Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 535

If you take it seriously, Li Luoyang\'s time to practice martial arts is actually very short. Even Wu Xinyi, a martial artist with a family background, envies him very much, but some things must be precipitated in time to blossom and bear fruit. If Li Luoyang didn\'t suddenly realize something a few days ago, I\'m afraid he is not Xu Fang\'s opponent now.

With Li Luoyang\'s current skills, it should be no problem to bully and bully foreign martial arts practitioners, but Xu Fang is a real internal martial arts practitioner, and has been practicing real martial arts for so many years. His martial arts are not superb, at least they can\'t be underestimated. In the holy religion, it is definitely the top 50 level.

Unless Li Luoyang can practice for at least three or five years, it is difficult to fight with Xu Fang.

On the one hand, Xu Fang did not focus 100% on Li Luoyang. On the other hand, fighting in battle is different from dueling. In a chaotic battle, all kinds of emergencies may occur. Of course, personal martial arts is an important factor, But whether you can make full use of the surrounding environment to add chips to yourself depends on your mind and judgment.

As a man who has lived for two generations, Li Luoyang does have advantages in this regard. Especially now Xu Fang is chasing him, which is tantamount to fighting in the camp of officers and soldiers. No matter whether the surrounding officers and soldiers will sneak attack Xu Fang, Xu Fang always has to anticipate this. If he is careless and eventually capsizes in his gutter, it is really worthless.

But even with such factors, Li Luoyang felt that he couldn\'t keep up with his Qi after several rounds.

The movement of internal breathing itself is somewhat mysterious. When facing an external martial artist, Li Luoyang\'s internal breathing works as he wants. However, when facing the same internal martial artist, both sides are running breath, it seems that they will interfere with each other.

In fact, it\'s not surprising to put it bluntly. If you only rely on the internal breathing in your body, even if you are stronger than those who practice martial arts outside, your strength is limited. After internal practice reaches a certain level, you must use the internal breath in your body to communicate the breath of heaven and earth outside, and then try to mobilize the breath of heaven and earth for your own use.

It\'s like in a huge swimming pool, two martial arts practitioners are in the water. You also want to stir the water to attack me, and I also want to stir the water to attack you. But with the stirring of the two, the whole swimming pool will not only roll on the water, but also surge under the water.

When this situation lasts for a certain period of time, the two in the swimming pool will feel the impact of undercurrent and waves on themselves at the same time. Only those with excellent water properties can ensure that they will not be impacted as much as possible, and can also use the impact to create advantages for themselves, while the one with poor water properties will change one after another and become difficult to walk.

At this time, Li Luoyang\'s feeling is like this. After all, Xu Fang\'s realm is higher than his. As a result, Li Luoyang is getting more and more uncomfortable, and even his breathing begins to rush.

Breathing change can be said to be the most realistic standard to judge a person\'s strength. If a person breathes disorderly when facing the enemy, it proves that his strength must be weak. When Li Luoyang breathed disorderly, Xu Fang was overjoyed. The steel whip in his hand continued to accelerate. Unexpectedly, Li Luoyang dared not fight with a treasure knife and retreated again and again.

"Hum, what flying bear general, you can\'t beat a child like me. It\'s good to use this title!"

Although Li Luoyang is a little out of breath, the more so, the look on his face is more disdainful, as if he had the upper hand now.

"You\'ll know right away, boy, it\'s no use for me to stir up!"

"How can it be useless? How long have you been chasing me and didn\'t even leave the wound for me? You still say your is useful? If it is really useful, how long can you dry me? If the mud can give an accurate time, I will admit that you are very powerful!"

"Think too much!"

Xu Tong smiled coldly and then cut out a whip. Li Luoyang hurriedly dodged, as if he was afraid to fight with Xu Fang now. This reaction and attitude made Xu Fang believe that Li Luoyang is at the end of a powerful crossbow. With a little effort, he should be able to win Li Luoyang.

"Look where you\'re going!"

Xu Tong\'s steel whip shadow is always chasing Li Luoyang\'s figure. Even if Li Luoyang applies the steps previously learned to actual combat and gives his own judgment, the distance between the two is still in the fast narrowing path. Looking at Xu Tong\'s steel whip twice, he almost cut Li Luoyang\'s back, but Li Luoyang still didn\'t escape, You can even fight back occasionally in this case.

Although Li Luoyang\'s Sabre technique was "created" by himself, there were no such tricks in the world in the past, but it was because there were no tricks that Xu Tongyi, who also used a steel whip, was very different from ordinary Sabre techniques!

The so-called Wu Chi means that you can\'t see some new moves at any time and anywhere, especially your own specialized weapons.

Although the weapon in Xu Fang\'s hand is a steel whip, in fact, the steel whip itself has no special tricks. It can also be said that the steel whip itself can be a master of knife and stick.

If a person can use the steel whip well, he must have a considerable research on the knife technique and stick technique, so that he can use the steel whip well. Li Luoyang\'s Sabre technique is something Xu Fang has never seen before, which makes Xu Fang unconsciously want to see the whole set of sabre techniques of Li Luoyang, and he slows down unconsciously.

If Li Luoyang cultivates Tai Chi Sabre technique, according to the characteristics of "emphasizing meaning rather than form" of Tai Chi Sabre technique, as long as he is really proficient in Tai Chi Sabre technique, he can continuously display different Sabre techniques. However, in that case, it is estimated that Xu Fang will not be foolish to see through the sabre techniques, as long as people understand the meaning of the routine, That move is not important.

However, Li Luoyang\'s sword moves were always limited. When his moves began to repeat, Xu Fang suddenly lost interest.

"Boy, although the sabre technique you just performed is exquisite, your skill is insufficient, and some mysterious places can\'t be displayed. I\'ll give you one last chance. If you are willing to join our holy religion, directly worship under our Xu door and offer the sabre technique you just performed, I\'ll let you go!"

To tell the truth, if it weren\'t for the presence of officers and soldiers and Mo Jiao, I\'m afraid Li Luoyang would really consider Xu Fang\'s suggestions. After all, this man always has a time to bow his head all his life.