Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 661

When good wine and delicious food were served, the musician had begun to play. Li Luoyang looked at Zhang Linrui with a smile. At this time, Zhang Linrui had no previous smiling face and was replaced by a stronger sense of killing. Looking at those bloodshot eyes, Li Luoyang had a positive answer in his heart: this guy must have been on the battlefield and killed the enemy.

"Brother Luoyang, from the beginning to now, the only drug supplier in Luoyang city is me, and everyone is willing to cooperate with me. I don\'t know who Luoyang brother plans to buy goods and open a shop?" Zhang Linrui wants to know which competitor Li Luoyang is cooperating with. He is so bold to directly rob his customer resources in Luoyang City.

Zhang Linrui, as the only supplier of Luoyang pharmaceutical merchants, has accumulated many contacts over the years. At this time, he is more worried that Li Luoyang\'s choice will break the rules of Luoyang pharmaceutical industry. In fact, it will break his rules. There has been a Li Luoyang who does not take goods in his own hands. He began to worry that more pharmacies will give up cooperation with him, Choose to cooperate with suppliers introduced by Li Luoyang.

Sima Yingming also pulled Li Luoyang\'s clothes and asked in a low voice, "Luoyang, what are you thinking? Even if you don\'t take the goods in Zhang Linrui\'s hand, there\'s no need to make it clear in front of him? Don\'t you embarrass him?" Sima Yingming was also very confused. Li Luoyang\'s behavior has always been very reassuring, but he doesn\'t know what\'s going on today, To do such a ridiculous thing.

With a smile, Li Luoyang picked up the wine glass containing yaochi Yulu and said to Zhang Linrui with a smile, "brother Zhang, you misunderstood me. The reason why you don\'t need to provide goods for my drugstore is not that I cooperate with other suppliers, but that the medicine I sell is special. I guess you don\'t."

Zhang Linrui frowned and stared at Li Luoyang, then raised his head and laughed wildly: "hahaha, I don\'t have it? Don\'t tell me what medicine you want. Even if it\'s the precious medicine stone paid tribute by the imperial court, I can get it. I don\'t know what medicine the Luoyang brothers sell. Dare to boast so much."

Li Luoyang sipped the jade dew of yaochi and said slowly, "brother Zhang, what I sell is also the most basic Jinchuang medicine. It\'s just different from ordinary medicine stones. My medicine is refined from mountain grass and matched with the secret recipe. It finally takes shape. Do you have any herbs to sell to me?"

Zhang Linrui and Sima Yingming showed an expression at the same time. They looked at each other, and their eyes were full of incredible feelings. After a long time, Zhang Linrui came back: "brother Luoyang, do you mean that the medicine you sell is refined from herbal medicine?"


"May I have a look?"

Li Luoyang took out a small bottle from his arms and put it on the table: "I just brought a bottle today. Brother Zhang, please have a look."

Zhang Linrui eagerly picked up the medicine bottle, opened the bottle cap and smelled it. Then he poured out the viscous objects in the bottle like water: "these are your medicine?"

"Yes, because the fibrous tissue has been destroyed after the herbal medicine is refined, it is called what you see now. This Jinchuang medicine can better enter the wound for absorption. Many particles of the Jinchuang medicine refined by the medicine stone can\'t reach this step, so the efficacy naturally can\'t reach the level of herbal medicine."

Zhang Linrui shook his head, then rolled up his sleeves, took out his pocket knife and cut a hole in his arm. Li Luoyang didn\'t expect that Zhang Linrui had such a strange temper and wanted to directly experience the curative effect of his own herbs.

Pour Li Luoyang\'s herbal medicine on the wound. The paralysis contained in the herbal medicine quickly made the wound painless, and the blood had stopped. Zhang Linrui looked at Li Luoyang in surprise: "this, this is developed by you? I\'ve never heard that grass can be used as medicine."

"Never heard of it doesn\'t mean no, but no one has ever tried it. Hasn\'t brother Zhang personally experienced it? How do you feel?"

Zhang Linrui looked at the wound on his arm: "it\'s really good. Compared with the medicine stone, it\'s more direct. The medicine stone needs to be carefully ground before pouring into the wound, but it\'s inevitable to produce particles, and the extraction of medicine stone is complex and extremely difficult. I don\'t know whether the herbal extraction of Luoyang brothers is so troublesome?"

Li Luoyang smiled but didn\'t answer. He just raised his glass to drink. Zhang Linrui realized what: "I was rash and thought that the refining process of herbal medicine was a secret. I shouldn\'t ask so, but I\'m really curious about the coincidence of Luoyang brothers and found that herbal medicine can be used as medicine?"

Li Luoyang turned his eyes and said slowly, "when he was a child, he accidentally applied medicine to the wound with weeds around him. When he saw that the bleeding of the wound stopped, he had the idea of using grass as medicine." Li Luoyang made it up. He couldn\'t tell Zhang Linrui that there were more traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacies. At this time, Zhang Linrui didn\'t know what traditional Chinese medicine is.

Looking at the medicine in his hand and the viscous substance on the wound, Zhang Linrui smiled and asked, "I wonder if Luoyang brothers want to quickly promote this new drug in Luoyang City?" after experiencing the curative effect of herbs, Zhang Linrui naturally thought of cooperating with Li Luoyang. If he can get the support of Li Luoyang, he can become the only merchant who supplies herbs to foreign countries, and Li Luoyang does not need to open a drugstore, It\'s enough to provide Zhang Linrui with goods.

Li Luoyang once thought that he could produce herbs by himself and let a person with more experience or resources invest in the market. Obviously, Zhang Linrui is a good candidate, but Li Luoyang doesn\'t want to hand over any link of herbal medicine sales to outsiders. Li Luoyang knows that herbal medicine is strange and important to this era. Once the number of buyers reaches a certain level, The curative effect of herbal medicine will naturally be passed on from generation to generation, and it is likely to become a favorite of the imperial court. In this way, Li Luoyang will have the opportunity to cooperate directly with the imperial court, rather than giving this opportunity to Zhang Linrui.

In the past, Li Luoyang may agree to Zhang Linrui\'s proposal. After all, he is only responsible for production, the risk will not be too high, and the amount of labor will not be too large. He can easily sit at home and make money. However, it is different now. Li Guo has successfully entered the military camp. Li Luoyang needs more power and more funds to manage Li Guo, so Li Luoyang decided to do it by himself.

"Brother Zhang, I know you are one of the best people in the pharmaceutical industry in Luoyang. If the herbs reach you, they will naturally flow into the market as quickly as possible, and can be accepted by the people soon. But the herbs are of great significance to me. They are like my own children. Do you say I will give my children to others? Obviously not, so I hope Zhang Da I understand. "

Li Luoyang\'s refusal was also expected by Zhang Linrui. After all, the value of herbs is too huge, and no one can easily make profits: "Hey, it seems that the medicine industry in Luoyang City will change in the future. I don\'t know how much Luoyang brothers intend to sell herbs for a bottle?"

Li Luoyang smiled: "trade secrets."

Zhang Linrui laughed wildly: "hahaha, I didn\'t expect that Luoyang brothers are really good for business. I admire them!"