Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 512

Although Li Luoyang has never been to the prison of six gates, he has seen it in film and television programs. Some books and magazines also have many descriptions of the royal guards and the two factories in the Ming Dynasty. In those descriptions, whenever it is the prison of such a special imperial court institution, it is often unbearable. It can hardly be said that it is the hell of normal people.

"I really haven\'t been there." Li Luoyang shook her head, Mo Jiao nodded and said, "why don\'t I take you in next time, and then you won\'t be afraid of those gods, huh?"


Li Luoyang shook his head and curiosity killed the cat. Although Li Luoyang felt that he was a little better than a cat, and at least one cat was certainly not his opponent, he still felt that he should keep a distance from the special institutions of the imperial court. Don\'t know if you can\'t know something, and don\'t know if you can\'t understand it, so as not to cause a shadow in his heart.


Mo Jiao drank the soup in her hand, took a long breath and said, "who stipulated to drink water before eating?"

"I," Li Luoyang shamelessly attributed the credit to himself.

"Hum, although I don\'t know where the truth is, it seems that my stomach rarely hurts after I adhere to this habit recently."

"That\'s for sure. It\'s a secret recipe. Most people don\'t tell him, and don\'t you find that your body will get better after you stick to it?"

"Getting better?"

Mo Jiao frowned. If Li Luoyang hadn\'t mentioned it, Mo Jiao wouldn\'t care about her body in general. Because of the change of history, the situation of taking fat as beauty didn\'t appear, which is also the most fortunate point of Li Luoyang. If Li Luoyang really passed through that historical period of taking fat as beauty, she really didn\'t know whether she should be happy or sad.

However, for Mo Jiao, she actually has no physical problems. Of course, the first is that the whole social aesthetics are normal. The second is that Mo Jiao is a martial artist. After a martial artist exercises for a long time, there is almost no excess fat in her body. When the proportion of muscle in the body reaches a certain degree, the heat consumed every day will be consumed by the muscle. It is not easy for people to get fat.

The biggest advantage of drinking water before eating is that it is not easy for people to eat Hesse. This is very easy in later generations, but now, because the proportion of fat and calories in food is not high, it is not so important. Mo Jiao feels so obvious because of her own psychological role.

After dinner, he takes turns to watch. Even if there are no people around, who can guarantee what will happen after dark. Even Li Luoyang has been turned to an hour\'s vigil post, and the person who partners with him is Mo\'s confidant, Mo Shou.

Almost the second watch, Li Luoyang woke up and opened his eyes just to see the person who called him to change shifts. In order not to disturb others, Li Luoyang waved that he had got up and let the newly laid-off people rest. He went to the highest place next to the camp and saw Mo Shou who came one step earlier than him.

"It\'s very fast."

"People are old, and it\'s easy to wake up when they sleep." Mo Shou didn\'t say much. He smiled at Li Luoyang faintly. Li Luoyang could see Mo Shou\'s face clearly by the light of the stars and moon. It\'s true that Mo Shou\'s age is not young, but it\'s obvious that the experience of this period of time has made a lot more around his face.

"If the matter of Taiyuan mansion is solved this time, your eldest lady must have another capital. I\'m afraid it\'s not a problem to inherit your father\'s position in the future."

Li Luoyang had nothing to say. He thought what he said should be right, but Mo Shou didn\'t have a smile on his face. He shook his head slowly and said, "it\'s not credit."

"What? It\'s not credit. What else is credit?" Li Luoyang thought Mo Shou must be joking. It\'s not credit after such a big thing has been solved?

"How can this be regarded as credit? This is what needs to be solved by the six doors. If it is done well, it should be done. If it is not done well, it is dereliction of duty. So now you should know that working in the six doors is not an easy thing. This is also the reason why the master didn\'t let me wait for several people to enter the six doors. It\'s not that he didn\'t have the right, but Because he doesn\'t want us to suffer. "

"Don\'t let you enter the six doors? But don\'t you have a waist token?" Li Luoyang felt a little confused. No, no one seems to say that Mo Shou four have no official identity along the way?

"The waist token is worthless. You can have as many as you want, and it\'s absolutely true, but there are no names of our four brothers in the roster of six doors, which is also true." Mo Shou\'s smiling appearance made Li Luoyang understand at once. Well, feelings are like this. It\'s self-defense.

Isn\'t it? If anyone imitates the six door waist token most, there is no doubt that it must be the six door itself. Maybe Mo Yuntian took out four real waist tags from the six doors, and then engraved the names of Mo Shou. It must be so, so Mo Shou and other talents have waist tags and no identity.

The problem is that people outside can only see the waist token, so it\'s impossible to check the roster in the six doors. Who dares to say that Mo Shou\'s four people are fake?

However, since Mo Shou and others do not exist officially, if things are done well, the credit has nothing to do with them, let alone get any benefits.

Fortunately, the four of Mo Shou are servants, and their honor and disgrace are closely linked with the Mo family. When the Mo family is strong, they will naturally be better off. If the Mo family is declining, their life will be no better. Maybe they will die in front of the Mo family first. From this point of view, they should try their best to help Mo Jiao.

"Fortunately, I didn\'t choose to join the six doors at that time. I think if I nodded at that time, won\'t Mo Jiao give me a fake waist token?"

"Of course it\'s impossible. We are the servants of the Mo family. No matter whether our identity is true or not, our words and deeds represent the Mo family, so we can\'t pit the master. But you\'re different. People are separated from each other. If you give you a fake waist token and you do something harmful to the Mo family, don\'t you want the master to carry the pot for you?"

"Oh, Lao Shou, that\'s good. You\'ve learned my words."

"It\'s not very difficult. Well, it\'s actually much simpler than what those scholars say, but it\'s very cool."

"Well, whatever you say, can we meet with the grain team tomorrow?" Li Luoyang thought and finally couldn\'t help asking this question. He always felt that it was good to get to the grain team early.