Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1055

Wenjun built the door gracefully, and Xiao Si stepped into a familiar place. However, at this time, there was no excitement before. Even the running hall at the door was gone. Looking inside, in the empty lobby, only the musician was playing the music created by Li Luoyang before. Only one person sat at the wooden table and seemed to enjoy the music.

Looking carefully, Xiao Si recognized that the only guest was tiger skin. He was about to say hello, but he remembered Li Luoyang\'s words, so Xiao Si, hiding at the door, whispered to himself: "Master said that no one can know our whereabouts except sister Wenjun and Xiaoyu. Although tiger skin\'s attitude has been very clear, he is still a man of six doors after all."

Little four poked out his head to observe in the lobby. Tiger skin was listening to the music. He seemed absent-minded when he was free. Naturally, he was thinking about his plans for the future.

Xiao Si crept into the gate, stuck his body on the wall and moved towards the backyard to avoid the sight of the tiger skin. Just as Xiao Si was about to reach the backyard gate, he put his hand on Xiao Si\'s shoulder. The tiger skin stood behind Xiao Si and put a big knife on Xiao Si\'s neck with a smile: "Boy, it\'s a guest to enter the door, but it\'s an enemy to enter here. Who are you and who let you come!"

Seeing someone moving furtively in the backyard, tiger skin naturally became suspicious, but it was seen that this guy wanted to sneak into the backyard in this way. Tiger skin felt that this guy didn\'t seem to have martial arts skills. Otherwise, how could he choose to sneak into the backyard without such technical content.

Xiao Si sighed helplessly. Now that he was found, Xiao Si planned to show his identity and have a good talk with tiger skin. Tiger skin caught a mysterious man who was going to sneak into the backyard. Musicians on one side came one after another to hide people\'s eyes and ears. Xiao Si immediately whispered to tiger skin: "Captain tiger skin, it\'s my fourth. Don\'t look and make a noise. Take me to a place where there is no one. Let\'s talk."

Tiger skin frowned and looked surprised until he saw Xiao Si wipe the black mud off his face. Tiger skin believed Xiao Si\'s words. He immediately took Xiao Si to the backyard. They came to the rockery in Wenjun Yazhu\'s backyard garden. Tiger skin immediately asked, "Xiao Si, are you really back? Where\'s Luoyang? Where\'s Xiao Hui?"

"Captain tiger skin, I\'ll explain these to you later. There\'s one thing I want your proof."

"Me? What\'s the matter?"

"Shifu and I have met Xiaohui. Xiaohui also said that it was your help to leave Luoyang this time. You also explained your future plans to Xiaohui. Do you want to worship my Shifu as a teacher?" Xiao Si looks at the tiger skin seriously. He needs to verify the idea of the tiger skin. He also wants to try to test the sincerity of the tiger skin. If he just returns to Luoyang and is exposed to the eyes of the enemy, Xiao Si doesn\'t know how to face Li Luoyang.

Without any hesitation, the tiger skin looked straight at Xiao Si, clenched his fist and was afraid of beating his chest: "My tiger skin is a liar? Xiao Hui and I are brothers in life and death. Besides, I admire Luoyang very much. I can do great things with Luoyang and stay in six doors all my life. As long as I can become an apprentice of Luoyang master with Xiao Hui brothers, I\'m willing to be on the ground. If there is a breach of heaven, I\'ll beat the thunder!"

Looking at the sincere appearance of the tiger skin, Xiao Si smiled and put his hand on the tiger skin\'s shoulder. Xiao Si coughed and made a serious appearance of an expert in the world: "in that case, just like Xiao Hui, call me elder martial brother. I\'m the first disciple of master and naturally your elder martial brother."

Tiger skin was about to slap Xiao Si in the face. He suddenly looked at Xiao Si in surprise: "you, do you mean Luoyang will accept me as an apprentice?"

Xiao Si knows that although he can\'t mention Li Luoyang to make a decision, he knows Li Luoyang. If Li Luoyang doesn\'t have such a plan, he won\'t accept Xiao Hui\'s opinion. At this time, in order to ensure that the tiger skin can help him hide the news of Li Luoyang\'s return with himself, Xiao Si can only use this delaying tactic: "Yes, Shifu has agreed to younger martial brother Xiao Hui\'s request and is willing to accept you as an apprentice. Why? Don\'t you want to call me elder martial brother?"

The tiger skin smiled foolishly and honestly. To Xiao Si\'s surprise, the tiger skin knelt down on one knee directly, lowered his head and said slowly, "the tiger skin pays a visit to the eldest martial brother."

Xiao Si quickly helped the tiger skin up: "do you need it?"

"That\'s natural! From now on, you will be my senior brother."

Xiao Si smiled and then said, "tiger skin, master and I came back today and didn\'t want anyone to know. Except sister Wenjun, Xiao Yu and you, our whereabouts must not be known to others, do you understand?"

"Don\'t worry, elder martial brother. I haven\'t thought about Xiao Hui\'s whereabouts. How can Mo Yuntian reveal your whereabouts with Shifu? Where is Shifu now?"

"Shifu is in Luoyang now. We just came back. Don\'t ask where you are going. By the way, tiger skin and Xiaohui have completely left the six doors and are arranged by Shifu in a hidden place. What\'s your plan now?"

Tiger skin frowned and said slowly, "since I sincerely follow master, I naturally want to stay with master, but I know that once I leave the six doors, Mo Yuntian will not let me go, so I don\'t know what I can do." Although tiger skin had the heart to leave the six doors to follow Li Luoyang, he never had any plans. After all, he was mentally weak. He had been waiting for Li Luoyang to arrange for him after the meeting.

Xiao Si bowed his head for a moment, then whispered in tiger skin\'s ear: "If you haven\'t seen me, continue to carry out the protection task in Wen Jun\'s Ya Zhu, master will soon announce that he has returned, and master will naturally arrange for you. I believe that master will let you look for ash, which is where you can completely avoid six door lines, so long as you can get safety there."

"Will you leave Luoyang? Can\'t you stay with master?"

"Don\'t worry, it\'s only temporary. Shifu naturally has his arrangement, and Xiaohui is not idle. Shifu has taught Xiaohui martial arts, and he probably has practiced it now." Xiaosi said with a smile.

Tiger skin stared with wide eyes and roared in a low voice: "that boy has already learned? I knew I went to Liangshanpo to find my master."

Xiao Si patted the shoulder of the tiger skin and said with a smile, "don\'t care so much, junior brother. Listen to the arrangement. But I want to remind you that what Shifu hates most is that someone betrays him. In the future, you can\'t touch Shifu\'s bottom line anyway, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

The tiger skin was resolute and said firmly in his eyes, "that\'s nature! I swear that if I betray my master in this life, I will die."

"That\'s enough, that\'s enough. It\'s not so serious. You go back to the lobby and continue to be nothing. I\'ll find sister Wenjun and Xiaoyu. Shifu asked me to tell them something."

Tiger skin nodded hard, immediately turned back to the lobby, pretended that nothing had happened, sat in the previous position and continued to enjoy the music, but the sadness on his face disappeared and replaced by a smile.