Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 581

The house owner\'s assembly is temporarily over. Wu Qi has the right to interrogate Li Luoyang, but he must keep Li Luoyang\'s life. This is the best result of Wu Qi. No one can guarantee any accident during the interrogation. Wu Qi knows that even if Li Luoyang dies, his family will not punish themselves for the three dead people. The big deal is education.

"Wu Qi, you stay. I have something to ask you." Wu Mojun stopped. Wu Qi, who was going to interrogate Li Luoyang, had something to ask face to face.

"Father, what\'s the matter?" Wu Qi was very happy to get the right to interrogate Li Luoyang. At this time, he smiled and relaxed.

"You always tell me what medicine you sell in the gourd!" Wu Mojun grabbed Wu Qi\'s wrist and pulled down the corner of the parliament hall.

"Me, what\'s wrong with me?" Wu Qi was frightened by Wu Mojun\'s sudden inquiry and pulling.

"Others don\'t know. You still want to hide it from me? I raised you up. You fart. I know what you\'re thinking. Why are you so anxious to kill those three people this time? Also, you\'d better tell me honestly about poisoning. Wu Qing\'s words just now seem to be blaming you for safe work, but when you think about it carefully, there\'s another meaning in his words, which just reminds me that you are Don\'t you know that someone went to Liulin and reached the water source? "

Wu Qi swallowed his saliva, so he pretended to be calm and said, "father, didn\'t you say it yourself just now? The other party may be a master. With my ability, I can\'t find them entering the willow forest."

"Still quibbling! It\'s necessary for an expert to use such indiscriminate means as poisoning? The expert who knows the exact location of the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain is long gone!"

"This" Wu Qi was a little flustered. He was only afraid of two people in his life. One was Wu Tian, the owner of the family, and the other was his father.

"Wu Qi, I tell you, you\'d better not plan to kill Li Luoyang. If he dies, don\'t say you. I\'ll be buried with him."

"Father, what do you mean? What is Li Luoyang\'s identity?" Wu Qi didn\'t expect that the person he wanted to kill most was blessed by Wu Mojun.

"You don\'t need to know. Anyway, I can only tell you that Li Luoyang must not die, or he must not die in the Wu family!"

"But father."

Looking at the hesitant Wu Qi, Wu Mojun grabbed Wu Qi\'s collar and mentioned Wu Qi in the air: "say! What did your boy hide from me!" knowing that his son is not like his mother. Over the years, Wu Mojun has been both a father and a mother. Naturally, he knows the root of his son. Obviously, Wu Qi seems to be hiding something in front of him.

"Father, father, I\'m wrong!" Wu Qi knew he couldn\'t escape Wu Mojun\'s observation and immediately knelt down in front of Wu Mojun.

Looking at his son\'s kneeling, Wu Mojun immediately felt dizzy. He knew that Wu Qi must have caused a big deal, otherwise he wouldn\'t kneel so easily: "say what you did!"

"Father, I brought the poisoner to the water source."

Although he was ready, when Wu Qi told the truth, Wu Mojun still couldn\'t bear the sudden blow. He sat down on the bamboo chair as if he was a few years old: "what\'s going on? Start from the beginning."

"Father, the thing is like this. Wu Nian and I went out on a mission. I made friends with several strangers in Taiyuan. They gave me money and wine, and promised to move the whole Wu family out of Baiyun Mountain. I promised them in a moment of confusion and told them the location of the Wu family. However, they didn\'t take any action in recent years until they arrived not long ago The Wu family found me at the entrance of the village, and. "

"And what!"

"And asked me to take them to the water source, so I took them through the willow forest to the source. They put a sack in the water. When I asked, I learned that there were poisons in the sack, which could adulterate the water with venom for a long time. At this time, I have no way to go. I, I also want to leave Baiyun Mountain. I want the Wu family to leave here, so that I can live with the Wu family in the world 。”

Wu Mojun covered his forehead and sighed: "Confused, you are so confused! The reason why the Wu family lived in seclusion here is that there is a great secret to guard and wait. Why did you make the same mistake as your father did in those years? I just wanted to leave the Wu family and kill a guard. If it weren\'t for Wu Tian, I would have died now. I have advised you many times to stay in the Wu family all my life and even go outside with your strength There is only one way to die in the world, and you? The world is dangerous. People take the initiative to find you just to use you to know the location of the Wu family, but you have no defense! "

With tears on his face, Wu Qi hugged Wu Mojun\'s leg and said, "father, father! You can\'t ignore me. If other people know this, I have to die. I\'m your only son."

Facing Wu Qi\'s request, Wu Mojun kicked Wu Qi away: "help you? How can I help you! You not only broke the rules of the Wu family, but also almost destroyed the whole Wu family!"

Wu Qi knelt on the ground and climbed to Wu Mojun\'s feet: "father, this is it. Do you want to give up me?"

Wu Mojun didn\'t answer. He already felt deep despair.

"Father, in fact, I have already planned to kill those three people and create a scene of fear of crime and suicide. As long as they die, I can be naturally fine. Father, I promise you, as long as this matter is handled, I won\'t want to leave the Wu family in my life."

"I can\'t do it. How many times have I said that Li Luoyang\'s life can\'t be taken!"

"Father! Is an outsider\'s life not as good as your own son? I don\'t know why. He\'s Li Luoyang\'s first visit to the Wu family. Why is he so important to you? Wu Xinyi wants to protect him secretly. You and elder Wu Qing want to save his life. Who is he?"

"Qi\'er, many things are not as simple as you think. His life must stay."

Looking at the helpless Wu Mojun, Wu Qi was completely dumbfounded: "father, father, do you mean to give up me? Now there is only one way in front of your son, either they die or I die."

"You, you have made countless mistakes in your life. I can carry them for you, but this time, your mistakes are enough to destroy the whole Wu family. Even if I want to help, I can\'t do anything."

Hearing what Wu Mojun said, Wu Qi immediately got up: "since my father made this decision, I\'ll crash here now, so that people won\'t laugh at me after learning the truth!" Wu Qi lowered his head and rushed to the pillar. Wu Mojun grabbed Wu Qi\'s hand. He can\'t watch his son crash to death in front of him.

"It seems that we have to fight hard."

"Father, are you willing to help me?"

"Now that we have made such a decision, we have to break the boat. Anyway, we have to kill Li Luoyang. Remember, we must do it thoroughly before Wu Tian comes back and those people in the Wu family don\'t know what\'s going on here."

"What do you mean?"

"Take your men, mutiny!"