Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1077

The problems of the past dynasties were easily solved when Wu Xinyi took out the silver ticket. However, the three people in the Wu family are also highly respected. It seems that they can\'t pull down this face to get the silver ticket on the table. Wu Qing smiled and said to Wu Tian, "master, you\'re still under your hand. After all, this is also the kindness of Luoyang and filial piety to the father-in-law." Wu Qing was drunk and naturally didn\'t have a door keeper. In addition, he was optimistic about Li Luoyang. Naturally, he wanted to push the boat with the water.

People are intoxicated but not drunk. In front of Bai ran, Wu Qing also wants to see his family\'s attitude.

Wu Tian coughed twice, then smiled and said, "anyway, Li Luoyang is still an outsider, not my Wu family. It\'s not good to easily take so much money from others." Wu Tian has let go. Although he calls Li Luoyang an outsider, after all, they added the word in front of him, and Wu Tian also turned his eyes to Bai ran.

Knowing what they meant, Bai ran turned to look at Wu Xinyi: "girl Xinyi, tell me what your attitude towards Li Luoyang is?"

Wu Xinyi subconsciously touched her lips. The ruddy face was obvious. When Wu saw it, he immediately asked, "Xinyi, you and Luoyang have..."

"No, no, I, we just..."

Seeing that Wu Xinyi was already shy, Wu Tian smiled helplessly: "elder Bai ran, look at this."

Bai ran waved her hand and said solemnly: "Wu Tian, you are the head of the family. Naturally, you know our rules. If outsiders want to marry the daughter of the head of the family, they need to go through strict tests. If Li Luoyang loves Xinyi girl, he will certainly come to the Wu family. You heard Xinyi\'s story just now. Do you think Li Luoyang will be difficult by these tests? If you can\'t even stand the test of the Wu family, who is qualified to marry Xinyi?"

After listening to Bai Ran\'s words, Wu Qing also applauded: "yes! I was wrong. I thought I shouldn\'t embarrass Luoyang and Xinyi. Elder Bai Ran\'s words woke me up. If this difficulty can\'t be passed smoothly, how can I deserve our Xinyi!"

Wu Tian laughed wildly: "Hahaha, that\'s right. Since you want to marry my daughter, you have to follow our rules. Although this assessment may be difficult, I hope to see Li Luoyang\'s spirit of not giving up. For my daughter, I\'d like to see how far he can achieve, but I\'d like to congratulate Wu Nian first. Li Guo has entered the military camp, is still Zhou Xiangong\'s camp, and is still in the army Compared with the future, the team leader must have a good future, but I don\'t know if he can become a leader in the military camp within a year. "

Bai ran frowned and said slowly, "I didn\'t expect Li Guo to join the army, but as long as he can recognize his position, it may be a good thing for us in the future."

Wu Xinyi looks at Bai ran suspiciously: "elder Bai ran, what\'s the purpose of your words?"

"It\'s okay, it\'s just wine talk. By the way, Wu Tian, this is Li Luoyang\'s intention. Why don\'t you take it."

With Bai Ran\'s words, Wu Tian didn\'t hesitate at this time. He put a thick stack of silver tickets into his arms. His previous sadness disappeared, raised his glass and smiled.

At this time, Wu Xinyi had another idea in her heart. She put down her glass and looked at the three people in front of her: "I have an idea. Can I discuss it with you?" In the original, in front of the three people, Wu Xinyi certainly did not dare to breathe. It was with Li Luoyang\'s silver ticket and strength that Wu Xinyi seemed to find self-confidence and began to have confidence in front of her father and elders.

Wu originally intended to persuade, but Bai ran smiled and said, "well, Xinyi finally has her own idea. Say, boldly, you are the one who has the most contact with the outside world among the young generation. You must have learned a lot from Li Luoyang."

Wu Xinyi stood up and said with a smile: "Luoyang has always been committed to doing business. Its purpose is actually very simple. If money is enough, it will be able to cohere and cultivate the forces that belong to him. If he is rich, he will have the chance to save Lin Bomu from Lin family in the future. So he has developed the immortal drunk and Yao Chi Yu Lu, and used perfume to cooperate with Sima Ying. But because of this action in south of the Five Ridges, perfume has been occupied by Sima Ying.

Immortal drunk stopped selling raw materials. I don\'t think there is much jade dew in yaochi in Wenjun Yazhu. In fact, up to now, most of the industries in Luoyang have lost money. I think we can cooperate with Luoyang. "

Bai ran nodded and said, "tell me about your plan. If it\'s credible, I can directly agree." Bai Ran has a high position in his family. As the head of the elder, he can decide everything except the owner of the family.

"First of all, the beauty wine brewed by my mother is more suitable for women to drink than shenxianzui and yaochi Yulu. Compared with Luoyang, such a good wine has not been developed at this time, and it is matched with the beauty wine brewed by shenxianzui. After improvement, I think it is not inferior to the beauty wine brewed by shenxianzui. Therefore, I plan to ask my mother to give me a bottle of beauty wine and secret recipe, and I will take it back to Luoyang for tasting. If I can, We began to cooperate. Every time we sold a bottle, we extracted a little silver and returned it to the Wu family library. "

Wu Qing slapped on the table: "OK! It\'s just a secret recipe. As long as we can sell one bottle, we all have money to turn. That\'s a good way! Sister-in-law, would you like to?" the people looked at Wu, who had been silent all the time. Wu glanced at Wu Tian. After Wu Tian nodded and allowed, Wu said: "This beautiful wine was originally brewed for the Wu family. Now it\'s a good thing to make money for the Wu family. I don\'t have any objection. I just don\'t know whether the taste can pass Li Luoyang. In your opinion, this wine is good, but it may not be feasible for him."

Bai ran nodded and said slowly, "Li Luoyang\'s wine making skill has reached heaven. Although the beauty wine has been improved with the secret recipe of immortal drunkenness, it may not meet his requirements. Wu Shi is right. Don\'t be happy too early. Maybe Li Luoyang won\'t agree to this cooperation."

Just when everyone was embarrassed, Wu Xinyi patted her chest and said, "believe me, he will promise to cooperate with us. I think the wine is good and he will accept it. Besides, if he dares not to accept it, I will fight until he accepts it!"

Looking at Wu Xinyi\'s appearance, Wu Tian turned his head and looked at Wu: "look, have a good look. This is the child you taught. There is no appearance of three obediences and four virtues."

Before Wu Tian finished, Wu grabbed Wu Tian\'s ear: "the children were educated together. Now it\'s my fault?"

"No, no, no, no, I\'m a little drunk. Let\'s talk about it when we get down."

Wu Qing is not used to it. Bai ran laughs wildly: "hahaha, well said, well said, who says women must be dignified? I like the temperament of Xinyi girl."