Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 505

It was three days later that I really saw the refugees.

At this time, both Zhou Dong and Li Guo have stepped into the boundary of Taiyuan government. As a martial arts master, Zhou Dong can often feel some things that ordinary people can\'t feel. In a popular way, the five senses are more acute, and there is also the sixth sense or even the seventh sense.

As for the order of the sixth sense and the seventh sense and what they feel, I\'m afraid it\'s not clear that Li Luoyang once lived in a world of prosperous science and technology. In fact, if Zhou Dong wants to say it himself, I\'m afraid he can\'t understand it.

Although Zhou Dong is a master of martial arts, his strength is in actual combat. He belongs to the master of the actual combat school. As long as he is on the spot against the enemy or directly imparting martial arts moves, he is absolutely at his fingertips. However, if he is required to summarize theoretically and abstract, he is not good at anything.

In Chinese history, there are always people who can be called martial arts masters every hundred years, but it is very rare to be called martial arts masters.

Master Wudao should not only have strong practical ability and teaching ability, but also have strong abstraction, induction and innovation ability. The simplest expression of the so-called abstract and inductive ability is that even if others are dead, reading only the books and manuscripts left behind can give people a sense of the essence of their martial arts, that is, they can transform their life into a dry language and make people understand. Basically, this realm is even a master.

Therefore, if you want to say that the great master competes with the great master, the victory or defeat may not be absolute. It is possible that the great master has played too much of a great master, and it is possible that the great master can not play a great master. However, when it comes to the inheritance of martial arts, the great master plays a far more important role than the great master.

If we have to cite a master of martial arts that everyone knows well, perhaps Zhang Sanfeng is a very good example. Although there have been rumors that Zhang Sanfeng has been regarded as an immortal, in fact, Zhang Sanfeng is a master of martial arts. He can not only gradually understand a complete set of system from the most basic Shaolin boxing, More importantly, we can pass on our achievements in various ways, which is the difference between great masters and great masters.

If it was a great master, I\'m afraid he could clearly say what he felt when he saw Taiyuan mansion and those refugees, and what effect these feelings had on him to change the current situation. Instead, Zhou Dong just felt it and couldn\'t even explain it to his disciples. He could only shake his head.

As soon as he shook his head, Li Guo became nervous. "Master, what\'s the matter? Can\'t you go in? How long will it take to get to Taiyuan mansion?"

"Nothing. Of course you can go in. I\'m afraid it will take another day or two to get to Taiyuan mansion. But now we have to find a place to change our clothes. In addition, let\'s see how much dry food we bring."

"Master, you are worried that there is no food after you go in."

"I don\'t think there will be no food anywhere because of the teacher\'s experience. The key is that we are two teachers and disciples now. If we find your brother and he is not alone, it will be more troublesome." Zhou Dong actually considers Zhou Xiang. After all, outsiders don\'t know what identity Li Luoyang is now, Zhou Dong and Li Guo can\'t guess that Li Luoyang not only lives in the government yamen, but also allows officials to be obedient to him. Even if everyone listened to Li Luoyang at the beginning, it was in the face of six doors, but now it is really different. The food shortage in Taiyuan has been greatly alleviated, and those officials who have no ghosts in their hearts recognized Li Luoyang\'s ability.

At least we don\'t have to be hungry, and the whole city is angry. These are Li Luoyang\'s abilities. Not to mention those officials who knew Zheng Shi\'s plan, they were relieved that they had no ability to oppose Zheng Shi\'s original plan, and even dared not have the plan to send their family away. At most, they secretly sent away one or two outstanding children and grandchildren, hoping that their family would not be cut off. If the fish died and the net was broken at the end of the day, None of these officials can slip away. Zheng Shifu has been an official in Taiyuan government for four years. The people below don\'t know his character.

These things are complicated to say, but it was Li Luoyang who finally broke the game, so we are still grateful to him from the bottom of our hearts. Not to mention another serious problem in Taiyuan government - the stagnant refugees outside the city, now also has a trend of differentiation, and how this trend is getting up is like a mirror in the hearts of some officials.

It\'s Li Luoyang again. At least among the news they got, Li Luoyang found that some farms scattered around Taiyuan mansion had hidden a lot of food, and these food had something to do with an organization. The imperial court and officials were exploding the hidden food in these farms, and the refugees knew that it was much easier to rob a farm than to attack a hard city, Therefore, a group of refugees have begun to leave Taiyuan quietly.

Although we are all poor people who are starving to death, the more in a crisis, the more selfish human beings will be, especially when they have a family. This is just like in the army, we are all men and comrades. It is normal for everyone to die together, or even for me to die for you. However, if I drag my family, I can die. My family can\'t die. I can\'t die easily for my family. Selfishness gradually occupies the main emotion, and people become selfish.

As a descendant of the hereditary six doors, Mo Jiao naturally has a certain level in the grasp of people\'s hearts. In addition, Zheng Shi, an old fox, operates together. How to divide the refugees and secretly convey different messages is not a problem for Mo Jiao and Zheng Shi if they are guided to the road they want.

With the passage of time, more than half of the 100000 refugees outside Taiyuan have disappeared in just three days. This is certainly a good thing for officials and ordinary people in Taiyuan. After all, the fewer refugees, the better things will be solved. If the refugees disappear, the gate can be opened. On the one hand, the food provided by the imperial court may be sent in soon, On the other hand, we can go out of town and start replanting, planting and hoping to harvest fruits.

Since the Han nationality solidified into an agricultural nationality, the persistence in land began to go deep into the genes of the Han people. Land is hope. People can only get back their land, and they are not afraid of anything.

However, the same thing is often a matter of joy and sorrow.