be kept secret. This is a major event related to Manichaeism and Liangshanpo. Once the assassination is exposed, Manichaeism will never die with Liangshanpo. Therefore, when the two brothers act, they must pay attention to hiding their identity."

Yang Zhi nodded and replied, "that\'s natural. Although we are unremitting in collusion with Manichaeism, the current Liangshanpo has no strength to compete positively with Manichaeism. This time we are asked to assassinate one of their hall leaders. Once their identity is exposed, they will certainly attack Liangshan, so we must hide our identity."

Guan Sheng looked at Sima Yingming and couldn\'t wait to ask, "do you have any news about Li Luoyang now?"

Before Sima Yingming answered, Mo Yuntian said first: "so far, we only know that Li Luoyang is not in the city. It is likely to be somewhere outside the city. Why not invite you to live in the manor outside the city. I have arranged everything for you. When we find Li Luoyang\'s information, we will inform you at the first time. How about it?"

Yang Zhi seemed a little embarrassed: "it seems that we have to live for a while. We don\'t have much time to delay!"

"I assure you that I won\'t stay too long. In order to show my sincerity, liumen won\'t arrange surveillance personnel near your residence to ensure your freedom. If you need to go back in an emergency, you can leave." Mo Yuntian said boldly. He knew that he needed to show his attitude at this time, so that Yang Zhi could fully trust himself and cooperate with him, otherwise everything would be in vain.

Mo Yuntian quietly pushed Sima Yingming. Sima Yingming immediately understood and said, "the two brothers live in the place arranged by Lord mo. I will often visit the two brothers. Of course, I will bring the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu to get drunk with the two brothers!"

Hearing Sima Yingming\'s words, Guan Sheng roared without hesitation: "OK! Since Sima brother\'s kind invitation, I will not refuse. Besides, there is still good wine to drink. Why not do it!" Guan Sheng didn\'t have any resistance to wine. After tasting immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu today, he couldn\'t stop. Just after hearing that a bottle needed 500 Liang, no one knew Guan Sheng\'s pain. Even if he took out his life savings, he could only drink one bottle. Now there is free wine, so he naturally didn\'t want to give up, so he agreed without thinking about it.

Yang Zhibai glanced at Guan Sheng: "You can\'t walk with wine. Mo Yuntian, although I promise to cooperate with you, it doesn\'t mean we have something to do with your imperial court. Just like you said, we are only cooperating with you, Mo Yuntian, not the imperial court. Another thing is that Guan Sheng and I will only live outside the city for up to five days. If there is no specific information about Li Luoyang in five days, we will return. This cooperation is also considered Terminate, how! "

Yang Zhi doesn\'t want to stay in Mo Yuntian\'s jurisdiction for a longer time. After all, Yang Zhi always defends Mo Yuntian\'s calculations. Even if Mo Yuntian shows unprecedented sincerity, it is impossible to fully obtain Yang Zhi\'s trust. Therefore, five days is the limit time for Yang Zhi and Guan Sheng.

"Five days?" Mo Yuntian didn\'t know whether he could find the trace of Li Luoyang with the strength of Mo Jiao and Mo Fu. However, he decided to temporarily agree to Yang Zhi\'s request and then think of a way: "no problem. If I don\'t find Li Luoyang after five days, you can return to Liangshanpo."

"It\'s a deal!"

Yang Zhi gets up and prepares to leave. Sima Yingming immediately arranges his entourage to take Yang Zhi and Guan Sheng to the manor outside the city. After watching them leave, Sima Yingming smiles and says to Mo Yuntian, "Lord Mo, the next thing is up to you."

Mo Yuntian\'s mouth rose slightly: "don\'t worry, as long as you find the news of Li Luoyang, he will never come back. When Yang Zhi and Guan Sheng come back victoriously, it is also the time for my six goalkeepers to put the law right. The Lord is a great achievement."

"Each other."

They stood in the courtyard, looked at each other and smiled