Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 586

"Childe Li, you just said that there were two outsiders contacting Wu Qi. Can you know the whereabouts of these two people?"

"Madam, I\'m not a God. How can I know where they\'re going, but I\'m sure of one thing."


"They should not go far on Taiyuan government."


"In fact, it\'s very simple. What are they poisoning for? In order to harm your Wu family, the Wu family\'s worst plan is to leave Baiyun Mountain, so they must take action next. They can\'t come to the Wu family\'s water source after thousands of hardships, just poisoning, so I think they should still be in Taiyuan government, waiting for things to develop, and that sack Although the poisons in the can last for a period of time, they will eventually weaken and need to be replaced, so they won\'t go far. "

Wu nodded frequently and agreed with Li Luoyang\'s speculation: "yes, your analysis is very reasonable. They can\'t just poison. They must take action. What do you think we should do now?"

Li Luoyang touched the back of his head awkwardly and smiled, "madam, this is your Wu family\'s business. How can I deal with it." frankly, Li Luoyang is also troublesome. He doesn\'t want to get into this muddy water.

"Childe Li, your wisdom can resolve the Wu family crisis as soon as possible. Don\'t you want to leave early? You also know that my husband doesn\'t know how long he will return. If he doesn\'t return for a month, you will stay here for a month, so I think you\'d better give advice and take the initiative to solve the matter."

Li Luoyang sighed helplessly. As Wu said, whether he could leave depends entirely on the development of the situation. If Wu Tian doesn\'t return, he can only hide in Wu Tian\'s house for a long time. Unless he takes the initiative to deal with these things, he can finally leave. After thinking for a long time, Li Luoyang whispered: "Madam, why don\'t you send some people to the Liulin water source to ambush. Once you meet a suspicious person, take it immediately, and then send some people out to look for it. After all, you have mastered the physical characteristics of the other person. As long as you find the person with the missing left foot, pay close attention to it. I believe it can be effective."

"Childe Li\'s method is feasible, but you can see that there are few people in the Wu family at this time. Most of them are under Wu Qi. Sending them is undoubtedly to tell Wu Qi that we have learned the truth. I\'m afraid Wu Qi will jump over the wall. It\'s better to arrange trusted people to monitor the water source, and you let your people go out and look for it."

"My people?"

"Aren\'t there your two brothers out there? Let them leave the Wu family secretly to look for them. I believe people who can make friends with Childe Li are not ordinary people."

Li Luoyang understands Wu\'s intention. He stays here like a hostage. Li Guo and Xiao Si go out to investigate and then come back. This is the safest and safest for the Wu family. Li Luoyang turns his eyes and then says, "OK, let my people go out to look for it, but I hope my husband can promise."


"They are only responsible for finding, not bringing the poisoners back to the Wu family. The strength of the other party is unknown, and I don\'t want them to be in danger." on the premise of not knowing the strength of the poisoners, Li Luoyang naturally doesn\'t want Li Guo and Xiao Si to meet danger. If the strength of the other party is above Li Guo, how can Li Guo and Xiao Si bring them back to the Wu family? That\'s why he proposed that Li Guo and Xiao Si are only responsible for finding.

"This is no problem. As long as they find the target and report back to us, the rest will naturally be handed over to the Wu family."

"Well, I\'ll inform them now and ask my wife to arrange for them to leave the Wu family secretly."

Wu nodded and called Wu Nian. As soon as Wu Nian came to Wu, he asked, "sister-in-law, what happened to elder Wu Qing just now? He rushed out with an excited face. I\'ve never seen him like that."

Wu smiled and then said, "leave him alone. It\'s natural to be happy when you get a baby."


Wu ignored Wu Nian\'s curiosity and said directly, "Wu Nian, later you will leave the Wu family secretly with Childe Li\'s friends to find the poisoner. Childe Li and I are waiting for your news at home."

Wu Nian is a wise man. When she heard Wu\'s words, she knew she was going to take action: "yes!"

Li Guo and Xiao Si came to Li Luoyang. Li Guo asked anxiously, "Luoyang, are you all right?" they and Wu Nian had been waiting outside the door. Before they saw Wu Qing coming to the courtyard, Li Guo and Xiao Si worried that the Wu family would be bad for Li Luoyang, but they also saw Wu Qing\'s excited and separated appearance. They didn\'t know what happened in the courtyard.

"How can I be busy? It\'s up to you next."

Little four asked blankly, "master, look at us? What can we do?" they were trapped in the Wu family. What else can they do for Li Luoyang.

"Wu Nian will take you to leave the Wu family secretly later. On the way, she will tell you some details. You need to look for the poison killer in Taiyuan government. Once you find it, you will report back immediately."

"Looking for the real murderer?"

"Shifu, the Taiyuan mansion is so big, how can we find it? Even if we find it, we don\'t know how long it has been." Xiao Si said reluctantly. The Taiyuan mansion is so large. How can they find the real murderer alone? Even if there are the characters depicted by Li Luoyang, they don\'t think they can find the right person in a short time.

Li Luoyang smiled and said: "In fact, it\'s very simple. First of all, you don\'t have to go to Taiyuan. At this time, there are people from six gates. They should be on the highest alert to the people in the city. They shouldn\'t appear in the city. Several villages outside the city are the main targets you\'re looking for. At present, they are chaotic and easy to hide. If there are no clues in the villages, go to the post station and ask if there are any missing people recently People with feet pass by. "

"Missing left foot?"

"Wu Nian will explain to you on the way." Li Luoyang turned and looked at Wu Nian. Wu Nian raised her head and snorted: "hum, anyway, I only know that the other party is disabled. I\'m talking in detail on the way."

Li Luoyang put his hands on Li Guo and Xiao Si\'s shoulders and whispered: "Remember, no matter what happens, keeping your life is the primary condition. If you find the target person, remember not to be impulsive. Return to the Wu family for a report at the first time and let the Wu family deal with it. We don\'t need to risk being a hero. To be direct, this matter has nothing to do with us."

"I see." Li Guo and Xiao Si naturally listened to Li Luoyang\'s arrangement. However, Li Luoyang told again: "When Wu Nian walks with you this time, her temper is the most impulsive. If you meet the target person, I believe that the woman must be eager to rush up to catch each other. I don\'t want this to happen, so if Wu Nian insists on doing it, brother, you\'ll knock her out and bring it back."

Li Luoyang carefully envisaged all possible situations. Wu Nian\'s character was the biggest variable, so Li Luoyang explained to Li in advance and let him stun Wu Nian at the critical time.