Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 593

Wu Qi stood behind Wu Mojun and looked at his father. He fell into thinking because of Wu\'s words. He immediately whispered: "Father, don\'t believe that woman. She\'s just procrastinating. Today\'s things have to be done. Even if Wu Tian saved my life, I guess I\'ll be expelled from my house. I can\'t survive in the outside world alone. Father, you have to think about my future."

Wu Mojun turned and looked at Wu Qi: "the future?"

"If you succeed today, you will be the master of the Wu family. In the future, I will naturally try my best to practice martial arts and solve your problems. If you give up now, our father and son will probably never see each other again in this life."

Wu Mojun hesitated. At this time, he didn\'t know how to deal with it.

Looking at Wu Mojun, who refused to make a decision for a long time, Wu Qing said loudly, "Wu Mojun! Madam\'s words have been very clear. It\'s not your fault. You\'re just for Wu Qi. Wu Qi\'s fault is really damn, but anyway, I\'ve watched him grow up. I\'m willing to work with my wife to ask the family to surround his life. Don\'t be stubborn."

Wu Qi hurriedly held Wu Mojun\'s hand: "father, don\'t hesitate. These guys will kill me. At least they will drive me out of the house. After Wu Tian comes back, our plan will fail. I\'m also for you. Don\'t you want to be the owner of the Wu family?"

Looking at Wu Mojun and his son, Wu Nian whispered, "sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'m fine. It\'s just you. Did you get the injury when you caught Zhang Kui?"

"Unexpectedly, this guy has excellent martial arts. Fortunately, we are three to one, otherwise I may not come back."

Wu frowned and looked at Wu Nian. "Didn\'t you explain clearly that you left? Why did you do it without authorization when you found that the target came back to report?" Wu said, focusing on Li Guo.

Wu Nian smiled and said, "hum, let\'s talk about the results. Anyway, we caught the real murderer. This is the best result."

Wu shook his head helplessly: "it must be your impulse."

Li Guo said awkwardly, "madam, I don\'t blame Wu Nian. I didn\'t stun Wu Nian and bring him back as instructed by Luoyang. I, I\'ll go down."

Wu Nian stared at Li Guo with his hands on his hips: "dare you! A man who shoots at a woman is not a good thing."

Wu Shi looked at the "quarrel" between Wu Nian and Li Guo in surprise. They seemed to have an unspeakable relationship. They had only been out for a day. Something seemed to have happened between them, and Li Luoyang on the roof naturally noticed these details. He whispered in surprise: "What\'s the matter? My brother\'s face is red. What? These two people look more like flirting."

Bai ran smiled and said, "is that young man your brother? Not many people dare to provoke Wu Nian."

"Do you know Wu Nian?"

"I know you, but I think your brother should be good at martial arts. He can easily breathe and breathe. He has a strong body. He is a good seedling. It\'s a pity that he has joined the teacher?"

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect Bai ran to have an insight into Li Guo\'s strength only by her eyesight. Li Luoyang was surprised by the level of experts.

Bai ran pointed to Li Guo and whispered, "boy, take a good look at your brother and Wu Nian. Your brother has a deep knife wound on his back, and Wu Nian has a big hand\'s blood fingerprint on her arms. It looks like it should be your brother\'s. think about what it means?"

Li Luoyang carefully observed the injuries on the two people, and then his mind resumed the battle between the three people and Zhang Kui. A moment later, Li Luoyang smiled: "ha ha, it seems that the relationship between the two people should have changed with that knife."

"Oh? You\'ve seen the way this time?"

"I know my brother\'s strength very well. Even in the face of an expert, he can\'t be strong enough to get a knife on his back. The blood fingerprints on Wu Nian\'s arms and clothes were left by Li Guo. At that time, Li Guo grabbed Wu Nian and blocked Wu Nian\'s face with his back and carried the knife for Wu Nian." with the wounds and subtle traces, Li Luoyang almost restored everything.

At the beginning of the war with Zhang Kui, Wu Nian despised the strength of the other party. If Li Guo hadn\'t been desperate to resist Zhang Kui\'s knife, Wu Nian would have died at this time.

Bai ran smiled with satisfaction and patted Li Luoyang on the shoulder: "boy, you have a good mind."

"Master, you are still powerful. If you don\'t remind me, where can I find these details?"

"Don\'t flatter me. I don\'t like flattery. I\'m just making suggestions, but it\'s not easy for you to make your own reply. You\'re the smartest person I\'ve ever seen in the younger generation. Ha ha. Good."

"Since elder Bai ran knows Wu Nian, why don\'t you go down and help them?" Li Luoyang knows that if Bai ran intervenes in this matter with his strength, he believes that the crisis of Wu and others can be resolved soon. Before, Li Luoyang did not want to intervene, but when Li Guo and Xiao Si returned, and they are already in danger, Li Luoyang naturally wants to resolve their crisis. Now the best way is to let the mysterious Bai ran do it.

"I just know you. Why should I help you? Do I want to help you if I know you? Big joke. What do they have to do with me? I just like watching movies."

Li Luoyang didn\'t expect the other party to refuse so thoroughly. But he had to turn around and look outside the gate to carefully observe the situation.

Bai ran could feel li Luoyang\'s displeasure and worry. Lying on the roof, she tilted her legs and said leisurely, "don\'t worry, your brother will be fine. If I don\'t do it, someone will do it."

Anyone else? Li Luoyang frowns. I don\'t know who will help Wu and others. All the experts of the Wu family are outside the hospital, except Wu Tian.

Li Luoyang calmed down and closed his eyes slightly. He seemed to feel the nearby breath, but he didn\'t find anything for a long time. At this time, he suddenly thought of something: "Madam Wu Tian! Madam Wu Tian once said that she and senior Wu Tian had long understood that the poisoner should be related to Wu Qi. As the owner of the Wu family, senior Wu Tian can\'t be unprepared, and choose to go out to find food at an important moment. It\'s not normal to stay at home alone with a wife who can\'t do martial arts."

Looking at Li Luoyang mumbling to herself, Bai ran said with a smile, "ha ha, just a little."

"Elder, you have long found that Wu Tian has always been in the Wu family?"

"Although the boy hides his breath, he can\'t escape my eyes. Although he has made a lot of efforts, he still can\'t. I\'d like to see how he can deal with the situation at this time."

At this time, Li Luoyang was shocked. Bai ran actually called Wu Tian a boy and could feel the breath of Wu Tian hidden in the Wu family, which was enough to show that Bai Ran\'s strength exceeded Li Luoyang\'s imagination. Li Luoyang was also thinking about who Bai ran was. He had never heard of the Wu family, and Bai Ran\'s strength exceeded Zhou Dong\'s No doubt, who is he?