Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 654

At this time, in the private room on the second floor of Wenjun Yazhu, Sima Yingming found Li Luoyang for the first time after Mrs. Bai left. Li Luoyang naturally knew what Sima Yingming suddenly appeared.

As soon as they sat down, Sima Yingming said bluntly, "I believe you already know Mrs. Bai\'s identity?"

Li Luoyang said with lingering fear: "I didn\'t know before. I knew after I went to my mother\'s house once."

"I said straight away, my sister wanted us to establish a clear cooperative relationship and sell the perfume into the palace, so this only came to Luoyang to have a special contact with you, but I didn\'t expect my sister to dance for you."

Li Luoyang immediately stood up and explained: "Wang, Lord, I really didn\'t know Mrs. Bai\'s identity at that time, and she just danced with the music." after learning Mrs. Bai\'s identity, Li Luoyang naturally recalled Mrs. Bai\'s highly professional dance, but when you think about it carefully, Bai Fu people probably only danced for the emperor in their life. This made him feel no honor, but felt that the disaster of killing fell on his head. If the emperor knew, he would only have to be beheaded.

Looking at Li Luoyang, who was a little flustered, Sima Yingming smiled: "hahaha, I\'ve never seen such an expression like you. Well, my sister has said that I only dance for three people in my life. The first one must be clear to you, the second is our father, and the last one is you."

"No, it\'s my pleasure." Li Luoyang was sweating.

"Sit down, my sister doesn\'t blame you at all. I\'m sure no fourth person knows about this except the three of us. Don\'t worry. Let\'s talk about cooperation today. I don\'t know what cooperation plan Luoyang brothers have?"

Li Luoyang is sitting in a chair and drinking tea. Sima Yingming hasn\'t sorted out his mood yet. Sima Yingming quietly sits aside and waits for Li Luoyang to calm down. He knows that other people may have thanked him with death. Li Luyang has a good attitude.

After a long time, Li Luoyang, after a long sigh of relief, slowly said, "let\'s talk about cooperation. There are two kinds of perfume, rose and rose in my hand. In my opinion, these two can be sent into the palace, but there is a clear difference between the price and the object of use."

"Oh? Tell me."

"Rose perfume is the lowest end of our products. After entering the palace, it should be used for servant girls. The price is relatively cheap, and the smell of the rose flavor is more unique than the rose. It should be used by the concubines or queens, which is more expensive."

Li Luoyang looked at Sima Yingming and whispered, "as for the price sent into the palace, I believe you know better than me." Li Luoyang\'s meaning is very clear. As Sima Yingming supplies to the people in the palace, Li Luoyang will not ask what price the palace gives him. Li Luoyang only needs Sima Yingming to give some costs.

Sima Ying was very happy. He said directly, "before I put the rose perfume in the palace, the price is one hundred and two bottles. Now that you have the rose perfume, and make this one to be more upscale, why not make a reservation for two or two bottles of rose perfume?"

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect Sima Yingming to tell himself the low price so directly. From this point of view, Li Luoyang knows that the partner can at least temporarily believe: "since the price is set, do everything according to your arrangement. How much does the first batch of goods need?"

Only Mrs. Bai knows the quantity of the first purchase. When Mrs. Bai left, she naturally gave the news to Sima Yingming, which is also one of the conditions for Sima Yingming to cooperate with Li Luoyang.

"According to her sister\'s request, she originally prepared to buy three hundred bottles of perfume into the palace, but this time when she came to Luoyang, you also developed a rose flavor perfume, so the elder sister meant to order three hundred bottles of rose perfume, but as you said, the product must be separated from some grades so that perfume can go further, in the range of three hundred bottles. What kind of plan do you have? "

Li Luoyang thought for a moment, and then said, "well, we will give you two hundred and eighty bottles of rose perfume in the palace, and twenty bottles under the rose perfume."

"Only twenty bottles?"

"The value of the thing is sparse, the less it is, the higher the value it proves. The imperial concubines want to get the rose perfume. Naturally, they will come to Luoyang through various channels to buy them, so we can also take the opportunity to catch up with them."

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s mind, Sima Yingming said without hesitation: "yes! This method is good, but I have a problem to worry about now."

"But it doesn\'t matter!"

"Can you produce 300 bottles in a month?"

Only then did Li Luoyang realize that he was too happy. Now only one jade is needed to develop and produce perfume. Even if she does not eat or sleep, it is impossible to produce three hundred bottles of perfume in one month, and it is still the two taste of roses and roses: "I forgot about the production. Can you tell Mrs. white to delay it for a month?"

"Undue delay may bring trouble." Sima Yingming shook his head in embarrassment. "This is the order of my sister\'s departure. If we decide to sell perfume to the court, so that we will not have to dream of night, we must finish the order within a month. If there is no such production capacity, the court will not cooperate with us, can you not increase production speed? Maybe you can find more people and work hard all night."

However, Li Luoyang knew clearly that even if he had to get rid of the perfume all night, he would have to ask himself to believe that the people around him were already nervous. Xiao four had orders for the carriage of Moyun Tian and others in the development of herbal medicine and Li Lao Chen. Ouyang Wenjun was busy working on the two floor of Wen Jun\'s building. There is no one around to use.

At this time, Li Luoyang suddenly thought of something and thought to himself: "There are many manuscripts in Xinyi\'s hands. Even if the manuscript is not provided to them, it is estimated that it will last for a month, and Xinyi is also very interested in perfume. It is better to let Xin Yi participate in the production. It\'s just that she can\'t solve the three hundred bottle request by herself, or at least needs another person."

At this time, the voice of Mo Jiao teaching Mo Yuntian came downstairs: "you drink so much again! Worry about sudden death, no one will send you to death!"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said to Sima Yingming, "Lord, don\'t worry. You will deliver the goods to you in a month."

Sima Yingming looked downstairs with a black line and asked with some concern, "you don\'t intend to let Mo Jiao participate with the girl?"

"Don\'t worry, I have a way to make her cooperate with us."

"That\'s good. I\'ll leave it to you. I\'ll see you in a month!"

Li Luoyang got up, bent down and bowed: "go slowly, Lord." Li Luoyang looked at Mo Jiao who twisted Mo Yuntian\'s ears downstairs, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.