Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 506

Guo Shiguang was sent to prison and thrown into old man Zhu\'s pigsty. Mo Jiao and others took turns to fight. Although Guo Shiguang was also a martial artist and was top in all aspects of willpower, it was professional for liumen to eat this bowl of rice. In addition, with the "spiritual victory method" provided by Li Luoyang, Guo Shiguang finally couldn\'t eat and recruited everything after four days of torture.

For Guo Shiguang, this kind of interrogation method that doesn\'t have to bear the pain of flesh and blood but is tortured is really amazing. It\'s so magical that he didn\'t think about it. Naturally, he didn\'t have much preparation. In addition, he was not the kind of person who was willing to sell his life for Manichaeism. His ability to persist for four days has exceeded Li Luoyang\'s expectation.

However, Li Luoyang now has no leisure to know what Guo Shiguang has recruited, because Mo Jiao said two days ago that there were people from Baiyun Mountain, and he is also a person with high status and excellent natural martial arts. Although Li Luoyang can\'t openly help Wu Xinyi\'s relatives, he also has a way. He pestered old man Zhu, Don\'t let the old man get away.

The reason why Li Luoyang chose to pester old man Zhu was because he knew that Mo Jiao was hating him. If he provoked Mo Jiao at this time, he might be cleaned up by Mo Jiao as soon as he turned back. Li Luoyang would never think that Mo Jiao was a person who paid too much attention to feelings. Frankly, since she came out of six doors, everything about feelings had to make way for their work, Otherwise they won\'t be able to stand in the six doors.

Normally, it doesn\'t matter if everyone laughs. As long as it doesn\'t involve the basic work of six doors, but as long as it involves other people\'s own work, then the king of heaven and Lao Tzu won\'t sing. Don\'t forget that six doors is only responsible to the son of heaven.

Li Luoyang also knew how many kilograms he was in Mo Jiao\'s heart, so he avoided the important and ignored the important. He firmly grasped old man Zhu, the first expert in the six doors of Taiyuan mansion, and played the idea of encircling Wei and saving Zhao. Mo Jiao wanted to catch people from Baiyun Mountain. It was difficult for him to sit down without an expert like old man Zhu.

It\'s just that I wish the old man is not stupid. People are old and clever. People can understand the little tricks of Li Luoyang at a glance. However, no one knows the reason why I don\'t point out when I play with Li Luoyang.

However, on the third night, Li Luoyang was sleeping when he suddenly heard a "pa" on the roof.

It was the footsteps of people walking at night. They stepped on the tile surface. Some tiles will inevitably be decadent when they grow old. Even if the sparrow falls heavily, it will make a sound, let alone a person?

"Who is it?"

Li Luoyang opened his eyes but didn\'t open his mouth. He just put on his clothes quickly. Today\'s Taiyuan city has long been free from the panic of a few days ago, but there are still many hidden enemies.

For Li Luoyang, the real enemy is from Manichaeism, and another enemy may be the merchant Federation. Although Li Luoyang has guessed that the foundation of the merchant Federation should be related to the previous dynasty, and their leaders should know his identity, Li Luoyang can\'t guarantee whether they will attack him.

The desire for profit, not to mention the promise made hundreds of years ago, the honing of countless generations can turn diamonds into diamonds. How long can the mere verbal promise last? In short, Li Luoyang is not at ease, so he cleans up himself lightly but quickly. In this process, he still listens to the outside world for fear of missing a little information.

The voice on the roof never came out again, but Li Luoyang\'s feeling was more and more obvious. He was sure that there was a man on the roof just now, and he didn\'t leave.

This clear feeling even Li Luoyang couldn\'t tell where he came from, but his brain was clearly telling Li Luoyang that someone was on the roof. No, when Li Luoyang was dressed properly, the person was no longer on the roof, but outside his window.

"Friends outside, do I come out or do you come in?"

Li Luoyang didn\'t light the lamp. Although the light around him was very dim, it was not the degree that he couldn\'t see his fingers. Moreover, if he didn\'t light the lamp, Li Luoyang\'s vision would not be affected whether Li Luoyang went out or people outside came in. But if an oil lamp was lit in the room, when Li Luoyang\'s eyes adapted to the light of the oil lamp, Once in the dark, it takes time to adjust.


The window made a soft noise, both like someone buttoning the window and the sound of being blown by the wind. But Li Luoyang firmly believed that someone was buttoning the window. Since it was so obvious, Li Luoyang also took a long helpless breath. It seems that people\'s actions are not like fighting, but like coming to him to talk. Although they don\'t know which camp the person belongs to and what purpose they come to him, Li Luoyang knows that he can\'t restrain his curiosity, so even if he knows it\'s inappropriate, he finally went out, but left a line of words on his desk, The main thing is to tell Xiao Si\'er about his going out, so that no one knows where he has gone in case he doesn\'t come back.

Through the small yard, Li Luoyang saw a figure sitting on the wall. Because of the distance, he couldn\'t see the man\'s facial features clearly. More importantly, the figure of the man sitting on the wall was shaking. In other words, Li Luoyang could only be sure that it was a figure. It was impossible to distinguish between men and women.

Perhaps seeing Li Luoyang chasing out alone, the figure suddenly stood up and floated out of the yard like a dead leaf in the wind.

"Why? Isn\'t it good to chat in the yard? The moonlight is so beautiful and romantic."

Seeing that the shadow was obviously going to lead himself out of the yard, Li Luoyang hesitated a little. He stretched out his hand and bowed a handful of milky moonlight. Finally, he sighed and slowly accelerated his pace. He padded his feet gently before hitting the wall, and went up to the one person high courtyard wall.

Although this height is enough for Li Luoyang to easily win the high jump champion of the future Olympic Games and directly break the world record, Li Luoyang is not satisfied. At least his action is more just, and there is still a big gap compared with the one on the wall. At least in terms of lightness skills, he is not an opponent of his family.

Fortunately, after going up the fence, Li Luoyang can see farther. Li Luoyang sees the shadow of a person in front of a tree shade not far away. The reason why the other party doesn\'t go directly into the tree shade is that he is afraid that Li Luoyang can\'t find him.

"Well, now that I\'ve reached this point, I\'ll sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman today."

Li Luoyang shook his head and stepped down the wall. He ran to the figure. At this time, the figure turned around and continued to drill into the shade of the tree.

"Don\'t enter the forest. Why should I come in." standing in front of the shade, Li Luoyang hesitated again.