Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1081

The "battle" between women continued. Looking at the smiling red aunt, Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "since the red aunt took office, I naturally want to wash the dust for you." with that, Ouyang Wenjun turned and walked back to the kitchen. A moment later, he returned to Aunt Hong with yaochi Yulu: "Although aunt Hong has tasted the jade dew in yaochi, I believe that Aunt Hong also forgets to return. This bottle of wine is my congratulations to Aunt Hong on taking over the position of Luoyang City merchants Federation."

Aunt Hong got up and bent her knees to salute: "please bother Ouyang Wenjun. Yaochi Yulu is really a good wine. I\'m also coming to the moon with stars. I\'ll taste yaochi Yulu earlier." Aunt Hong is just a polite remark. Yaochi Yulu is really delicious, but after all, Ouyang Wenjun has nothing to do with the merchant Federation, and she also knows that Huang Ying and the headquarters of the merchant Federation have always been thinking about the secret recipe of the immortal drunk yaochi Yulu.

After drinking a cup of yaochi Yulu, aunt Hong put down her glass and said with a smile: "Ouyang Wenjun is in charge of the family. When I was in Lingnan City, I heard that Li Luoyang, who created the immortal drunk and yaochi Yulu, is missing, but it\'s true?"

Ouyang Wenjun reluctantly drank the wine in the cup, and then sighed: "yes, Li Luoyang has been missing for many days. So far, there is no news." Even if the other party is not from the merchant Federation at this time, Ouyang Wenjun will answer like this. However, she knows that Li Luoyang needs to hide at this time, and she is even more unlikely to disclose Li Luoyang\'s whereabouts to the merchant Federation. At this time, Ouyang Wenjun finally understands that Aunt Hong is inquiring about Li Luoyang\'s consumption. Her purpose is very simple. She wants to wait for the opportunity to seize the secret recipe. After all, she came to Wenjun\'s elegant building trip The thorn is Huang Ying of the merchant Federation.

"As far as I know, before Li Luoyang left, he didn\'t give the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu to boss Ouyang Wenjun. You should have the secret recipe of immortal intoxication in your hand, but the raw materials of immortal intoxication have been monopolized by GE Cheng, so there is no immortal intoxication sale in Wenjun\'s elegant building at this time."

"I don\'t know what aunt Hong meant by these words?"

"It\'s nothing. I just arrived here and also want to consider for the local businessmen. Although you are not from our businessmen\'s Federation, I admire you. I just want to help you. There is no raw material. The secret recipe for immortal intoxication is also a piece of waste paper. Why not sell it to us or go back to the businessmen\'s Federation. As long as we cooperate, we can make a lot of money soon Here we are waiting for the return of Li Luoyang. It\'s better to go back to the time when we worked together. "

Ouyang Wenjun didn\'t expect that Aunt Hong would be so direct. She actually wanted to get the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness, and wanted to take advantage of Li Luoyang\'s absence to pull Ouyang Wenjun back to the merchant Federation. If it was changed, Ouyang Wenjun might consider it, but the probability of reaching a consensus would also be very low. At this time, Li Luoyang has returned secretly, and the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu has been mastered Why did Ouyang Wenjun cooperate with aunt Hong again, but Ouyang Wenjun still needs to continue acting in order to avoid divulging the whereabouts of Li Luoyang.

"You and I are both businessmen. Business is based on honesty. Li Luoyang is the major shareholder of Wenjun Yazhu at this time. He needs to make any decision. He also created immortal drunkenness. He must decide whether to sell secret prescriptions. I have no right to deal with it."

Aunt Hong raised her mouth slightly and said in a low voice, "who knows how long Li Luoyang will return? If he doesn\'t return for a day, you will continue to wait. You can\'t brew without raw materials. Yaochi Yulu has no secret recipe. How long do you think you can persist?"

Ouyang\'s stationery smiled: "aunt Hong, you became a lobbyist as soon as you arrived in Luoyang today? I, Wenjun Yazhu, have their own way to go. There are still a lot of yaochi Yulu in the store, which doesn\'t need aunt Hong to worry about." at this time, you have mastered the secret recipe of yaochi Yulu, and the sale is no problem at all.

"You have a secret recipe and we have raw materials. This is the best time for cooperation. Most of the Wenjun Yazhu you worked hard to build has been given to others. Are you so emotionally willing? Maybe Li Luoyang won\'t come back in his life. Have you made the most long-term plan? I\'m just kind-hearted and have no other intention." Aunt Hong raised her glass and drank with a smile.

"Wenjun Yazhu is like my child. No matter who holds it, I hope it will grow stronger and stronger. Li Luoyang has a business mind and has more strength and talent. He can lead Wenjun Yazhu to create new brilliance. Naturally, I am willing to give Wenjun Yazhu to him. In contrast to the merchant Federation, to be honest, I met Ge Cheng yesterday and was willing to be 20 times higher than the market price He asked me to accompany him for one night. This behavior appeared in the merchant Federation. It was really cool. Even if I was buried with the secret recipe of immortality intoxication, I was absolutely unwilling to cooperate with such a person. "

After hearing Ouyang Wenjun\'s words, aunt Hong blushed. He didn\'t expect Ge Cheng to ignore the image of the merchant Federation and resist her anger. Aunt Hong said slowly with her teeth: "Boss Ouyang Wenjun, I will give you an account of Ge Cheng, but you also know that from tomorrow, the merchant Federation in Luoyang will be supervised by me. We can restart our cooperation."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and poured the wine for Aunt Hong\'s wine cup: "the snow has melted. Do you have a way to condense again? You can\'t reunite when your heart is cold. Wenjun Yazhu can still insist up to now, and you don\'t have to worry about Aunt Hong. You just arrived here, there are still many things to deal with, so it\'s inconvenient for me to accompany you today." with that, Ouyang Wenjun got up and walked back to the hospital, leaving aunt Hong alone.

After drinking a glass of wine, aunt Hong looked at the musicians and dancers, snorted and turned away.

In the backyard, Ye Yu hid in the dark. Seeing Ouyang Wenjun\'s return, he whispered, "aunt Hongyi of Yihua building."

"Yes, I didn\'t expect that she accepted the merchant Federation in Luoyang City. It seems that she will be sad in the future."

"Although I don\'t know about your businessmen, I have dealt with her in Lingnan city. This woman is not simple."

"Well, I\'ve heard of her. I hope you can find Luoyang earlier and tell him about it to raise his vigilance. The weather in Luoyang may change because of her arrival."

Ye Yu nodded and said slowly, "I\'ll go to the Lin family. When I come back, the one eyed dragon will be responsible for protecting Wenjun Yazhu. Although his martial arts are not high, he can at least cope with it." with that, Ye Yu went straight outside the gate of Wenjun Yazhu and went straight to the Lin family residence. She changed into ordinary clothes in the night. She was like an ordinary pedestrian, It didn\'t attract anyone\'s attention..

At this time, aunt Hong\'s carriage has stopped in front of the brothel. After the groom carried the luggage in the car into the brothel, he took aunt Hong to the merchant Union. At this time, Huang Ying and Ge Cheng are waiting in the merchant Union, full of goods previously transported here: Jinchuang medicine.