Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1080

At this time, the lights in Luoyang City are bright, but the dark tide surges in the seemingly calm night. A carriage is ushered in at the gate of the city. After the guard\'s inspection, the carriage enters the gate and goes straight to the brothel in Luoyang City. The carriage is full of boxes full of salutes. Aunt Hong shakes Pu Fanjing with a smile and sits in the car.

"Aunt Hong, Wenjun Yazhu." the groom sat in front of the car, saw the sign of Wenjun Yazhu on the street, turned and said to the car.


The groom immediately tightened the reins, and the carriage stopped at the door of Wenjun Yazhu. Aunt Hong looked out with a smile: "wait here, I\'ll go and have a look. I\'ve heard about Wenjun Yazhu for a long time, and I can finally see it today. Ouyang Wenjun is also a figure. I\'d like to see who is stronger and weaker than her." they are all women. Ouyang Wenjun built Wenjun Yazhu with his own strength, So is aunt Hong. Although they didn\'t meet, they both know each other\'s achievements in this troubled world, and aunt Hong also wants to see if there is any news about Li Luoyang.

Entering Wenjun\'s elegant building, beautiful music sounded in her ears, which was unprecedented and moving. Aunt Hong couldn\'t help but stop to enjoy it. She asked herself that her Yihua building was also one of the best in Lingnan city. Musicians were carefully selected and trained, but even so, she still couldn\'t play the music at this time.

It seemed as if she was telling a masterpiece through the ages. Aunt Hong couldn\'t help dancing with the music. She couldn\'t help it for a long time. Aunt Hong was immersed in the beautiful music.

At the end of the song and dance, aunt Hong came back to her senses. At this time, she noticed that there was a woman standing in the lobby. The woman also held a PU fan and stared at herself with a smile. Aunt Hong recognized that the woman in front of her must be Ouyang Wenjun. They looked at each other. Even without any words, they seemed to feel each other\'s hostility, and a silent war quietly rose.

"My guest, there is no one in Luoyang who can dance like you. Since you have come from a long distance, you might as well go in and have a rest." Ouyang Wenjun recognized that Aunt Hong was not from Luoyang. The dance was exquisite. Even the dancers in Sima Yingming\'s residence could not match it. There was no such person in Luoyang. Ouyang Wenjun expected that the other person was not local.

Aunt Hong knows the identity of Ouyang Wenjun, but Ouyang Wenjun doesn\'t know it. She just acts as a passing leisure guest.

"There is no such music as Wenjun Yazhu in Luoyang, which makes me relaxed and happy. I dance unconsciously and make a fool of myself."

"Where, where, this girl\'s dance is unique. It\'s really the most beautiful dance I\'ve ever seen. Please come inside."

The two complimented each other. Later, at a wooden table, aunt Hong looked left and right. The renovated Wenjun elegant building had a different flavor. It was much more elegant than her Yihua building. After all, Yihua building was a brothel and didn\'t need such elegant decoration.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled and said, "I don\'t know the girl\'s name?"

The corner of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "it\'s just a passer-by. I don\'t leave a name. I\'ve heard a lot about boss Ouyang Wenjun for a long time. It\'s the pride of our women to create Wenjun\'s elegant building with my own strength in this troubled world."

Ouyang Wenjun smiled faintly. From Aunt Hong\'s behavior, conversation and dress, Ouyang Wenjun decided that this woman was not simple, but she really couldn\'t think of who this person was. Ouyang Wenjun even felt that he was in the light and the other party was in the dark, as if he knew everything about himself, and he knew nothing about the other party, Even the name seems to be deliberately hidden.

"It\'s just forced by the world. Forced, I have no choice but to start Wenjun Yazhu. Everything is just to live."

Aunt Hong shook the Pu fan and said slowly, "I heard that there are two refreshing wines in Wenjun\'s elegant building, immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu?"

"The immortal drunk has been sold out. If you want to drink yaochi Yulu, there are still some in the store."

"No, I\'ve had the honor to taste it before. It\'s really a rare wine in the world."

"Really? I wonder where you\'ve tasted it? There are no restaurants selling immortal drunkenness and yaochi Yulu in other places." Ouyang Wenjun asked tentatively.

"Lingnan, bring it to my friend to taste."

Hearing aunt Hong\'s words, Ouyang Wenjun frowned and then smiled: "I said that the girl looks by no means ordinary. It turned out that she is the red aunt in charge of Yihua building in Lingnan city!" the other party just mentioned Lingnan, and Ouyang Wenjun has an answer. After all, in Lingnan City, except for the woman in charge of Yihua building, Ouyang Wenjun really can\'t think of a second choice.

The corner of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "it seems that boss Ouyang Wenjun has heard of me."

"That\'s natural. Compared with you, I really dare not mention it. I founded only a restaurant, while the girl opened a brothel. The terms and conditions of the restaurant are thousands of times more complex than mine. People\'s well-being and up-down management all need skills. It\'s even more valuable for Aunt Hong to have a foothold in it." Ouyang Wenjun also knows something about Aunt Hong, In the early years, aunt Hong founded Yihua building with her own strength, and then joined the local businessmen\'s Federation. The days were turbulent. At this time, Ouyang Wenjun was more concerned about why aunt Hong came back to Luoyang.

After listening to Xiao Si\'s story, Li Luoyang disappeared in Lingnan City, and Li Luoyang had returned at this time, and then Aunt Hong came here, which made Ouyang Wenjun doubt what her purpose of coming to Luoyang City was.

"Ouyang Wenjun is modest. I remember that you had a position in the merchant Federation in Luoyang City. If you hadn\'t left the merchant Federation at the beginning, the position of the person in charge here must be yours. I\'m curious why you chose to leave the merchant Federation at the beginning? Is it really just because of Li Luoyang?"

Since aunt Hong was arranged to take over Ge Cheng\'s position as the person in charge in Luoyang City, aunt Hong naturally did her homework. She learned that Ouyang Wenjun parted ways with the merchant Federation after Li Luoyang took a stake in Wenjun Yazhu, so he naturally thought that Ouyang Wenjun\'s separation was probably related to Li Luoyang.

And aunt Hong also knows that Ouyang Wenjun is not inferior to himself. If he had not separated from the merchant Federation, the person who took over Ge Cheng\'s position at this time would probably be Ouyang Wenjun in front of him.

Ouyang Wenjun smiled, covered his face with a PU fan and said slowly, "the merchant Federation is a constraint for me. I am used to freedom and don\'t like to act according to the rules of the merchant Federation. It\'s just that different ways don\'t work together."

The corner of aunt Hong\'s mouth rose slightly and said in a low voice, "I hope that boss Ouyang Wenjun\'s departure from the merchant Federation does not mean that he has become an enemy with us. I hope that after I take over the merchant Federation of Luoyang City, we still have the opportunity to have friendly cooperation."

Ouyang Wenjun frowned and asked with a smile, "so you\'re going to change Ge Cheng\'s position in the future?"

"I hope you can take care of it."