Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 511

Mo Jiao\'s worry is not unreasonable.

Since Manichaeism has spent a lot of effort to win Taiyuan City, it will certainly not be eager to watch the court send relief food all the way to the city. In that way, isn\'t all the previous efforts in vain? From the results of Guo Shiguang\'s explanation, we can know that even the reputation of the military God Zhou Xiangong can\'t let the Manichaeism high-level send a large number of people to work in Taiyuan city. We can know that they attach importance to Taiyuan city.

On the other hand, Manichaeism is known as millions of people. Even if these people only eat pig food every day, the food consumed is an astronomical number. No matter what is recorded in history or what Li Luoyang heard, those manichaeiss don\'t work at all, that is to say, basically these people are sitting on empty seats.

Even if there are not millions of manichaeiss, there should still be hundreds of thousands inside and outside. Such a group of people eat sitting, standing and walking every day. How many granaries in the world let them toss about, not to mention they have to fight, which can make it a great effort.

Maybe the high-level manichaeists don\'t care about the final life and death of the cannon fodder below, but before their "great event" is successful, these cannon fodder is still useful. We can\'t watch them starve to death?

The problem of famine relief in a city certainly requires a lot of food. Mo Jiao also said that although this is only the first batch of food delivered by the imperial court, not all, it has reached the level of exaggeration of tens of thousands of stones. If manichaeiss can take away such a batch of food, it will certainly greatly alleviate their food crisis, In a sense, it has greatly enhanced their strength. After all, food is capital in this era. As long as there is enough food, enough people can be found to work hard.

In some remote areas, some people may have never seen what is called gold and silver in their life. They work hard day and night to fill their stomachs?

If someone tells them that as long as they are willing to work hard, they can not only fill their stomachs, but also eat meat, then they will be willing. If they go further, as long as they work hard for reasons, they can not only eat meat often, but also get a wife, then those people will go crazy and don\'t care if they will die.

Biologically, this kind of thing is understandable. If it is under extremely bad conditions, the biological instinct is to inherit the genetic genes as much as possible, so those small insects that live and die day and night basically start to reproduce desperately soon after they hatch, even if they take their own lives.

This can also explain why in later generations, people who like to have children and become poorer and poorer are often people with low educational background, low social level and difficult life. The more able people are to pay attention to their quality of life, the more picky they are in reproduction. Even when conditions are not met, they prefer not to produce offspring.

However, if there are offspring, then this type of people will take very strict care of their offspring, and try to raise one as soon as possible.

Therefore, reproduction is a very important thing for low-level people, and as long as there is enough food, we can find enough people, both men and women, also meet the requirement of reproduction.

So Mo Jiao was worried that this batch of food would attract Manichaeism, because Manichaeism had good reasons to make an idea about this batch of food.

"If a large number of Manichaeism people really attack, why don\'t I come to die?" if Mo Jiao doesn\'t explain, it\'s all right, but the more he says, the more he makes Li Luoyang feel silly to appear here. He knows that there are tigers in the mountain. It\'s the work of hunters, not what he should do as a businessman. A businessman, It should be honest to stay at the foot of the mountain, wait for the hunter to carry the dead tiger back, and then offer a suitable price to buy the tiger. This is a really qualified hunter.

Therefore, the more Li Luoyang thinks about it, the less he feels. If he has to make a choice in this matter, he would rather turn around and return to Taiyuan immediately. Although the environment in the city is worse, he doesn\'t have to worry about his life safety.

Unfortunately, it\'s certainly impossible to say this now, not to mention whether Mo Jiao\'s woman will agree with Li Luoyang to turn around. Even if she agrees, will Li Luoyang turn around alone?

Unless you\'re crazy. This place in the wilderness is deserted. If Li Luoyang turns around and goes back now, he really has no confidence. What if he meets a group of refugees and sees the people he wears in five or six, and surrounds him? For one thing, Li Luoyang agrees with Mo Jiao, or he thinks so. When a person is hungry to the limit, he will starve to death, but if a group of people are hungry to the limit, anything can be done.

Li Luoyang doesn\'t want to be a piece of rotten meat in the pot, so the best way is to follow Mo Jiao\'s brigade. As for how to deal with the later things, we can only go step by step.

"Didn\'t you say it was coming? Why haven\'t you seen anything yet?"

When it was dark, the team had to camp. The memory of his previous life still lingers in Li Luoyang\'s heart. Under the circumstances of his previous life, it takes at most half a day to pick up people, either high-speed rail or airport.

But today, the big guy has been walking for almost a whole day. According to the strength of his feet, it is at least a distance of more than 100 miles. However, except for a few waves of refugees who fled, Li Luoyang didn\'t see the shadow of the so-called grain team at all.

"What\'s your hurry." Mo Jiao is holding a bowl of hot soup that has just boiled in her hand. It\'s good. After starting from Luoyang City, Mo Jiao has gradually become accustomed to Li Luoyang\'s living habits, such as not drinking raw water. Some things are actually a habit problem. Once they are formed, they are good.

"Of course I\'m in a hurry. It\'s good if there are demons and ghosts in the wilderness."

"Pooh!" Mo Jiao couldn\'t help laughing. Demons and ghosts, Li Luoyang can tell. At least he is also a man. Why are you so afraid of death? Besides, are there really ghosts in the world?

"Are you afraid of these things?"

"Why, are you not afraid?" Li Luoyang asked Mo Jiao.

"I\'m afraid? You also know where I came out. Do you think some of the people who fell into our hands didn\'t say some curses before they died? How did those curses come from? If you were afraid of those things, you wouldn\'t have been able to live long ago?"

After Mo Jiao said this, Li Luoyang suddenly realized that he had underestimated this woman in the past.