Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 582

"After chatting for so long, let\'s talk about the results of the investigation between you and Wu Nian." Wu finally became interested in the results of the investigation. After chatting with Li Luoyang for so long, she finally asked the key questions. In her opinion, her speculation with Wu Tian has been close. Now we need to see whether Li Luoyang, as an outsider, can find the real murderer with her intelligence.

"Just as Madam and elder Wu Tian expected, there was a traitor in the Wu family. This is Wu Qi."

Wu said slowly with a smile, "did you just listen to my guess and tell me the answer?" at this time, Wu didn\'t know that Li Luoyang and Wu Nian had investigated the results before her words.

"Madam, Wu Nian and I have found the poison at the end of the lost Liulin water source and treated it. Now the Wu family\'s water source is drinkable."

Wu\'s face was full of surprise and looked unbelievable: "have you found the poison? So it\'s not that someone poisons every day to maintain the amount of poison in the water? I\'m really curious about what means the other party has adopted to keep the flowing water poisonous all the time."

Li Luoyang put the poisonous grass collected from the sack in front of Wu, and then said with a smile: "this is agave and Jianxin grass. The toxicity of these two poisonous herbs is continuous and lasting. When a large number of poisonous herbs are put into the water, the water will drive the venom to the Wu family. The poisonous grass in a sack is enough to last more than a month and does not need to be replaced. This is where the water source has been poisoned."

Looking at the strange mountain grass in front of him, Wu was even more surprised: "how do you know these? Generally, only poison experts will be familiar with all kinds of mountain grass properties, don\'t you." Wu didn\'t want Li Luoyang to be a sinister person. After all, people who are good at using poison don\'t give a good impression.

"Madam, thousands of herbs in the world have medicinal properties. They can kill people invisibly, and can also save people, water and fire. I know some mountain grasses because I have some research on the treatment of mountain grasses."

"Do you have any research on herbs? So those mountain grasses can cure diseases and save people?" in this era, almost everyone knows that herbs are generally used to poison and kill people. No one thought of using these herbs to develop life-saving things. In Wu\'s opinion, Li Luoyang\'s idea is somewhat exaggerated. There are many people who are good at using poisons in the green forest, I have never heard that mountain grass has other effects.

Wu\'s familiar poison experts are all over half a hundred years old. They have been studying the toxicity of mountain grass for most of their lives and want to become the first poison users in the world. However, Li Luoyang is young, but he is studying another way opposite to using poison, which makes Wu feel that Li Luoyang is arrogant.

"It\'s just idle research."

"Really? I\'d advise you to give up the idea. It won\'t work."


"Up to now, no one has ever had such an idea of you, and naturally no one has succeeded. You are still young. There is no need to put your efforts on a dead end. It will only waste your time."

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and said with a smile, "madam, you just said that no one has ever walked this road. How can you be sure that this road is a dead road? Even if it is a dead road, I will live it."

"Arrogance!" before, Wu was satisfied with Li Luoyang\'s performance, but now Wu began to be disappointed. He even thought that Li Luoyang\'s arrogance would harm himself one day. The gap between the front and back of his heart made Wu shake his head helplessly: "Now that you have decided that there is no way back, I can\'t help it, but I can let you see the facts in advance. Wu Qing, the third elder of the Wu family, can also rank among the top ten in the world, even if he is a poison expert. You can discuss it with him."

Wu naturally wanted to stop Li Luoyang from studying herbs. She didn\'t want to see Li Luoyang go astray, so she planned to let Wu Qing teach Li Luoyang a lesson.

Hearing that the Wu family has poison experts, Li Luoyang is also in high spirits. He also wants to see how poison masters in this era configure the proportion of herbs to make them become invisible murder weapons. Finding out this is very important for him to refine healing herbs in the future.

Wu Nian asked someone to inform Wu Qing to come to Wu Tian\'s house. While waiting for Wu Qing to come, Wu continued to ask, "go on. The herbal medicine will be discussed after Wu Qing comes."

Li Luoyang nodded and said with a smile: "on the water source bank, we found the footprints of three people. One of them is probably Wu Qi, and the other two should be outsiders. If this analysis is established, it means that Wu Qi has cooperated with foreigners to poison the Wu family\'s water source. One of them is about one meter six tall, overweight, and one with a disabled left foot is leaning on a crutch."

Li Luoyang told Wu Shi all the clues she had collected. However, Wu Shi became more and more confused. She didn\'t expect that Li Luoyang could get so much information about the murderer by virtue of her footprints. This analysis method and idea greatly exceeded her expectations, which is unprecedented.

Li Luoyang\'s method is naturally unprecedented. It is the basic means of criminal investigation in modern society, including the fingerprint identification method Li Luoyang once taught six doors. It does not belong to this era, but it is efficient and useful.

Looking at Wu\'s surprised expression, Li Luoyang knew what she wanted to ask: "madam, everyone has different force points and force points when stepping on the ground, so the footprints will be different. As long as you observe carefully, you can find the doorway."

Li Luoyang patiently explained to Wu how to observe the footprint information. Wu became more and more interested. In Wu\'s view, Li Luoyang is simply a geek. The things he put forward are too fresh but have practical uses.

After listening to Li Luoyang\'s explanation, Wu began to vaguely feel that the herbal research proposed by Li Luoyang may really succeed, because he is Li Luoyang.

"I really don\'t know how you know this when you\'re young. It\'s incredible to analyze the height and body shape of the characters through footprints." Wu suddenly thought of Wu Xinyi, who used to be very proud of herself. She was also called a genius. However, Wu didn\'t hesitate to think that Wu Xinyi was just more talented in martial arts than Li Luoyang, In other aspects, it is not as good as Li Luoyang.

"Hey, if Xinyi could have your mind, she might really be able to undertake the important task of the Wu family. Unfortunately, she is only a daughter." Wu sighed helplessly.

"Xinyi is already excellent."


Li Luoyang nodded without hesitation: "well, she is not old, but her martial arts are out of the group. She surpasses her peers by this alone."

Wu Shi covered his mouth and smiled. Then he asked directly, "do you like her?"

Li Luoyang was frightened by the sudden problem. Is this the rhythm of looking for his son-in-law?

"Which, which kind?" Li Luoyang was at a loss in the face of such a problem.

"Nature is the love between men and women. What kind of love do you like?" Wu\'s rare seriousness stared at Li Luoyang, waiting for Li Luoyang\'s answer.
