Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 663

On the second day of opening, Lin Xu was the first to come to congratulate, not because he was more attentive than others, but because he had been outside the store long ago. After opening the door, he was the first to come to Li Luoyang. Compared with other congratulators, Lin Xu was more eager because he not only wanted to repair their relationship, but also wanted Li Luoyang to stop caring about his grandfather.

After seeing Lin Xu off, Li Luoyang sat at the round table. Xiao Si came to one side and asked with a smile, "master, you call me?"

Looking at Xiao Si with a happy smile on his face, Li Luoyang said slowly, "arrange someone to send these medicine stones to your room."

Little four looked down at more than a dozen large and small boxes at his feet: "master, our raw materials are herbs. Why do you want these stones?"

Li Luoyang then opened the wooden box at his feet and took out a stone like jade: "do you know what this is called?"

Xiao Si touched the back of his head and shook his head: "medicine stone."

"It\'s called qinglangxuan. It\'s a unique medicine stone produced in the marsh of Shudu. It can cure itching, fire sores, ulcers, and even dead muscles. It\'s just that the refining process is complex and the medicine is difficult to neutralize, so most pharmacists really don\'t dare to touch it. It\'s estimated that only the medicine refining experts in the imperial court dare to do it, but we can neutralize its medicine with herbs to keep it better , many tedious refining steps are omitted, and the probability of success will be much higher than that of traditional medicine refining. "

Xiao Si stared at Li Luoyang dumbfounded. He didn\'t even know what Li Luoyang was talking about. He just vaguely felt that this thing seemed to be helpful to herbal medicine: "well, I see."

Little four opened the largest box at his feet, which contained a huge stone: "master, what is this?"

Looking at the smooth surface of the stone, the conical shape, and the round by round texture on the stone surface, Li Luoyang said with a smile: "This is called stalactite, also known as male milk empty center. It has a hollow structure inside, so it has a name. This thing is almost connected to the city. With such a large stalactite, it seems that Lin Xu has spent a lot of effort to form such a large conical tip. It is estimated that it will take at least tens of thousands of years."

"Tens of thousands of years! Master, what does it have?"

Recalling the compendium of Materia Medica he had read, Li Luoyang said slowly, "it tastes slightly sweet and non-toxic, but taking it with sheep blood and ginseng will form a fatal poison without solution. If used properly, it can brighten the eyes and benefit the essence, soothe the five zang organs, dredge hundreds of knots, benefit the nine orifices and lower the milk."

"What do you mean?"

"Even if you take stalactite, you can see clearly, rest your internal organs, and relieve your joint pain. As for the next milk, ask yu\'er."

"Oh." Xiao Si skillfully closed the wooden box and then said with a smile, "master, with so many medicine stones, is this stone clock milk the most valuable?" Xiao Si was curious about what was the most useful and valuable in it.

After looking through all the wooden boxes, Li Luoyang took a white stone and said, "this is the most valuable."

"What is this?"

"Yin rises from stone."

"Yin Qi Shi?"

"Yes, its effect is probably the favorite in the imperial court."

Xiao Si looked at the Yin stone in Li Luoyang\'s hand in surprise: "no? The emperor\'s favorite effect? What drug does it have?"

"Yin Qi stone, as its name implies, its drug properties are similar to its name. It is mainly used to treat the symptoms of leakage in collapse and inability to stand."

"Can\'t stand up? Bad feet?"

Li Luoyang shook his head reluctantly and whispered in Xiao Si\'s ear, "when you marry yu\'er, you will know what you can\'t stand up. The emperor faces many beauties in the harem every day, but you can\'t reach your energy. I\'m afraid many people in the palace will be sleepless without taking some drugs to strengthen their body and brother."

Xiao Si still looked confused: "I can\'t stand up after marrying yu\'er? Why? Master, do I have any disease? Just say it. If so, I don\'t want to implicate yu\'er."

"Shit! I thought you had a bad mind, but now you look completely stupid. In this way, go to Ouyang Wenjun and let her explain to you."

"She? She knows my condition?"

"Roll!" Li Luoyang raised his hand as if to fight. Xiao Si had already slipped away. According to Li Luoyang\'s requirements, Xiao Si really went to find Ouyang Wenjun next door. Xiao Si went straight to the second floor and found Ouyang Wenjun who was supervising the work.

Looking at Xiao Si\'s frown and eyes locked on himself, Ouyang Wenjun asked suspiciously, "Xiao Si? What\'s the matter? What\'s the matter with me?"

"Sister Wenjun, I hope you will answer me truthfully."

Small four rare serious let Ouyang Wenjun realize that something big seems to have happened: "what\'s the matter with you? What do you want me to tell you?"

"About my illness."

"What\'s wrong with you? What\'s wrong with you?"

"Don\'t hide it from me. Shifu told me just now. He said that if I marry yu\'er in the future, I won\'t be able to stand up. He also said that you know what the disease is."

Ouyang Wenjun looked at Xiao Si\'s feet for unknown reasons: "can\'t stand up? What\'s the disease? I haven\'t even heard of it."

Xiao Si almost cried out: "sister Wenjun, please don\'t hide it from me. Shifu said that the emperor has this disease. Facing the beauty of the harem, the emperor needs tonic, or he can\'t stand up! I can\'t afford to buy Yin Qi stone for myself to take every day. If I really can\'t stand up, I\'d rather not be with yu\'er."

However, Xiao Si\'s words were just heard by yu\'er. Standing behind Xiao Si, yu\'er\'s expression was full of loss: "Xiao, Xiao Si, what do you mean?"

Xiao Si was frightened and turned around and jumped up. Looking at the wronged yu\'er on his face, Xiao Si quickly explained: "yu\'er, things are not what you think. I, I\'m sick, so I don\'t want to trouble you."

"Sick? What disease?" yu\'er looked at Xiao Si in surprise. During this time, she didn\'t notice any symptoms on Xiao Si.

Ouyang Wenjun thought about what Xiao Si had just said, and then burst into a wild laugh. Covering her stomach, she simply sat directly on the ground. Yu\'er asked anxiously, "sister Wen Jun, what\'s going on? Why are you laughing when Xiao Si is ill? If you really know what\'s wrong with him, tell us."

Ouyang Wenjun put his mouth to yu\'er\'s ear and whispered a few words. Yu\'er immediately covered her face and ran out with her neck red. Xiao Si stood in place and covered her face.

"Xiao Si, what kind of master did you worship? What do you mean you can\'t stand up after marrying yu\'er? Is yu\'er so powerful? Don\'t worry, you\'re not ill."

Xiaosi reluctantly stopped in front of Ouyang Wenjun: "sister Wenjun, just tell me what happened to yu\'er just now? What was my disease?"

After Ouyang Wenjun explained, Xiaosi screamed on the second floor of Wenjun Yazhu. Then he saw Xiaosi blush and rush into Li\'s herbal medicine: "master! You!"