Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1056

Ouyang Wenjun came out of Xiaoyu\'s bedroom and met Xiao Si. Xiao Si looked at Ouyang Wenjun with a silly smile: "ha ha, sister Wenjun, I haven\'t seen you for a long time."

"Pa!" a crisp slap sounded. Xiao Si didn\'t even have time to respond, so she was kicked to the ground by Ouyang Wenjun, and then there was a crazy beating. She was suffocated during this period. Now she saw Xiao Si appear in front of her eyes safely. She naturally knew that Li Luoyang should be all right. The pressure was released instantly, and Ouyang Wenjun was unscrupulous.

"You took the damn thing and said it would disappear, regardless of Xiaoyu\'s concern. Do you know how we came over this time? Do you know Xiaoyu almost died?" Ouyang Wenjun cursed while holding Xiaosi on the ground. Xiaosi had to curl up with his head and wait for Ouyang Wenjun to vent, Xiao Si sat up helplessly and looked at Ouyang Wenjun.

The bruised little four wanted to cry and said, "sister Wenjun, if you want to fight, you should also fight my master. Why do you fight me? I just follow my master, and I didn\'t let him disappear."

"What are you talking about? Since you\'re with the boy Li Luoyang, why don\'t you write a letter to tell us that you\'re safe? At least let us know you\'re still alive!"

Looking at Ouyang Wenjun, who looked angry and seemed to want to attack himself, Xiao Si nodded again and again: "yes, yes, our fault, our fault, sister Wenjun, can we go in and talk? Shifu asked me to tell you something." Xiao Si didn\'t want his whereabouts to be revealed by others. Although there were no guests in Wenjun\'s elegant building, those musicians and dancers were outsiders, If you can\'t keep it, some of them will leak out the news of seeing Xiao Si coming back.

Hearing Xiao Si\'s words, Ouyang Wenjun naturally knew the seriousness of the matter. Otherwise, why didn\'t Li Luoyang appear in Wenjun\'s elegant building with Xiao Si: "go in." Ouyang Wenjun pushed Xiaoyu\'s room again. As soon as she walked in, Xiaoyu asked suspiciously, "sister Wenjun, what happened outside? I heard you seem to be arguing with others."

"Hum, it\'s not a quarrel, it\'s a beating. Come in." Ouyang Wenjun waved to the door. Xiaosi appeared in front of Xiaoyu. Looking at Xiaoyu, who was still giggling, Xiaoyu burst into tears and sat on the bed, covering her face and crying. Xiaosi hurried to the bedside: "Xiaoyu, are you okay? Don\'t cry. It\'s me."

Xiaoyu\'s trembling voice rang out slowly: "well, where have you been these days? Do you know how worried we are about you? What\'s the matter with you and your face? What happened?"

Ouyang Wenjun smiled: "don\'t worry, I beat this guy\'s face. I\'ve seen it carefully. He\'s not hurt and can stand the toss. Xiaoyu, don\'t cry. Xiao Si has come back safely."

Xiao Si held Xiao Yu and sat by the bed. Looking at Xiao Yu who had lost a lot of weight, Xiao Si felt some heartache: "let me see how your injury is recovering." Xiao Si was also anxious. He opened his hands and wanted to uncover Xiao Yu\'s clothes. Xiao Yu Li was about to push Xiao Si away: "you, what are you doing?"

Ouyang Wenjun said helplessly, "Xiao Si, Xiao Yu is not your person yet. Pay attention to your behavior." although they love each other, they still don\'t have substantive fame after all. Xiao Si\'s rash behavior is a serious crime in this era.

Xiao Si smiled awkwardly: "yes, yes, I forgot. I was just too worried. I forgot in a hurry."

Xiaoyu tightly grasped the collar, blushed and whispered, "I, my injury is all right. Fortunately, with the herbal medicine of brother Luoyang, my injury can recover so quickly, but..."

"Just what?"

"It\'s just that there is a wound on her back, which is very long, deep and ugly. Would you mind?" Xiaoyu is naturally worried that the wound on her back like a centipede will make Xiaosi dislike. Who doesn\'t want her other half to be perfect. Xiaoyu is afraid that Xiaosi will leave her.

Xiao Si hugged Xiao Yu and hugged him in his arms: "silly girl, how can I mind? As long as you are safe, I swear, if I have a chance, I will avenge you with this knife, and I will scratch it on the assassin\'s face and make him uncomfortable all his life."

Xiaoyu wept, her hands around Xiaosi\'s abdomen and held Xiaosi tightly: "thank you, Xiaosi."

"Cough." Ouyang Wenjun really couldn\'t see it anymore: "I said you\'d better avoid kissing again. I\'m still here."

Xiao Si smiled: "sister Wenjun, it\'s been a hard time for you. Shifu and I already knew about the attack on Wenjun Yazhu, and Chaijin told Shifu what happened." since he learned that Wenjun Yazhu was attacked, Xiao Si has been worried about Xiaoyu\'s safety until it is determined that Xiaoyu and Ouyang Wenjun are safe, The stone in Li Luoyang and Xiao Si\'s heart is just falling to the ground.

More happily, on the ship from Lingnan city to Luoyang City, Li Luoyang accidentally got the identity of the assassin. He was the head of the newly opened brothel in Luoyang City and the merchant Federation.

"Chai Jin told you what happened? It seems that my guess is indeed correct. You are indeed with the people of Liangshan park. Since you are so close in Liangshan, why don\'t you let someone inform us so that we don\'t worry about your safety day and night."

Liangshanpo is very close to Luoyang City. It only takes one night to get back and forth. Ouyang Wenjun thinks that Li Luoyang in Liangshanpo has the opportunity to send someone back to Luoyang City at any time. Since Li Luoyang disappeared until now, there is no news about him, which is also the reason why Ouyang Wenjun has been worried.

Xiao Si sat on the bed holding Xiao Yu and said helplessly: "Sister Wen Jun, I can\'t blame Shifu. Shifu really has something to say. His whereabouts and actions can\'t be known to anyone, not even the people in Luoyang. Even Shifu\'s mother doesn\'t know Shifu\'s whereabouts. Shifu has told me that I can\'t mention his whereabouts to anyone before the action is completed. Besides, I don\'t have a chance to write to you. Thank you Is it a guest to go to Liangshanpo for us? Is there so much freedom? "

After listening to Xiao Si\'s words, Ouyang Wenjun immediately felt that what happened must be complicated, so she went outside the door and told no one to enter the backyard. Then she returned to Xiao Yu\'s bedroom, sat quietly in front of the round table and looked at Xiao Si: "well, what happened to you? Now you can say that no one will find your whereabouts."

Xiaoyu held Xiaosi and asked in a low voice, "yes, it seems that you have experienced a lot during this time."

Xiao Si sighed helplessly and said slowly, "I haven\'t experienced much, but master has experienced much." he was just controlled in Liangshanpo and became a hostage to coerce Li Luoyang. After Xiao Si listened to Li Luoyang\'s action, he also pinched a sweat for it. Fortunately, Li Luoyang returned safely.