Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 592

The development of things has exceeded Wu Qing\'s expectations. Moreover, Li Luoyang, who was hiding on the roof, was also surprised. He didn\'t expect that Wu Mojun\'s action was so fast that many young people of the Wu family stood on their side in just one day.

"Wu Mojun! I didn\'t expect you to be stubborn. The Lord of Wu Tian family shouldn\'t have begged for you and raised you, a white eyed wolf!" Wu Qing scolded. The current situation made him feel a crisis. There were more and more guards around Wu Mojun and Wu Qi, and Wu Qing and Wu seemed weak. If you really started, Wu Qing could only manage to deal with Wu Mojun, What should the Wu family do without any martial arts.

"Just because I thank him, I don\'t intend to kill Wu. I want to keep her. When Wu Tian comes back, he will force him to abdicate. He is willing to help me, and I am willing to accept it. If he doesn\'t want to accompany me, I\'m not a cruel person. Just drive him away from the Wu family. How about I still know how to repay him?"

"Bah! Villain! How dare you take them to revolt while the owner is away and the house is mainly here?"

Wu whispered to Wu Qing, "even if your husband is here, he will still choose to do so."

Wu Qing nodded and said slowly, "he has to fight for the evil son Wu Qi. We still haven\'t dragged the home owner back. Madam, I may not be able to protect you later. I hope we can avoid this crisis."

Wu\'s face had no fear at all.

Looking at the two whispering, Wu Mojun smiled and said: "Do you have anything else to say before you die? Wu Qing, you have to force me to do it? Although you can hold me back, you know very well that there is a gap in our strength. The longer the time, the less chance you will live. I advise you to hold your hand and catch it. You also see the current situation. If you are alone, it is not a problem to escape, but now you hold on for a while Wu, can you escape? "

If Wu Qing wanted to leave without Wu\'s presence, no one could stop him. But now it\'s different. If Wu Qing left, Wu\'s family would be left alone. After Wu Mojun captured Wu\'s family at that time, he threatened Wu Tian. How can Wu Tian have a fair fight with Wu Mojun? Coupled with Wu Qing\'s loyalty, he is more sure that he will not leave Wu.

At this time, something unexpected happened. Li Luoyang, lying on the roof, looked at several dark shadows slowly coming and stood directly in front of Wu Shi and Wu Qing. Even Wu Shi showed a surprised look: "you, how did you come back?"

The visitors were Wu Nian, Li Guo and Xiao Si. They also brought a man wearing a hat and a black windbreaker. Li Luoyang immediately noticed that the man lacked a left leg. He never expected that the three men would catch the real murderer of poisoning. Li Luoyang whispered: "didn\'t I tell you not to do it when you found the target? What\'s the matter?"

Looking at the injuries of Wu Niansan, Li Luoyang knew that they must have had a war with the real murderer. Li Guo had many knife wounds all over his body, and most of Wu Nian\'s clothes were cut. Xiao Si covered his bloody arm and stood aside with pain. Li Guo and Xiao Si\'s injuries made Li Luoyang angry and ready to rush down immediately, but Bai ran stopped Li Luoyang\'s hand smiled and said, "don\'t worry, young people are so impulsive."

Wu Nian took his sword in front of him and looked at Wu Mojun: "elder Wu, it seems that you have learned the truth."

At this time, Wu Qi was surprised. At one glance, he recognized who the man in black was caught by Wu Niansan: "Why are you here?"

The man in black raised his head and stared at Wu Qi: "your boy was exposed! Or did you betray us! These three people killed my companions, captured me and asked me to come here to testify against you in exchange for my life!" the man in black bit his teeth and roared. In his opinion, the plan was perfect. If Wu Qi who stayed in the Wu family hadn\'t exposed or betrayed them on his own initiative, he couldn\'t be found.

Wu nian3 found the target character in the post station. Just as Li Luoyang imagined, Wu nian3 directly killed a real murderer after Secretly Poisoning in the water. However, she didn\'t expect that the man in black who lacked left leg had excellent martial arts. She subdued the man in black with Li Guo and even Xiao Si and took him back to the Wu family. She didn\'t expect to meet such a murderer when she came back A scene.

Facing the roar of the man in black, Wu Qi was panicked at first, but then smiled: "brother Zhang Kui, don\'t worry, now the Wu family is under our control, they won\'t kill you."

The man in black named Zhang Kui found that there was something wrong with the situation in front of him. Wu Qi had more than a dozen people, but there were only a few people on his side, and among them there were three people who had fought with him. All three people were injured. If the two sides really fight, Zhang Kui seemed to be able to see what the result would be.

"It seems that brother Wu Qi is ready. I\'ll give you Zhang Kui\'s life today."

At this time, Wu Mojun was the one who wanted to kill Zhang Kui most. If it weren\'t for the guy\'s bewitchment, how could his son make such a big mistake, and how could he be forced to go on the road of rebellion for his son. Looking at Zhang Kui, who was controlled by Wu Nian and still had a close relationship with his son, Wu Mojun bited his teeth and said fiercely: "you bewitched my son to poison, right!"

"Are you the elder brother of the Wu Qi brothers? I heard from Wu Qi about you. How can I call you bewitching? The Wu Qi brothers have the determination to develop the Wu family and are much smarter than the Wu Tian. As an elder of the Wu family, you have no need to say more about your rights. There are many people in the Wu family who support you over the years. In this age of the law of the jungle, you are fully capable of firmly taking the position of home master. I do so I\'m helping you and brother Wu Qi. "

"Nonsense! If you hadn\'t confused my son, he would do such a thing again. How could I be forced to play this chess!"

Zhang Kui raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "this is the end of the matter. Do you think elder Wu is going to stop it? Give your son to the Wu family? You have to send it on the line. If you are ready to stop, I will die, but your son will also be a cushion for me, ha ha ha."

Wu took two steps forward, looked at Wu Mojun with a murderous face and said slowly: "Wu Mojun, you should have been an orderly elder. Now your differences are entirely for your son. I can plead for Wu Qi and let your husband leave his life. You don\'t have to worry about being punished. After all, we can understand that you are eager to protect your son. If Wu Qi hadn\'t made a mistake, you wouldn\'t have taken this step today. After all, Zhang Kui bewitched the young Wu Qier Don\'t make mistakes again and again. "

Wu Mojun fell into a contradiction. He had never thought of betraying. If it weren\'t for Wu Qi, he would be willing to be an elder carefree all his life. Wu\'s words made Wu Mojun fall into meditation.