Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1076

The Wu family has been completely isolated from the outside world for many years, which has not only lost the ability and conditions to shop in the outside world, but also lost the space for progress and growth. Some of the family can make iron, but there are no raw materials to create new weapons. Some people can repair dilapidated wooden houses, but it takes an extremely long time to transport raw materials back from the forest. After all, the mountain road is rugged and can\'t walk, and some people can weave, But without any dye, everyone in the Wu family\'s clothes were sewn and mended.

Rouge powder is something that women yearn for. Wu Xinyi has never enjoyed it, and Wu has never owned it. That\'s why she gave up flower red and brewed wine in the mountains and forests. Many things in life need silver to buy raw materials and tools. However, the Wu family has long been divorced, which is also what Wu Tian has been most worried about, In the early years, my family could also provide some silver to outsiders, but my family hasn\'t sent silver for a long time.

Bai ran looked at the account book, and then said in a helpless whisper, "the days at home are almost the same. You know, all the things at home are purchased when you go out to look for food. At this time, you have no money to buy. Naturally, the family can\'t afford it. When our predecessors lived in seclusion here, they planned to be self-sufficient, but some things can\'t be done."

Wu Tian sighed: "We learned how to forge, weaving, and brewery, but we still could not learn the details of the silver. We could not learn that the sword in the hands of the younger generation had rotted away. The blacksmith had already closed down. He had no materials to forge. He went to the mountains to look for it. He used to remember that the old blacksmith in the old fellow went to the mountains and searched for raw materials."

Wu Qing picked up the wine pot and said slowly, "if we go on like this, even if no one forces us, we will leave Baiyun Mountain to find a way to survive." But what can the Wu family do when they leave Baiyun Mountain and go outside? Leaving Baiyun Mountain will only lead to the investigation of the imperial court and the entanglement of six doors. Under such pressure, let alone looking for hope for survival, even if they go out to find a job, it is estimated to be extremely difficult.

The Wu family pours wine for three people. One is an internal elder with high power, the other is an external master who covers the sky with only one hand, and the other is an external elder Wu Qing, who also plays an important role in the Wu family. The three are highly skilled in martial arts and have high power in the Wu family, but it is difficult to solve a practical problem, that is money.

Wu Xinyi, with a pink face and a little drunk, looked at the three people and was trying to say something. At this time, Wu whispered, "Xinyi, don\'t disturb them. Let them discuss it." this is a woman\'s etiquette. When men discuss business, women can\'t interrupt at all. Wu sat beside Wu Tian from the beginning without saying a word and won\'t disturb him.

Wu Xinyi smiled and said to Wu, "don\'t worry, mother. The reason why they are sad is why Luoyang let me come back."

Wu Xinyi\'s words made the three people immediately raise their heads and turn their eyes. Bai ran asked with a puzzled look: "why did Li Luoyang let you come back?"

In front of the crowd, Wu Xinyi took out a thick stack of silver tickets from her arms and put them on the table. Looking at each silver ticket of at least 1000 Liang, Wu Tian swallowed his saliva. Wu Qing kept rubbing his eyes. Only Bai ran looked light, but no one knew that his palm was full of sweat: "this is..."

Wu Xinyi said with a smile: "Oh, these were won back when Luoyang went to the casino. In only one morning, Luoyang won so much from 1000 Liang. He asked me to bring them back to my father." As Wu Xinyi spoke, her face was filled with pride. The problem that the Wu family was most worried about was not a problem in front of Li Luoyang, but just a morning.

Wu Tian seemed hesitant. He smiled and said to Wu Xinyi, "these are all given to you by Li Luoyang?"

"Well, he asked me to hand it over to you and let me tell you to deal with it at will."

"Not very good, so many." Wu Tian said, but his body was very honest. His hand on the table had begun to put the silver note against him.

Bai ran coughed twice and said slowly, "Xinyi, as far as I know, Li Luoyang is not a person who likes gambling. How can this gambling skill be so high?"

Wu Xinyi said slowly, "Luoyang really doesn\'t like gambling. He has no choice but to go to the casino. As for the money he won, I helped him. Anyway, he said it\'s no use staying with him. It\'s just my reward for protecting him over the years. Let me bring it back to you. This is also the reason why Luoyang let me come back this time."

Then Wu Xinyi told the story about the trip to Lingnan city with Li Luoyang. The three drank wine and listened to the story. The expression on their faces fluctuated with the development of the story. After listening to it, even Bai ran blushed: "this boy..."

Wu Qing laughed wildly and stood up, stepping on the stool: "hahaha, I said this boy is powerful, elder Bai ran. Now do you think there is a younger generation in the family who can compare with him?" At this time, Wu Qing is really drunk. There is no identity difference. Wu Qing\'s hand has even put on Bai Ran\'s shoulder. Bai ran doesn\'t mind about it. Compared with prudence, he prefers to get together with the Wu family. After all, he is a family.

Wu Tian sat aside and couldn\'t help but marvel: "one Li Luoyang and one Li Guo, the two brothers turned Lingnan upside down, and in the end, the imperial court didn\'t even know the existence of Li Luoyang and planned strategies to win thousands of miles. This son was definitely extraordinary, but he didn\'t expect such severe harm. He was ashamed."

Bai ran drinks a glass of beauty wine, shakes her head and says with a smile: "Heroes are born in troubled times. The Wu family pays attention to the cultivation of martial arts. If compared with martial arts, I still have some confidence. However, if you want to turn the city government and plan, no one in the younger generation of the family can beat Li Luoyang. He has such a mentality at such an age. I can\'t imagine what forged his character."

Wu Xinyi lowered her head with water mist in her eyes: "it\'s helpless to be forced. When he was the most depressed, everyone wanted his life. In order to live, he became so cautious. In this world, he never really believed anyone except his aunt and Li Guo. I\'m glad that after so long, I can finally trust him, and I cherish his trust."

Wu held Wu Xinyi in his arms and said with a smile, "it\'s hard for the child. It\'s also the mother. I can imagine how worried Lin Luoshui was before there was fluent chaos in Luoyang. However, Luoyang gave Lin Luoshui a great surprise. He not only survived, but also lived well. All these are Luoyang\'s own achievements. He deserves my daughter."

Wu Xinyi wiped her tears with shame: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

The corners of Wu\'s mouth rose slightly and said slowly, "heroes have always been matched with beauties. I believe Luoyang will be a hero in the future, and isn\'t my daughter beautiful?"
