Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 568

"Hey, hey, don\'t go so fast! My martial arts are not as good as you." Li Luoyang complained and followed Wu Nian to shuttle through the willow forest. The complexity of the willow forest far exceeded Li Luoyang\'s expectation. As soon as they left the village and entered the willow forest, Li Luoyang lost their direction. Wu Nian, who led the way in front, was familiar with the road and drove lightly. After a few steps, he turned to the next corner.

Naturally, Wu Nian intended to tease Li Luoyang. The roads in the willow forest were complex, but there was no danger. The wild animals in the forest had long been cleared by the Wu family, so she didn\'t have to worry about any life-threatening danger in Li Luoyang, who was lost in the willow forest. In order to revenge Li Luoyang, Wu Nian must tease him. Shortly after entering the willow forest, Wu Nian got rid of Li Luoyang, Hide aside and observe secretly.

Without Wu Nian\'s anxiety or panic, Li Luoyang simply sat in his place, took the water and drank it, which showed his maturity inconsistent with his age. Originally, according to Wu Nian\'s idea, the hairy boy would cry for help and even wet his pants in fear if he got lost in the willow forest, but now it seems that he is very calm.

"This guy is heartless and heartless. If he doesn\'t worry, he won\'t worry about his two brothers?" Wu Nian, hiding aside, thought to himself that Li Luoyang really didn\'t mean to worry, but was extremely calm.

Wu Nian knew that Li Luoyang was trying to adjust his mood to achieve the best state of calm at this time. It was not because he was lost, but because the current situation annoyed him. He didn\'t have any clues in his hand and couldn\'t find the truth with the strength of the Wu family. Li Luoyang began to worry about the safety of Li Guo and Xiao Si.

Sitting quietly in the willow forest, the sound of the river flowing in his ear. Li Luoyang breathed heavily in the Dantian, and unconsciously began to exercise his internal breathing. Wu Nian on the side was even more surprised: "this guy actually practiced in the house? Don\'t you worry at all?"

Li Luoyang\'s calmness is beyond Wu Nian\'s imagination. Being able to practice inside under such conditions is enough to show how calm Li Luoyang is at this time. When practicing inside, it is most taboo to be impetuous. It is easy for breath disorder to lead to the so-called obsession. Wu Nian is stunned by Li Luoyang\'s state at this time. She didn\'t expect Li Luoyang to have such a stable state of mind.

In the twinkling of an eye, at dusk, Li Luoyang\'s performance did not satisfy Wu Nian. Without Yaxing, Wu Nian had to return to Li Luoyang: "it doesn\'t mean anything. I think you are a heartless man and don\'t care about your brother\'s life and death."

Li Luoyang said slowly with a smile, "I\'ll give you this sentence intact."

"What do you mean!"

"It\'s very simple. You use the identity of the guide to tease me and delay my time to investigate the truth. If you delay, my two brothers will naturally worry about their lives, but the same is true of your Wu family. Don\'t forget that if the truth of poisoning is not checked for a day, your Wu family\'s food will be cut off again sooner or later."

Wu Nian said proudly with her hands on her hips, "it\'s enough for us to find the food when it\'s gone."

"Hehe, it\'s easy to say. Haven\'t you thought about why the Wu family leader went out in person to find food this time? That\'s because he knew the situation in Taiyuan. He was careless and the Wu family in Baiyun Mountain was exposed. You\'ve lived in seclusion for so many years, so he went out in person. It\'s enough to see that it\'s not easy to find food. If the food is gone this time, do you think elder Wu Tian is really good Dare to appear in Taiyuan again? "


"So, if you delay my time, you are actually delaying the whole Wu family. It\'s a big deal that I lose two brothers, and you will lose all your relatives. Of course, you have Xinyi. I will raise her for nothing, so that she will stop thinking about the Wu family and follow me well."

In the face of Li Luoyang\'s outspoken words, Wu Nian was furious, but she could do nothing. What others said was reasonable and justified. She couldn\'t refute it at all. If the Wu family really disappeared, Wu Xinyi really settled with Li Luoyang. Wu Nian didn\'t want this guy to take advantage. For the sake of the Wu family and Wu Xinyi, Wu Nian held back her anger and said, "go, I\'ll take you upstream."

Wu Nian was a lot more honest along the way, but it was only temporary. Walking beside Wu Nian, Li Luoyang whispered, "I can see that you care about Xinyi. As your niece and the only daughter of the Wu family, why did you Wu family send her to secretly protect me?"

This is Li Luoyang\'s question all the time. He has nothing to do with Baiyun Mountain. Why did Wu Tian send Wu Xinyi to protect himself? Wu Xinyi began to be Wu Tian\'s only daughter. In addition to Wu\'s most trusted person, Li Luoyang wanted to get the truth from Wu Nian.

Li Luoyang had asked his mother Lin Luoshui before, but Lin Luoshui could not tell why. Li Luoyang naturally knew to ask the Wu family if he wanted to know the truth.

"Don\'t ask me, I don\'t know. When Chuge announced to let Xinyi go out to protect you, I was 10000 objections, but no one can change what my brother decided, including Xinyi. I\'ve been understanding why to protect you, but up to now, I haven\'t found any clues. Anyway, my brother seems to attach great importance to you."

"Attach importance to me? It doesn\'t make sense. In my impression, I\'ve never had any contact with the Wu family, let alone met Wu Tian." Li Luoyang is sure that there is no intersection with the Wu family. He has been a man for two generations. He was born to remember things in this life. From small to large, because of the memory and maturity of later generations, Li Luoyang still remembers everything that happened around him. In his memory, There is no connection with the Wu family at all. How can Wu Tian attach importance to himself.

"I don\'t know. My brother has been strict with Xinyi since childhood, but he also loves her. He is the apple of his sister-in-law\'s eye. He has never left the Wu family. This time, in order to protect you, he asked Xinyi to leave home. This is not what you are?" Wu Nian said fiercely, biting his teeth.

"That\'s right. Xinyi is the heart and soul of elder Wu Tian. It really means that elder Wu Tian doesn\'t want me to make any mistakes. If I really have something to do, he will get a daughter. But why?" Li Luoyang is puzzled. Maybe only Wu Tian himself knows the truth, but Li Luoyang firmly believes that even if he asks Wu Tian, he won\'t get any answer, Li Luoyang vaguely felt that the Wu family seemed to have a great secret.

Suddenly, Li Luoyang stopped. Wu Nian asked suspiciously, "what are you doing? Why don\'t you go?"

Li Luoyang looked at Wu Nian with a serious face and a frown: "you said, is it because senior Wu Tian attached so much importance to me?"

Wu Nian hurriedly asked, "why? What do you think of?" Wu Nian was also eager to know what secret was hidden. Looking at Li Luoyang\'s seriousness, Wu Nian determined that Li Luoyang must recall something.

"Because he took a fancy to my handsome, he wanted me to be his son-in-law."

"Get out!"