Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 653

Luoyang City seems ordinary these days, but in fact, the dark tide is surging. Mrs. Bai\'s arrival has added a lot of work to the six doors. Since Mrs. Bai\'s safety is guaranteed and the people in Luoyang City are not aware of it, there are people hidden in the six doors outside Sima Yingming\'s residence for a while, just in case.

In this way, the people of the six doors spent a few days in fear and safety, and finally ushered in the day when Mrs. Bai left. Just like when Mrs. Bai came, she took two servant girls in the most ordinary carriage. No one knew that the queen had come to Luoyang in such a low-key way. To be on the safe side, Mo Yuntian arranged Mo Jiao to secretly track the whole process with the elite personnel of the six doors in Luoyang, The mission was not successful until Mrs. Bai was sent to her destination.

Without the task of protecting Mrs. Bai and the entanglement of Mo Jiao and others, Mo Yuntian is rarely at ease. At this time, he has sat in Wenjun\'s elegant building and is so comfortable drinking yaochi Yulu. Zhou Dong is also invited to enjoy it together. They are drinking and chatting.

Mo Yuntian held up the wine glass and said with a smile, "Luoyang is really a genius. I didn\'t expect to brew a better wine than immortal drunk." the taste of immortal drunk has made Mo Yuntian think that this is the peak of wine. There is no better wine in the world. But until yaochi Yulu appeared, Mo Yuntian realized that he still underestimated Li Luoyang.

Zhou Dong nodded without hesitation and said proudly, "as the wine taster of Wenjun Yazhu, I got a bucket of yaochi Yulu as soon as she came out. After my attempt, yaochi Yulu was sold to the outside world. This kind of wine will surely surpass the immortal."

Mo Yuntian glanced at Zhou Dong: "for things that are old and disrespectful, people just want you to stay in Luoyang City. They give you a title at will. Do you really think you are a man of elegant architecture?"

Zhou Dong just smiled faintly: "anyway, if new wine is brewed in Luoyang in the future, I will be the first one to taste it. I know you are jealous and envious of guys, ha ha."

"Bah! Do you think I\'m the same as you?" Mo Yuntian was really a little envious. After all, he could have the best wine at the first time. As a wine lover, how can he not be moved.

"By the way, what are you doing these days? You don\'t have time to taste new wine in Wenjun Yazhu?" Zhou Dong naturally noticed that Mo Yuntian didn\'t appear when Yulu asked about the city in yaochi.

"Don\'t tell me you don\'t know. The man was in Luoyang a few days ago and stayed in Wenjun Yazhu for one night."

Zhou Dong smiled and whispered, "Mrs. Bai."

"I know you still ask. You\'re teasing me."

"I just wonder why he has been in the palace for many years and has been approved to return to Luoyang?" Zhou Dong asked while drinking wine.

"Don\'t try to pry into the news."

"Bah, if I want to inquire sincerely, I still need to ask you?"

Mo Yun Tian laughed and took up the glass and drank it in one gulp: "yes, too! Actually, she didn\'t come to this big event this time, just for the sake of perfume developed in Luoyang. I heard that Sima had brought perfume into the palace when she paid tribute last time. The emperor heard the Dragon Yan Yue, ordered the Queen\'s beauty to smear this perfume, but considering the way of perfume is unknown, let the queen come to Luoyang to check it."

Zhou Dong nodded slowly and said, "so Luoyang is likely to have commercial cooperation with the royal court. No, there is another Sima Yingming in Luoyang. Since the queen is here, it is impossible to buy perfume directly from Luoyang. It is clear that we should take care of the business of our own people. Mrs. Bai is not so generous and fair."

"Just know. Mrs. Bai has made it very clear that she wants Luoyang to cooperate with Sima Yingming and earn money from the imperial court at the same time."

Zhou Dong frowned and whispered: "Don\'t you think it\'s strange, Mo? Sima Yingming was exiled to Luoyang. We all know that he is a prince in name, but he doesn\'t have any power or even the salary of the imperial court. Anyone who knows the truth knows that the emperor is defending Sima\'s family. Now Mrs. Bai wants Sima Yingming to go into business. Even if he made a lot of money, Sima Yingming didn\'t return to the imperial court What does he want the money for? "

"You ask me, how do I know? Don\'t worry. When Sima Yingming came to Luoyang, the emperor secretly gave six doors and an order to monitor Sima Yingming\'s every move. The secret edict said very clearly that as long as he didn\'t interfere in the government and didn\'t contact foreigners and Manichaeism, the court would not do anything to him. He was just engaged in business. Even if he reported to the emperor, it was only Shi Chenda The sea. "

Zhou Dong said with deep regret, "just let Luoyang feel wronged. The profits of the original perfume can be earned by itself. Now, after all, after Sima\'s transformation, the profits he can get into his hands is numbered. The perfume he has developed has become a tool for others to make money."

Mo Yuntian glanced at Zhou Dong: "He also said that he is an expert in the world. I think you are just a fool in the world. This cooperation seems to have no profit in Luoyang, but don\'t forget that it is the best bridge to establish relations with the imperial court. Now there are people in Luoyang who are building elegant buildings for Wen Jun, and Luoyang also needs a more stable mountain. At this time, who else can be more stable than the imperial court? As long as you cooperate with Sima Yingming, Sima Yingming will get more benefits Naturally, he won\'t give up Luoyang because of his advantages. Although he doesn\'t have real power, don\'t forget Mrs. Bai. "

Zhou Dong patted his forehead and said with a smile, "you\'re right. You\'re right. I\'m superficial. Just looking at the profits, it\'s good to establish a cooperative relationship with the imperial court. Maybe I can help Li Guo in the military camp."

"Don\'t mention it. I\'m very sorry for Mo Jiao. How did you let your apprentice into the military camp? Didn\'t you send it directly to my six doors? I\'m worried that I\'ll treat him badly? Mo Jiao promised him great benefits. Li Guo finally chose the military camp. I don\'t know what he thought. You also advised him to join our six doors."

"Enter your six doors? Learn from your stinginess? It\'s shameless to buy a carriage and make it cheaper for others. You\'re the person in charge of the six doors. You can really pull down your face and bargain with a younger generation. Fortunately, you didn\'t go to the six doors, or you\'ll become an Iron Rooster like you in the future!"

Mo Yuntian looked around, and then whispered, "others don\'t know. Don\'t you know? How much salary did you get when you were a guest at six doors? Our salary at six doors is poor. We pay more than 70000 Liang at one time. Do you really think I\'m a rich man?"

Zhou Dong laughed wildly: "you see, you\'re not only stingy, but also low-income. How can you persuade me to go to the six gates? At least you may be able to get some fame when you go to the military camp. You can live for a long time when you\'re in Luoyang. How long will it take for you to manage the six gates? You can\'t count this account?"

"You! Even if I want to drive the crane West, you will still walk in front of me!"

"How old are you? That\'s natural, ha ha."