Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 569

By the stream deep in the willow forest, Wu Nian stood by the water with a sad face. The water was very clear, but there were no living creatures. Even the seasonal tadpoles or other aquatic creatures had no trace. Li Luoyang felt that the scene in front of him was very beautiful.

The willow forest on both sides of the river becomes overcast, and the green inverted willows hang. With the gentle breeze, the clear stream flows comfortably, reflecting the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river and forming a green shadow like a line between water and sky. If Li Luoyang didn\'t know that the water was poisonous, he would immediately take off his clothes and jump into the water to enjoy it.

With luck in mind, Wu Nian took a silver needle to test whether the water contained poison. As a result, the silver needle was still black, indicating that the water flowing in the water always contained poison.

Li Luoyang stood on the bank and observed carefully. He didn\'t find anything unusual. He just saw a series of footprints on the bank: "are these footprints?"

Wu Nian looked down and said, "this is what we left when we looked at the stream."

Li Luoyang nodded and said slowly, "did you check the stream in sections last time?"

"Segment check?"

"Well, every 50 meters is a section. Check upstream one by one until the source. In this way, we can accurately find out where the thief poisoned. The river has been poisonous. However, the river flows, which shows that the thief poisoned somewhere upstream almost every day. We can find the place where he poisoned first before we can find the person who poisoned."

Wu Nian didn\'t think there was such a way: "let\'s start segmentation now?"

"Well, let\'s start here." Li Luoyang picked up the branches on the ground and inserted them in the mud on the bank. Then he took Wu Nian upstream and continued to walk. A moment later, he came to the next section. Wu Nian was still poisonous after inspection. Li Luoyang inserted the branches again as a sign. They went upstream again. Unconsciously, it was dark.

Sitting on the bank, Wu Nian planned to raise a fire, but Li Luoyang stopped him: "you make a fire here? Aren\'t you afraid that the thieves in the distance will find us? They may appear near us at any time before they are sure whether the other party is hiding in the willow forest and regularly poisoning the river. Isn\'t raising a fire telling others that we are looking for them?"

Wu Nian didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to be so cautious: "don\'t make a fire. It\'s cold at night."

Li Luoyang smiled and took off his coat. He still had this gentlemanly demeanor. He threw his coat to Wu Nian. Li Luoyang looked up at the clean moon in the night sky: "put it on, I can resist the cold."

The uncontaminated sky is as transparent as a stream. The bright moon shines on Li Luoyang\'s face. With a shallow smile, Wu Nian looks natural and handsome. Wu Nian unconsciously stares at him.

"The river and the sky are the same without fine dust, and there is a solitary moon in the sky." Li Luoyang sat on the bank and sang a poem, feeling like a fairy spirit.

"This, what does this mean?" Wu Nian has subconsciously put on Li Luoyang\'s coat. A small move is enough to see that she seems to have begun to trust Li Luoyang, at least not as tired and resistant as before.

"Life is short, people still see the lonely moon, but the people who see the moon are not the people they used to be. The stars change, things change." Li Luoyang sighed. When he came here, the moon is still, but he is not the original Li Luoyang, at least not the Li Luoyang of his time.

The topic was a little heavy. Li Luoyang smiled and said, "by the way, haven\'t you Wu family gone out?"

"Hardly. People of my age only went out twice. The first time they went to Taiyuan with Wuqi to complete the task, and the second time they went to look for food with my brother."

"You and Wu Qi have only been to Taiyuan? How long ago?"

"Two years ago, I only arrived in Taiyuan and left after staying for a long time."

Li Luoyang thought for a moment and then said, "you know very little about the outside world?"

In her eyes, Wu read some expectations and lost somewhat. It was because she yearned for it and lost it because Wu family rule said, "very few. But the owner has an eye liner and knows what\'s going on outside."

"Big events? For example?"

"Famine. The God of the army was defeated," Wu Nian recalled.

"What about the story in Luoyang?" Li Luoyang asked casually.

"Luoyang? I don\'t know. Maybe the owner knows what happened there, but we have no right to know."

Hearing Wu Nian\'s words, Li Luoyang began to calculate. A moment later, Li Luoyan smiled and asked, "do you think the Wu family did this poisoning?"

"Impossible!" Wu Nian said firmly, "it\'s impossible. This stream is the only guarantee for our Wu family to live, and no one will cut off their own way." Wu Nian firmly believes that Li Luoyang\'s speculation can\'t happen. It can\'t happen in the Wu family with strict family style. If the Wu family finds out, the traitor will only die, Even the traitor\'s family will be severely punished.

Li Luoyang said slowly, "calm down first. We\'re just discussing and excluding all possible factors."

Wu nianfang looked at Li Luoyang with a calm mind. Li Luoyang stood up and began his inference against the Moonlight: "the Wu family is like a cage. Some people are willing to stay and live an independent life, but others want to go, but they can\'t find a suitable reason. If, I mean, if someone deliberately does such a thing to leave the Wu family."

Li Luoyang turned to look at Wu Nian and continued: "some Wu family deliberately poisoned and cut off the back road of the Wu family. For a long time, the Wu family had to leave here and choose a new place to live in seclusion. However, it was not easy. Leaving here meant that they would return to the outside world to find a suitable place to live in seclusion. In this way, they could not only leave the Wu family, but also stay with the Wu family."

Wu Nian looked at Li Luoyang in surprise. She never thought about Li Luoyang\'s conjecture, but this analysis was reasonable. Wu Nian knew that the older generation was willing to stay in Baiyun Mountain to live in seclusion, but her generation had a heart to leave at the beginning. It was inevitable that someone, including her, would do such a disaster for their own self-interest.

Regardless of the consternation on Wu Nian\'s face, Li Luoyang said slowly, "this is just speculation. If there is such a person, he must have several conditions. First, his own strength is not good. Because he wants the whole Wu family to leave this ghost place with him, he cut off the only living water source of the Wu family. In this way, the whole Wu family will accompany him to the outside world."

"Second, I\'m familiar with the willow forest. I just observed it all the way. Although this willow forest is near your Wu family, the road is extremely complex. It\'s impossible for people who don\'t come here often to find the way to the stream. Third, this person is very familiar with the work and rest time of all the Wu family, so that he can leave the Wu family and poison the stream at the best time."

Wu Nian breathed deeply. Li Luoyang\'s idea was too wild. She believed that not only herself, but also the whole Wu family had never had such an idea.

Although the outside world is wonderful, relatives gather here. Although it is boring, it is also life. Wu Nian said to himself, "this is just his speculation, just speculation." Wu Nian can\'t imagine what will happen to the whole Wu family if this speculation is a fact, and what will be the final result of the poisoned person.