Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 585

"I wonder if childe Li is willing to give me the secret recipe of this medicine, so that my Wu family can solve the perennial moisture problem?" Wu Qing\'s heart is absolutely shocked at this time. Fortunately, he has lived most of his life, and his emotional control is naturally not a young man. He tried Li Luoyang\'s medicine, which overturned his view of mountain grass, Although the Wu family has also stored some medicine stones for treating moisture, compared with the herbal medicine given by Li Luoyang, the medicine stones are completely inferior.

Even if the medicine stone is ground, it is difficult to be absorbed by the human body when taken into the body. The extraction of herbal medicine is different. The liquid drug nature is easier to be accepted by the human body, and the drug nature can play a role the fastest. This is why Wu Qing reacted quickly after taking Li Luoyang\'s medicine.

Wu Qing, who is familiar with the medicinal properties, naturally knows the value of this herbal medicine, so he immediately wants Li Luoyang to tell him the secret recipe. However, Wu Qing knows that this secret recipe is the lifeblood of every pharmacist. A secret recipe may be something developed by a pharmacist in his life. How can he give it to himself so easily? He is not related to Li Luoyang, even if he is a friend, Li Luoyang also has every reason to refuse.

Wu Shi stood beside Wu Qing with a look of embarrassment. Wu Qing, as an elder, actually left his face to ask for something from a younger generation, and the thing is still so precious: "elder Wu Qing, if you are so abrupt, don\'t care, childe Li. Elder Wu Qing is just confused for a while, and doesn\'t mean to take advantage of you. I hope you can understand."

Wu Qing quickly nodded and said, "yes, childe Li, don\'t care. I\'m just surprised at childe Li\'s talent and the drug properties just now. I became selfish for a time."

What surprised Wu Shi and Wu Qing was that Li Luoyang put the paper with the secret recipe directly in Wu Qing\'s hand and said slowly with a smile: "Boss Wu Qingchang doesn\'t have to care so much. I originally planned to give this secret recipe to elder Wu Tian when I left. It can also be regarded as a reward for Wu Xinyi\'s secret protection. The Wu family must be trapped by dampness and poison when living in seclusion in the mountains and forests for many years. I\'m not from the Wu family. It\'s not very useful for me. I might as well give it to you."

Wu Qing\'s hand holding the secret recipe was trembling, and the Wu family on one side was also surprised. It was amazing to put this thing anywhere. Li Luoyang gave it to the Wu family so easily? This kind of pride made Wu family and Wu Qing inferior to each other. Moreover, Li Luoyang specially considered this medicine for the Wu family, which alone moved Wu family.

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Wu Qing quickly put the secret recipe into his arms and thanked him.

"You\'re welcome. That\'s what I should do."

Wu smiled. She was completely convinced that Li Luoyang had been disappointed before. How could she think that Li Luoyang really did it. She used mountains and grass to configure things to treat diseases and wounds and put them in troubled times. Li Luoyang\'s talent is really unmatched.

"Childe Li, I still say that. Your age is not proportional to your talent. I\'m really glad to see you like this."


"You will know from now on. Well, childe Li, you can stay here at ease. When your husband comes back, I believe everything will be solved easily. Elder Wu Qing, you can arrange it and pay attention to Wu Mojun\'s every move. Elder Wu Qing, Wu Qing!" Wu pushed Wu Qing, who was holding the secret recipe in his arms. Wu Qing was shocked and could not calm down for a long time. Naturally, he didn\'t hear Wu\'s words.

"Ah? What\'s the matter? Madam, you call me?"

For Wu Qing\'s gaffe, Wu also felt embarrassed: "cough. You can go down first and arrange people to observe Wu Mojun."

"Yes." Wu Qing turned around and was just about to leave. Then he came to Li Luoyang: "childe Li, I have a question to ask." Wu did not blame Wu Qing for not obeying the arrangement. Instead, he thought it was also an opportunity for Wu Qing to know more. It was uncertain that Wu Qing could make better herbs for the Wu family in the future.

"You said."

"Do you have any other successful medicine besides developing this herb for dehumidification and conditioning?" Wu Qing naturally wants to know whether Li Luoyang has more unknown herbal secrets. If Li Luoyang can tell Wu Qing some successful cases, it will play a key guiding role in Wu Qing\'s development.

"Elder Wu Qing, this medicine is the only herbal medicine I have developed. I have just come into contact with this way, so I don\'t have any more herbal secrets." Li Luoyang is not stupid enough to tell others that he already has better curative effect of golden sore medicine. He has to rely on things to do business. Sometimes he must have selfishness. Only when he has the initiative can he master the market and make the things in his hand reflect better commercial value.

Wu Qing seemed a little disappointed: "Oh, I wonder if childe Li can stay in the Wu family for more time, and we can discuss the medicinal properties of herbs together." Wu Qing didn\'t want to miss such a good opportunity. He put forward the idea of letting Li Luoyang stay in the Wu family for more days.

"Elder Wu Qing, I haven\'t returned. My companions in Taiyuan must be worried. Besides, I can\'t leave the Wu family for the time being. When elder Wu Tian returns, I think I should leave too." Li Luoyang doesn\'t want to stay here. The time of going out this time is far beyond Li Luoyang\'s plan. He is worried that Mo Jiao has been looking for herself everywhere. In addition, the situation in Taiyuan has been stable, and Li Luoyang knows that the time to return is approaching. He doesn\'t want all the people in the six doors to leave. He and Li have to go back to Luoyang on foot.

"Elder Wu Qing, don\'t embarrass childe Li. You also know that childe Li came to Taiyuan with the people of six doors this time. He has been delayed in the Wu family for many days. If he doesn\'t go back, the six doors Eagle dog in Taiyuan will not be able to sit still." the Wu family rescued Li Luoyang, although she also wants to stay in Li Luoyang for a few more days to give Wu Qing more time to learn herbs from Li Luoyang, However, from the perspective of facts, Wu is also worried that the six gates in Taiyuan will look for Li Luoyang everywhere, and maybe eventually find the Wu family.

"Yes, madam, I know. I\'ll arrange it now." Wu Qing turned and walked to the gate of the hospital. She was eager to go back to her home and develop the secret recipe given by Li Luoyang.

After Wu Qing left, Wu smiled and said to Li Luoyang, "I didn\'t expect that there was a young man who asked elder Wu Qing to bow his head for advice. You were the first."

"Thank you, madam."

"You\'ve been here for just a few incense sticks, taught me to refine beauty wine, subverted my view of mountain grass, and finally asked elder Wu Qing to leave his face and ask for a secret recipe. I\'m more and more curious about you."

After listening to Wu\'s words, Li Luoyang thought to himself: "it seems that there are too many exposures today. It\'s better to keep a low profile in the future. I\'m still a child. Strolling around with treasure will only lead to tragedy in the end. It seems that I have to restrain a little."