Wu Tang Flourishing age

Chapter 1051

"I can\'t stand it! Please kill me and give me a good time!"

Sure enough, Li Luoyang did not expect that when the ants covered the man\'s body, the tingling pain from his body at the same time had exceeded his bearing range. The man who had never been exposed to such torture finally lost the battle and began to beg for mercy from Li Luoyang.

Li Luoyang is like a man who doesn\'t care. He sits not far away and looks at the man. He doesn\'t seem to plan to free the man immediately. Instead, he looks at the play with schadenfreude: "don\'t worry, enjoy it." Li Luoyang knows that if he agrees to the other party\'s request so soon, he won\'t cherish it so much. Only when he reaches the limit of the man can he free himself, In order to achieve the desired effect of Li Luoyang, the pressing questions can be easier at that time.

The man bit his teeth, his eyes full of blood, and stared at Li Luoyang fiercely: "beast! Kill me, come and kill me!" the stabbing pain on his body made him feel desperate. They were not given such treatment in the training of six doors. Countless ants nibbled at the man\'s body bit by bit, and every bite was accompanied by a sharp pain, Hundreds of thousands of ants came from the biting without dead corners, which made the man want to cry without tears. He never thought he was so eager to die and end his life immediately.

Xiao Si sat aside and looked at the man\'s distorted expression. He never thought that there could be such a way to make people collapse. The man\'s expression was telling him that this was the biggest torture he had endured in his life: "master, will he die if he goes on like this?"

Li Luoyang deliberately raised his tone and explained to Xiao Si with a smile: "Don\'t worry, he won\'t die. Those ants will leave after eating the sugar water. Just give him some sugar water at that time. A new round of offensive will soon come again, and he can enjoy it again. This pain comes from nerves and won\'t die. In the end, maybe this guy will get used to it, and it\'s not necessarily like this feeling."

Xiao Si covered his mouth and smiled: "like this feeling? Hahaha, I think he enjoys it now."

The man slowly raised his head and looked at Li Luoyang. His eyes changed from blood to tears: "I move, I move, I move everything. I\'ll tell you what you want to know! Let these things leave my body, I beg you!"

Li Luoyang raised his mouth slightly and turned to look at Xiao Si: "go and get a basin of water."

With a basin of water, Xiao Si jumped directly at the man. He fell asleep and was washed by the water flow. Suddenly, there was a large area of ants on the man, and only a few sporadic ants were still sticking to the wound. Compared with the previous feeling, the man immediately felt relaxed, avant-garde and all relaxed.

Li Luoyang looked at the man with a smile: "say it, as long as you can satisfy me, I can give you a pleasure and leave you a whole body. Otherwise, I will have more means to make you miserable. Next time, I will pull away the skin on your feet and let countless insects drill into your skin, so that you can taste the beauty of being swallowed by thousands of insects."

Listening to Li Luoyang\'s words, the man felt his back cold and his scalp numb. In his eyes, Li Luoyang was like a devil at this time. Otherwise, how could he think of such a means to torture people: "what do you want to know? I tell you everything. As long as you don\'t let these damn things climb on me, I\'ll give you whatever you want!" The man doesn\'t want to bear the despair and pain just now again. He cherishes the sense of ease at this time. He is willing to die in such a situation, and he doesn\'t want to die in a pile of insects.

"How many of your men are arranged to ambush me around here?"

The man did not hesitate: "Four teams of men and horses are all ambushed on the only way to the four gates of Luoyang City. Our team is responsible for the area near the west gate, that is, the sheep\'s intestines path. We have a total of 15 people. You, you killed two just now, including my third, and there are twelve people from six gates in the distance. No, but I think you have made a good disguise and seem to know me We will ambush you. This is why? "

After seeing Xiao Si, the people of liumen noticed that Li Luoyang was ready to disguise. It was obvious that he had known the plan of liumen, which made the man never figure out. Except Mo Yuntian and the four groups of people who ambushed Li Luoyang team, no one knew about it. Mo Jiao was not in Luoyang at this time, and Sima Yingming didn\'t know Mo Yuntian\'s ambush plan, In the end, what link has a loophole, so that Li Luoyang is ready to deal with it in advance.

The little four on the side said proudly, "don\'t you see who my master is? Hum! Before we came back, master already knew that you would ambush us. Mo Yuntian and Sima Yingming in the city don\'t want my master to go back."

The man frowned and stared at Li Luoyang: "did you really know in advance? There was a traitor in our six doors. Li Luoyang, I am already dying. Please tell me who betrayed us?" The man naturally wanted to be an understanding ghost before he died. This action was very secret. He was not betrayed. He definitely didn\'t think of anything else that could let Li Luoyang know their plan in advance and never gave an early warning.

Li Luoyang smiled and whispered: "My analysis is very rare for Sima Ying Ming, and it is the only chance to win the perfume, and Sima Ying Ming is a very good ladder for Mo Yun Tian. He can help Mo Yun Tian to determine the opportunity to enter the headquarters. The two people naturally do not want me to come back safely, so I suppose there is likely to be an ambush outside Luoyang, which is ready for you to see. Come on, my worry still helped me, otherwise I might die here today! "

"Nonsense! It\'s impossible. How can you gain insight into our actions just by virtue of analysis? It\'s impossible!"

Li Luoyang shook his head and said slowly: "You\'re wrong. In fact, I\'m just guessing. I\'m not sure, but simple camouflage doesn\'t take much time and can\'t delay anything. A few minutes of camouflage can ensure my life. Why don\'t I try? Why can\'t I live with my life? I just bought an insurance for myself. How could I expect it to be so effective."

The man stared at Li Luoyang, then shook his head reluctantly: "I heard you were smart. Unexpectedly, you were so wise? Our team hid one of them as the boss of the tea stall just in case, but I didn\'t expect you to discover his identity so soon. It seems that we are doomed to failure."

"Who is your captain?"

The man looked at the kitchen and shook his head helplessly. His face was full of loss and despair. Then he whispered, "the tea stall owner you killed is our captain. He thought his identity could be best hidden, but he didn\'t expect to fail in the end. The other team members don\'t even know what happened here."